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10321: Catherine The Great: Empress Of All Russia
... December 20, 1957, she gave birth to her daughter, Anna Petrovna Romanov. Elizabeth died on December 25, 1761, and Catherine’s husband succeeded as Peter III. Erratic, unstable, and contemptuous of his Russian subjects, the new ruler soon made himself unpopular, especially with certain German officers. Led by Alexei Orlov (whose brother Grigori was Catherine’s lover) the officers staged a coup in June 1762. Peter was deposed (and subsequently murdered ... Catherine established the Free Economic Society to encourage the modernization of agriculture and industry. She promoted trade and the development of underpopulated regions by inviting foreign settlers such as the Volga Germans, and she founded new towns (Odessa, for example) and enterprises on the Black Sea. Herself a prolific writer, Catherine patronized arts and letters, permitted the establishment of private printing presses, and relaxed censorship rules. Under her guidance the University ... second son) were special to her. Upon the death of Catherine on November 17, 1796, modern Russian society was organized and its culture had struck firm roots. Russia was also playing a determining role in world affairs. Bibliography 1. Scott, Robert, H., “Catherine the Great” Microsoft(R) Encarta, Microsoft Corp., 1995. 2. Http://www.guide.spb.ru/culture-n-history/history/cathii/index.html. 3. Http://www.cityvision2000.com/history/ ...
10322: Delaware
... The First State and The Diamond State. It got the nickname The First State because it was the first state to ratify the constitution. It got the nickname the Diamond State because they are the world leaders in diamond mining. Delaware was some really neat geography because they have swamps, rivers, lakes, but they really don’t really have a lot mountains. They have the biggest natural cypress swamp in the world and Pocomoke Swamp the northern most swamp in the United States. They have a couple rivers the Christina and Brandywine Creek. As for lakes the have Chesapeake Bay and Delaware Bay. Delaware has a lot ... Delaware museum of natural history and a state history museum, which are all in the Capitol, Dover. Historical sites and Recreation of Delaware are far and few but really cool. One of the sites is New Castle, with a historic district containing many 17th and 18th century buildings. “Old Swedes” church in Wilmington. Fort Delaware (Completed in 1860) on pea patch island. Dickinson House (built in 1740) near Dover, and ...
10323: Brian Mulroney And The Free Tr
... the two major issues that were an advantage for him were: his image in the public's eye and the 1988 Free Trade Agreement with the United States. Canada's ability to compete on a world market was of primary importance to Brian Mulroney, one that he felt had been eroded by years of Liberal social spending. Canadian economic success could only be secured by access to foreign markets; this Mulroney ... with the United States. Martin Brian Mulroney was born in Baie-Comeau, Quebec in 1939, the son of an electrician. At fourteen, the young Mulroney went to St. Thomas, a Catholic high school in Chatham, New Brunswick. In 1955, he attended St. Frands Xavier University in Antigonish, Nova Scotia, studying arts and commerce before majoring in political science. After graduating with honours in 1959, Mulroney started studying law at Dalhousie University ... trade looked like a policy whose time had finallly arrived. "Throughout our history, trade has been critical to Canada's livelihood. Now, almost one third of what we produce is exported. Few countries in the world are so dependent on trade. This trend ultimately threatens the jobs of many Canadians and the living standards of the nation as a whole. We must confront this threat. We must reverse this trend. ...
10324: Men And Women Were Created Equ
... over the last few decades have started to take active roles and their rightful place in society. They have made major inroads in working opportunities, including government, science and even the military. They are reshaping world history and are very proud. Internationally, women have achieved the highest office in several countries, such as: Indira Gandhi of India, Golda Meir of Israel, and Margaret Thatcher of Great Britain. Hilary Clinton is currently running for a senate seat in New York and if she is successful, could one day follow in her husband’s footsteps and become the first female President of the United States. These women have all obtained equal roles and respect as ... and Jean Chretien. Other examples of women who have favourably impacted on today’s society are the late Mother Theresa and Lady Diana. These ladies’ tireless efforts for the good of humanity impacted the whole world. Only in the 20th century, and most recently in the last 20 years, have women overcome social barriers and been allowed to obtain a scientific education. Today, women are becoming an ever-increasing percentage ...
10325: Has Political Islam Failed in Algeria?
Has Political Islam Failed in Algeria? The question whether Political Islam has failed or not due to the internal structure of the Islamic political movement, in either Algeria or any other country in the Islamic World, is an important question for the analysis of the politicized Islamic phenomena. Olivier Roy sees the movement as a failure, not only in Algeria but also in the whole area from Casablanca to Tashkent, the ... Islamic . Thus, the Algerian society suffered from both cultural divisions and economic frustration which gave rise to the FIS. As a way to gain the lost legitimacy the mono-party people's assembly approved a new multi-party constitution under which the formation of the FIS ( Islamic Salvation Front) took place. In one year time, FIS was very successfully able to spread its popularity among the frustrated population by a doctrine ... example of what Roy is mentioning in his book as reasons for the failure. "The absence of an Islamic Alternative" is one of the main points behind the failure of political Islam in the Muslim World. Roy argues that Islamist thinkers did not provide the population with any other alternative to the existing situation that is the main reason for their frustration. Saying that Islam is the solution would not ...
10326: Role Models: A Bright Red Peel on a Rotten Apple
... they always seem to want to take the bigger bone. How many murders committed by normal people did not make the front line of the newspaper in the past two years because there were some new developments in the O.J. Simpson case, such as DNA evidence or pictures of shoes? The days are long gone when big-time athletes were real people. The athlete's new role in society is one of endorsements, media and hype. The more attention they get the better, despite what is morally correct. But while leaders who happen to be athletes, are forgiven for their wrongdoings ... of office and the worker in private industry is fired. Why do Dennis Rodman's Head butts and Tonya Harding's attacks receive more publicity than Mother Theresa's or Jimmy Carter's work for world peace. Perhaps the role models the media presents to us should be more scrutinized. The declining morals and values of our society are linked to the sensationalizations of the media. Rather than looking to ...
10327: Logictisicul Agnosticism Philo
... answer is an addition to past questions and ideas discussed in the past. Previous explanations are used to answer newly formulated questions and past answers are used to comprehend recent explanations. In the cycle, no new concepts or revolutionary concepts are devised. Human thought is a reflection of past ideas and continuously uses archaic ideals to explain contemporary questions. Therefore, are religious concepts on which people mold their lives to are ... of false answers and recycled excuses, masked as explanations. Religious answers are subject to a need for deeper analysis due to the way the answers were conceived due to the questionable validity of the sources. New answers to ancient questions should be formulated and examined. A newer, more contemporary thought process is vital to adapting concepts to an ever-changing societal point of view. Another question is does your explanations make ... are only a mental insurance policy for life after death but that is a good reason to believe in something if you do not have any information to back you up other wise. If the world is a means to an end, why didn't God skip the intervening stages and create the end? He created an animal that in its creation was already decide of its outcome with a ...
10328: Role Of Mass Media In Politics
... diving in and printing some potentially damaging evidence, or one could also argue that they do not want to be the ones to diffuse the truth. I n The Candidate at the first banquet the new upstart attends, while giving a speech we can hear the reporter telling the cameraman, "OK, shut it off, we got enough". The candidate had not even spoken two or three complete sentences before being cut ... they report, and still, we do not always get told the truth. In closing, I offer the thought that the media should not be so critical in what it reports to the population in the world of politics. If we are to continue to have the greatest country on the planet, we need to be informed of all the facts that are readily available about our State Representatives, Senators and Presidents ... the election took place. This country was built on honesty and integrity and hopefully it will continue to prosper with these values, but as in the past deterioration is sometimes inevitable in the big money world of American political system.
10329: George Dantzig
... introducing "linear programming". Linear programming is used to allocate resources, plan production, schedule workers, plan investment portfolios and formulate marketing (and military) strategies. The versatility and economic impact of linear programming in today's industrial world is truly impressive. Dantzig became a research mathematician with the RAND Corporation in 1952, and then in 1960 he was appointed professor at Berkeley and Chairman of the Operations Research Center. While there he wrote ... any other researcher to the development of linear programming. Computer scientist Laszlo Lovasz said in 1980: "If one would take statistics about which mathematical problem is using up most of the computer time in the world, then (not including database handling problems like sorting and searching) the answer would probably be linear programming. In his words: "The tremendous power of the simplex method is a constant surprise to me." The list ... problems. The problem grew out of work done by G.F.B. Riemann, a 19th century mathematician, and was considered virtually insolvable. But Nash wound up solving it. To do so, he invented a completely new method for approaching the problem that turned out to unlock a difficulty encountered in a far larger class of problems. Most mathematicians consider this and other work Nash did in pure mathematics to be ...
10330: How We Got The King James Vers
... of the church. This conference failed its purpose, but one of the best translations of the word of God came from it. John Reynolds, president of Corpus Christi College, was the sole motivator for this new translation and he was the one that got King James to start on the translation. His immediately got James attention and he soon started the translations soon after There was one stipulation that James had and it was that there be no notes in the margins of the new book. He found all those notes to be untrue and dangerous to kings. Within Six months the general plans were drawn up and ready to be carried out. James had had to choose scholars that ... total process was completed in less than six years. In the year 1611, the final copy of the King James translation of the Bible was available to citizens. “…the King James Version is known the world over and is more widely read than any other translation of the holy Scriptures.” (Bible Believers’ Resource Page) This reason for the King James translation was so that the people could read the Bible ...

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