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10351: The Mass Media and Politics
... government implies the power of the mass media. The information relayed by the media to the people has played a major part in the democracy of the United States. The advancing technologies in today's world help the media to portray their political views. Television provides the opportunity for political figures to address the public directly, instead of through written means only. In the early 1800's few people actually subscribed ... the people. Almost 80% of all United States television coverage of government officials focuses on the President. (Remy 534) The President of the United States is one of the most powerful government officials in the world, and the public needs to be informed about the things he is involved in. The mutual relationship between the mass media and the President has positive results for both sides. Sometimes, however, the connection between ... media is at the beginning of a long chain, but nonetheless, the media has a powerful effect on politics in the United States. Works Cited Cirino, Robert. Power to Persuade Mass Media and the News. New York: Bantam Books, 1974. Gottfried, Ted. Privacy. Connecticut: Millbrook Press, 1994. Remy, Richard C. United States Government Democracy in Action. Ohio: McGraw-Hill, 1999.
10352: Quotas are Outdated in Affirmative Action Programs
Quotas are Outdated in Affirmative Action Programs Affirmative action legislation has helped in the fight for equality for minorities and women in the American society; however, time has come for new legislation to replace or abolish affirmative action as we know it. In affirmative action's beginning, the government needed laws to help aid the blending of minorities and women in American economics and culture. In a world economy that grows more competitive with every passing day, our quota system is a dead weight to the American businesses that are trying to survive. Not only is advancement based on race and gender but ... s workforce must reflect that diversity to succeed” (1996, p. 51). To keep affirmative action programs (quotas) is simply a detriment to everyone involved. How do you suppose a black man feels about getting a new job simply on the basis of his color instead of his qualifications? The system is simply outdated for the qualified man who is passed over, regardless. The system is a slap in the face ...
10353: Articles of Confederation
... of the greatest political documents of all time: The Constitution. With the implement of the Constitution, the United States government became effective. The product of some of the greatest minds to ever exist in this world, the Articles did have some positive effects on society. It successfully put an end to the Revolutionary War, it negotiated a favorable end to the war in the Treaty of Paris, and created a model for the admission of new territories courtesy of the Northwest Ordinance. Nonetheless, it was much too weak to give the new nation the necessary foundation on which the growth of society could be started from. For one thing, any amendment of the Articles required a unanimous vote throughout the colonies. Since this was almost impossible, ...
10354: Developing A Reward Strategy T
Developing a Reward Strategy that Delivers Shareholder and Employee Value The New Competitive Context: Today business faces the biggest and most difficult times ahead. With the ever changing moods and directions that business is taking almost daily, it is impossible to have a strategy set in place ... leverage on business success. Keep in mind that aligning key drivers is critical. Finally remember to develop a reward strategy that fits your company. Take your common reward system and look at it from a new uncommon perspective, and develop a competitive advantage so strong that it will command the attention of your competitive world.
10355: Nuclear Physicists And The Development Of A Nuclear Bomb
... s years than any other activity. Over the years Einstein proposed unified field theories in various mathematical forms. Flaws were detected in his theories one by one, usually by Einstein himself. Undiscouraged, he would try new formulations, only to see them fail in turn. Sooner or later most of the other scientists who had joined the search gave it up. Einstein kept on, aware that many of his colleagues thought he ... of life, of the marvelous structure of reality," he wrote. "It is enough if one tries merely to comprehend a little of this mystery each day." With this credo Einstein had already given humanity a new view of the physical universe, and a model for what a person of conscience may achieve. Einstein thought that if only he could find the right unified field theory, this theory might also explain the structure of matter. Thus he could fill the troubling gap in quantum theory -- the inability to describe the world otherwise than in terms of mere probabilities. He doubted his ability to find this "more complete theory," but he was convinced that someday, somebody would find it. "I cannot," he admitted, "base this conviction ...
10356: The Scarlet Letter 9
... story. Hester is bearing it for the first time. The letter means adultery. The scene is also a turning point because it shows the connection with the strange man (Roger Chillingworth.) Roger Chillingworth is a new character being introduced. The hidden relationship between Hester and Chillingworth will lead to many events and turn the story in a different direction that is not just about the scarlet letter, but about Hester¹s ... to know about his affair with Hester. He is trying to keep his reputation intact. Pearl sees how is reacting to what she said and points out his cowardness. She says that he is not brave. When Pearl says this, Dimmesdale is hurt. By Pearl telling him that he is not brave, it pushed him to confess sooner. This scene is a turning point because Dimmesdale¹s fear is revealed. He is very afraid to have the town know what he has done. He is the ...
10357: The Pearl Book Report
... of the story is located in the southernmost part of California , in Mexico , near the town La Paz. It is the story of a fisherman who found a pearl beyond price , the Pearl of the World. With the pearl, he hoped to buy peace and happiness for himself, his wife and their little son. Instead he found that peace and happiness are not to be purchased. They are, themselves, pearls beyond price. The most important persons: Kino: a young fisherman and pearl diver, very poor, wanted to give his wife and child new clothes, good food, a new house etc. So he had to find a big pearl, a giant pearl. He had to find it soon. He was strong and his black hair hung over his brown forehead. His eyes were ...
10358: Sex Education In The Classroom
Ignorance of sex education has left our world suffering from a variety of venereal diseases, abortion, neglected children, and sadly enough, even death. This is a very serious problem not only for our children today but also for children of the future generations ... lead to death. Diseases, though, are not all our youths have to worry about. Pregnancy is another major concern. "The United States has the highest rate of teen pregnancy and births in the Western civilized world" (Shake Heights). Our teens need to know that infants born to teen mothers are much more likely to have health problems (Shake Heights). By informing them of birth control, we are not necessarily saying it ... a little wiser when making their decision. Works Cited Glazer, Sarah. "Sex Education: How Well Does It Work?" Editorial Research Reports. 23 June 1989. Haas, Dr. Kurt, and Dr. Adelaide Haas. Understanding Sexuality. 3rd ed. New York: Mosby, 1993. Planned Parenthood. AZ Fact Sheet. 3 Feb. 1999. 12 Feb.1999 . Shaker Heights Teen Health Corps. Teen Pregnancy. 3 Jan. 1999. 12 Feb. 1999 .
10359: The Amish Family Life
... is served at every meal. The lighter meal commonly consists of soup, cheese or bologna, and fruit. Snacks are usually apples, cookies, or leftovers. Teaching Implications Because of their desire to remain separate from the world, sharing information and new ways of doing things with the Amish can be difficult. Very few have telephones and most do not attend public meetings. Going to their homes, places of business, or schools may be the best method ... will purchase instant baby cereals. Milk is not always served to the children as a beverage, but is used on cereals and in cakes and cookies. Because of their lack of exposure to the outside world (including radio, television, and magazines), Amish children are influenced solely by their parents' and extended family's eating habits. However, as more young people are forced to seek jobs in the outside community, their ...
10360: Huck Finn Vs. 19th Cevtury Eth
... In many cases Huck goes with his conscience, which always proves to be proper selection. Ironically, what Huck believes in, unapproved of in the ninetieth century, is the basis of accepted beliefs in our modern world. Huck lives with the guilt that all his choices could be considered immoral based on his society; yet, really his beliefs could be just in comparison to man’s conscience. Three of the major instances ... horribly, and Huck himself would always be known for helping the runaway nigger. Then he changes his mind again, wanting to accept the consequences of his actions, and wanting to confess his sins because he new Providence was watching him the whole time. Huck, after writing the letter to Miss Watson, suddenly realizes how good Jim had treated him this whole time, rips up the letter. He makes a final to ... too Huck was proud of himself for trying to save the gang. This attempt on Huck’s part to save the gang shows how his conscience was not influenced by the opinions of his surrounding world. He believed that no man deserves to die no matter what crime they commit, and I believe this opinion is one of truth and intelligence, and one that should be entrusted in every person’ ...

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