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10391: Computer Hardware
... Ethical Concerns: · Inoculate IT Virus Scanner · Server Backup, Fire wall · Power Protection for Server Code Of Conduct: No Disks unless virus scanned No Explicit Downloads Etc Recommendations For change: I have not done an absolutely new system as it would be costly and worthless. Most of the computers have good enough specs to run the software it needs to. Although here are some highly recommended changes. Optical Mice: This would greatly ... take to much space and don’t need a flat surface to be used on. They are not used much for PCs. Optical MouseOptical mouse have come of popularity in recent years. Now with most new computers an optical mouse will be included. They are not very expensive and are low maintenance. Graphic TabletTablets are Mostly used in PDFs which are a very modern small computer which fits in your palm ... reliable OS. WINDOWS Microsoft Windows was started by a geek called Bill Gates in the 70's. Bill gates is now a major share holder in Microsoft and one of the richest men in the world. Windows is by far the most popular OS, both in business and for the home user. Like Mac OS it features a colourful GUI and stacks of media software, such as the popular Windows ...
10392: Juvenile Delinquency
... successful parents and worse, yet, many parents today are already contributing to the ever increasing problem of juvenile delinquency simply by not knowing how to be parents. Being a parent is a lifelong commitment and new parents must learn parenting skills immediately; they do not have the luxury of internships and often times, mistakes in parenting will have drastic effects on the child. There are many reasons for the widespread crisis ... have reduced the number of adults who provide interaction, structure and supervision in a child's life. Along with this, institutions have not kept pace in providing alternative programs for unsupervised kids. Add to this new parenting expectations that come with single parent and step- parent families and you now have a confusing, often inconsistent and/ or unreliable home base for children. Confusion About Parent Roles and Parent Control - When children ... the dinner table and ask about their day. They have a right for respect and decency and they have a right to not be victimized by those people who chose to bring them into this world. They have a right to be able to learn respect for other people, respect for authority and respect for themselves. Children have a right to effective parenting. In conclusion, I would agree there are ...
10393: The Impact of Persecution On Amish Culture
... 4), stimulated William Penn to invite the Amish, among other persecuted religious groups, to come to Pennsylvania ("The Amish"). Afterwards, over a period of approximately two centuries, most of the Amish left Europe to establish new communities in the Americas and live a life without persecution (Hostetler 38-40). Although the Amish, throughout history, were the victims of violent attacks, they never abandoned their doctrine of defenseless non-resistance. This demonstrates ... a hand against another human being. The teachings of the Amish state that this life is important only as preparation for the "next life." It is of major importance to obey the teachings of the New Testament as closely as possible. Thus, they "do not resist evil," and furthermore, they almost always refuse to interact with the "worldly" institutions, such as the court system, to punish those who do violence to ... persecutions resulted in the formation of a solidarity among the Amish and in a stable social order. The emigration to America gave them the possibility to establish their own communities and separate themselves from the world. This would not have been possible in the more densely populated Europe. Without the persecution, due to their defenseless non-violence, and the refusal to serve in the army, it is most likely that ...
10394: Civilization In Egypt
... weaken. The nobles began to gain some of the power. Egypt was invaded by the Hyksos, which were mixtures of the Semites and Indo-Europeans. They were not driven out until 1570B.C. Then a new and revived empire began. Egypt was not interested in the development of their civilization or the progress of it. They were mainly interested in the stable and long lasting terms of civilization. They wanted to ... History, Third Edition, by Marvin Perry copyright 1997 by Houghton Mifflin Company Sources Of The Western Tradition, edited by Perry, Peden and Von Laue, Volume II, Fourth Edition. copyright 1999 by Houghton Mifflin Company The World Book Encyclopedia copyright 1982 by World Book
10395: Sinking Of The Titanic
... families. The Americans and the French spent many hours looking for the wreckage of the Titanic. The French and the Americans joined forces to find the wreckage, and during this period the French revealed their new sonar equipment that enabled them to survey a half-mile strip of land each time it passed by. On June 28, 1985 the Americans revealed a ship with one of the worlds strongest sonar detectors to search for the Titanic (" Mute Testimony Of The Wreckage" 706,704). The new ship the Americans had, had cameras and manuverable arms (" A Long Last Look At The Titanic" 705). On the first run of the American sonar ship "J.J" they spotted one of the giant boilers ... artifacts that were found resemble many things still used today. The sinking of the Titanic still amazes people today. When the people boarded one of the largest luxury liners, people came from all over the world just to see it. Then four days later the ship that was supposed to be unsinkable, sank causing people to think that anything was possible. Some people want to raise the wreckage, but others ...
10396: Diana
By: brett Princess Diana In a changing world like ours today there is many uncertainties. There is one thing we are sure about, that's our own pass. When you look back at your life are you gonna see yourself as a leader or a follower? There is one woman from the last century, one that sticks out, to have been a leader for us. With the dawn of a new millenium upon us we need more women like Princess Diana to step up and become leaders in this changing world. Born July 1, 1961 near Sandringham, Norfolk. She was not born into poverty or had a rough life growing up. Her case was far from rags to riches story, like many want to believe. ...
10397: The Great Depression
The Great Depression The Great Depression took place from 1930-1939 and was being felt around the world. During this time the prices of stock fell 40%. 9,000 banks went out of business and 9 million savings accounts were wiped out. 86,00 businesses failed, and wages were decreased by an average ... 1935 there was still no sign of the end of The Depression and the public was dissatisfied with the governments actions. Canadian Prime Minister R.B. Bennett developed his own version of Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal. Bennett promised to establish unemployment insurance, set a minimum wage, control the hours of work, guarantee fair treatment for workers, and control prices. Yet the public thought that these promises were attempts to win ... really happen. Mackenzie King was elected Prime Minister and brought Canada out of The Depression by creating jobs to prepare Canada in case of a war. By 1939 The Great Depression was finally over but World War II was just beginning.
10398: Gun Control and Freedom
... today in the United States. The number of people who die each year from handguns, most of whom are children, is 100 times higher in the United States than in many other countries around the world. Gun violence among children and youth under the age of 18 seems to be the most major problem facing the United States today. Thousands of children die or are wounded every year due to handguns ... must come through a changed collective consciousness of the American people. This change can only occur through mass education; one cannot legislate people's minds, only educate. Instead of passing gun control laws or instituting new waiting periods for gun sales, the government should concentrate on funding education for the youth about the effects of violence. The children of the United States are clearly the next generation of possible gun owners ... are in all likelihood already too set in their ways to change substantially, even if it is for a good cause. Change will begin with the young. Educational programs must be instituted that create a new way of thinking about violence perpetrated by guns. Children must be made to understand the gravity involved in taking the life of another human being. They must be introduced in a stark manner to ...
10399: Democracy in Ancient Greece
Democracy in Ancient Greece The Greeks were very advanced for their time. They realized that they need a new form of government and they were able to invent the first democratic government in the world. The democracy that the Greeks came up with was based on two important factors. The first one was the population growth in Athens grew at a very fast rate. The second was the advocating of ... end four classes were developed to rank the male citizens of Athens based on their income. The five- hundred-measure men, horsemen, yoked men, and laborers were the four classes that were devised by this new system of codes and laws. In the Athenian society both the theories failed the men, and in turn the men failed the theories. Some of the theories that the rulers came up with needed ...
10400: The Story Of My Life By Helen
... every occasion to enrich Helens mind was seized. Each concept contributed to wealth of information and insight she possessed. Ms. Keller’s deftly woven tales of discovering a flower bloom, her rich interpretations of experiencing new literature, or her vivid use of details to describe the natural wonders of the world that she felt so connected too, are all nothing short of brilliant. Even more astonishing is that these descriptions pour through the typewriter of a woman whose only vision was through her fingertips. Clearly The ... the end, it is this blind and deaf woman, or the special needs child who have overcome such misfortune, that succeed where others fail at sharpening our eyes and ears to the beauty of the world.

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