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Search results 10311 - 10320 of 22819 matching essays
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10311: Description For The Existance
... replied that they had not done much because when the teacher tried to call roll, the kids kept arguing about whether they existed or not. Most of us who live and work in the real world do not concern ourselves with such activities. We realize that such discussions may have value and interest in the academic world, but the stress and pressure of day-to-day life forces us to deal with a very pragmatic way of making decisions. If I ask you to prove to me that you have $2.00 ... had to come into existence out of nothing. From empty space with no force, no matter, no energy, and no intelligence, matter would have to become existent. Even if this could happen by some strange new process unknown to science today, there is a logical problem. In order for matter to come out of nothing, all of our scientific laws dealing with the conservation of matter/energy would have to ...
10312: Aids In Africa
... more than 14 million have died these far. In some countries one in four adults infected, the majority under the age of 25. In South Africa, which has the highest rate of infection in the world, 3.5 million people will die in the next decade. The united nations has called the spread of aids in Africa "The worst infectious disease catastrophe since the bubonic plague," which killed one- third of ... surely welcome, but this figure is woefully inadequate when measured against the scale of the problem. The u.s. spends 7 billion a year on aids prevention, treatment and research at home, where 40,000 new cases are diagnosed every year. In Africa 5.6 million new cases appear annually in countries with the most ill equipped health care systems on earth. The stigma attached to ADIS has hampered efforts to curb the epidemic. That is may be where yesterday's ...
10313: Do Companies Have Business Con
... managed to eliminate virtually all its ozone-depleting substances a year and half before company's goal, and 2 years ahead of the worldwide ban. Now AT&T does not have to worry about the new U.S. law that requires companies to put warning labels on all goods that contain or are manufactured with ozone-depleting substances. The company figures that the cost of tracking and labeling all the tiny ... cover pages and using electronic rather than printed media. The department was consuming 22 percent less paper within a year. Today, AT&T is one of the companies that has the reputation of saving the world. Company's 'goes green' not only create a better place for communities, but also helping the company to save on a lot of costs. Herman Miller, Inc., proves that financial success and a constant striving ... But the U.S. Olympic Committee, which is responsible for fielding the U.S. team, depends on the American people to support these talented athletes. The U.S is the only major nation in the world whose Olympic athletes do not receive a continuing government subsidy. U.S competitors are supported solely by private donations. P&G has initiated several programs to help raise these funds, giving millions of Americans ...
10314: Les Miserables
... out eyes off of the stage, and even if you can, the music will take your breath away! I have seen the play 3 times and I don't think I enjoy anything in this world more than watching that play! Les Miserables starts off on a chain gang in France. The sheriff comes out and gives one of the convicts his release papers. This convict is the lead role who ... daughter horribly and when the boss finds out that she has a daughter he thinks of her as a prostitute and kicks her out of the factory, which is in the town in which the new honest Valjean is the mayor. To support her child Fantine sells her chain and her locks of hair. Then later because she can't find work becomes a prostitute. Later a respected person in the ... Valjean goes to the innkeepers house and pays for their troubles even though they have been absolutely horrible and abusive to her. The daughters name is Cosset and she instantly falls in love with her new "father." On the long trip home the two become very close and when they get back they find out that Fantine, Cossets mother has died. So Cosset agrees with delight to stay with Valjean. ...
10315: Review of Citizen Kane
... ridiculous. Susan is unrealistically forced and pressured to continue her operatic career, and in a "montage," the show tours throughout the country, to cities where Inquirer papers are located - Washington, San Francisco, St. Louis, Detroit, New York. The papers all give her glowing reviews. But her career fizzles out, symbolized by the flickering and blackening out of a lightbulb. After one of her performances Susan attempts to commit suicide. Kane refuses to accept her deliberate act of suicide, refusing to believe that she would want to leave his world. Kane explains away the facts of the deed as the result of the strain and excitement of preparing for a new opera. Their relationship has begun to collapse, showing signs of strain under his discretionary pressure. Susan tells Charlie, who keeps a vigil at her bedside, how her feelings meant nothing to him.Kane builds ...
10316: Driving
... get transportation to go to work. They will have to ask their parents to drive them everywhere, which drives the parents nuts. In responding , one can say that teenagers always complain about the Ԥgrown upԬ world and its rules. Teens find it rather hard to be part of the grown up worl until they have the licence to go out on their own. Basically, the whole concept of graduated licencing is ... must be a fully licensed driver beside you with at least four years of driving experience in the G1 level. 2) There is a year waiting period between the G1 level and G2 level. 3) New drivers may only drive in cities, not on highways, and only during daytime hours. Even though there is a 1 month waiting period between G1 level and G2 level, it can be shortened to 8 ... even below the legal limit. I personally think the government did the right thing in establishing graduated licenseing. Who could have known? A few little changes may have saved so many lives and made our world a better and safer place to live in. Everyone feels safer knowing that the people who are driving with them on the road have more knowledge and experience.
10317: Benjamin Franklin, Jonathan Edwards, and Anne Bradstreet: Relationships With Others
... faults with people, and that is he trusts people too much. He has too much faith in people and whether that is because of his deist ways, and how he looks at things in the world,and through reason. His trust in people and things often leads him into small troubles. His drunken friend Collins borrowed much money from Franklin promising to pay it back. Of course, it was never payed ... early in his life is salvation. He must have salvation. He believes he has been saved too and he goes on to point this out: “From the about that time I began to have a new kind of apprehensions and Ideas of Christ, and the works of redemption, and the glorious way of salvation by Him. I had an inward, sweet sense of these things, that at timescame into my heart ... I need no more, Farewell, my pelf, farewell my store.”(p. 133) She knows that all the things that she really needs are in heaven and that can’t be taken away from her. “The world no longer let me love, My hope and treasure lies above.” (p.134) Somewhat of a problem with Bradstreet is her attactment with some of her aquaintances. She is really attached to her granddaughter ...
10318: I, Robot, A Metaphorical Analy
... it. In the book i, Robot, Isaac Asimov, gives a series of short stories relating to the creation, "life" and the evolution of robot kind. The robotss in his story are experimented with and changed, new things are put in when old one don't work, in fact the robots in his story are much like a pot that a child would throw things into and see how they turn out ... it. In the book i, Robot, Isaac Asimov, gives a series of short stories relating to the creation, "life" and the evolution of robot kind. The robots in his story are experimented with and changed, new things are put in when old one don't work, in fact the robots in his story are much like a pot that a child would throw things into and see how they turn out ... kind, QT-1 is designed to work on energy creation facilities, and were meant to replace the need for humans. These robots are the pioneers of the self awareness. They have a curiosity of the world around, as well as inside themselves. This curiosity eventually leads to the necessity to scrap the whole batch of them. The very thing that has allowed humankind to evolve, other than opposable thumbs, is ...
10319: 1984 2
... peoples minds are essentially not theirs anymore. The government tells them how to think. Conformity and this unilateral thinking throughout the entire population can have disastrous results. Orwell also tells us it has become a "world of monstrous machines and terrifying weapons. Warriors fighting, triumphing, persecuting... 3 million people all with the same face." (page 64). George Orwell was born in India and brought up with the British upper class beliefs ... as a "last words", though it was his final work, as he collapsed and was bed-ridden for two years before he died. He did marry several months before his death saying it gave him new reason to live. Orwell s creation of Winston Smith shows a character who is: "in struggle against the system, occasionally against himself, but rarely against other people. One thinks of Orwell s having thrown his ... novels, Animal Farm, supporting the ideas of corruption and an unattainable utopian society which were presented here in Nineteen Eighty-Four. With this novel, Orwell also introduced the genre of the dystopic novel into the world of literature.
10320: Affirmative Action
... on the old "Jim Crow" ideologies. One example of racism is the blatant recruitment practices by extremist groups such as the "Skin-heads" and the old "Ku Klux Klan". These organized racist groups are using new technology (The Internet) and some of the old tactics (rallies and terrorism) to pollute the minds of the American youth. Another example of racism is of the covert variety. This variety uses demographics to screen ... look also stirs up a question of dignity that needs to be answered before making a decision on affirmative action. Does affirmative action simply change who is discriminated against and makes it legal for the new discriminators? An equal opportunity for the African Americans, for the most part, has remained more wishful thinking than fact. African American students are continuing to struggle for an education. In society today, many educational institutions offer scholarships for minorities. Ethnic minority students can further their education from the elementary level to the PhD level. However, for a minority student, all the financial assistance in the world is not going to pay for the racial discrimination that they may receive, while attending an educational facility. Equal opportunities for African Americans continue to be hard work and wishful thinking. African American business ...

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