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10291: Franco Zeffirelli and Baz Luhrmann's Romeo and Juliet
... this sort of turf. This location helps to describe the extreme situation of the fighting families. Also, the masquerade ball of the Capulets occurs in a believable location: a giant dance hall, reminiscent of many New York night clubs and discos. With a soaring ceiling and a wall-long tropical fish tank, Romeo and Juliet meet, as if attending a fantastic high school dance. In Zeffirelli's version of Shakespeare, however ... to a modern viewer. The 1996 version of the play consequently captures the spirit of Shakespeare's writing: to entertain any audience. Said the director, Baz Luhrmann of the film: The idea behind the 'created world' was that it's a made up world composed of 20th century icons, and these images are there to clarify what's being said, because once [the viewer understands] it, the power and the beauty of the language [work] its magic.
10292: The Soliloquies of Hamlet
... of their characters. In Shakespeare's “Hamlet, Prince of Denmark,” we can trace Hamlet's mental process through his soliloquies. Hamlet's first soliloquy reveals him to be thoroughly disgusted with Gertrude, Claudius, and the world in general. “How weary, stale, flat and unprofitable, seem to me all the uses of this world” (1284), he said. He is saddened by the death of his father, who he admired as a king and husband to his mother. His grief over his father's death is compounded by his mother ... action to avenge his father. He realizes that he has cause to kill Claudius, but cannot muster the chutzpah to go through with it. He said, “Why, what an ass am I! This is most brave, that I...must, like a whore, unpack my heart with words” (1314). He also expresses some doubt that the ghost was telling the truth. He said, “The spirit that I have seen May be ...
10293: The Character of Macbeth
... imagining to be ‘horrible'(1:3 L137) and ‘makes my seated heart knock at my ribs' (1:3 L135), showing that the whole idea disgusts and horrifies him, as it would any man who was brave and noble, but Macbeth cannot stop thinking about it, showing that he is considering the idea and is drawn to it, and that he has ambitions to be king within him already. Macbeth is drawn ... blooded murderer, who would have no such scruples. However, his language becomes more and more to do with evil as is shown by a large part of his soliloquy - ‘Now o'er the one half-world Nature seems dead, and wicked dreams abuse the curtained sleep. Witchcraft celebrates pale Hecate's off'rings, and withered murderer alarumed by his sentinel, the wolf, whose howl's his watch, thus with his stealthy pace, with Tarquin's ravishing strides, towards his design moves like a ghost.'(2:1 L49-46). At the beginning of this quote, Macbeth thinks that the world seems unnatural, and everything belonging to nature is dead, and nightmares are left to disturb sleep. He then goes on to think about the supernatural - Hecate was a goddess of witchcraft - and he thinks ...
10294: A Good Man Is Hard To Find 2
... with a tiny place to dance. At one time Red Sammy found pleasure from the restaurant but now he is afraid to leave the door unlatched. He has given in to the "meanness" of the world. In contrast to the horrible Tower is the grandmother's peaceful memories of the plantation house that is filled with wonderful treasures. However, the family never reach this house because this house does not even ... s intelligence and mannerisms. O'Connor's writing is so clear in this passage,and her entire work for that matter, because she will not separate what pleases her from what disgusts her. In her world, lacy chinaberry trees and chattering monkeys form a single image and are perfect for one another. This helps the reader become more aware to O'Connor's complex cartoon martyrs. Di Renzo says in his ... to Flannery O'Connor's intentional satirical writing. Works Cited Di Renzo, Anthony. American Gargoyles: Flannery O'Connor and the Medieval Grotesque. Carbondale and Edwardsville: Southern Illinois University Press,1993. O'Connor, Flannery. Collected Works. New York: Library Classics of the United States,Inc. 1988.
10295: Tenets Of Wordsworth In Resolution And Independence
... As a child, Wordsworth never understood life, because he never looked to nature for inspiration or guidance. Presently, Wordsworth feels he that he is "a happy Child of earth," because he walks "far from the world. . . far from all care" (31, 33). He begins a search to find a way to live in harmony with himself, God, and nature. During his search, he finds an old man, the leech-gatherer, who ... at ease. He searches nature for an answer, but nature does not bring reconciliation to his distraught emotions. The poet has an overwhelming feeling of angst. Upon seeing the old man, Wordsworth is given a new hope for a way to gain the inner peace that he has been looking for. The old man serves as a role model for Wordsworth. Resolution and Independence 1 There was a roaring in the ... the sky-lark warbling in the sky; And I bethought me of the playful hare; Even such a happy Child of earth am I; Even as these blissful creatures do I fare; Far from the world I walk, and from all care; But there may come another day to me- Solitude, pain of heart, distress, and poverty. 6 My whole life I have lived in pleasant thought, As if life' ...
10296: Tender Mercies
"Tender Mercies," written by Horton Foote, is a screenplay, which presents to the reader ordinary people, who are trying to live decently in an unpredictable and violent world. The reader comes to be aware of many dramatic scenes where the central characters have come to experience many complex but yet fascinating situations in their lives. Reading this screenplay the reader will come to ... if a caterpillar had died and had emerged as a butterfly. With their help, Mac had the ability to recognize life by becoming sober and starting all over. He, thus, learns that Rosa Lee, his new wife, and Sunny, his stepson, are way too important to him to ever start drinking again. Being acquainted with such a situation and how Mac was given another chance to start over his life, the ... was because she wanted to get approval for her seeing a man that her mother disapproved of. Another reason was so that she can get money from her father after she runs off with her new boyfriend because she knew that she would be unable to get money from her mother. Unfortunately, Mac was unable to get very close to his daughter as he had in mind because his daughter ...
10297: Going To College
... To others it is just an all out four year party. To me college is a place to extend my educational career. And a place that can help me to be prepared for the real world and to place me in a job that will secure my future. When I go to college I hope I can keep my priorities straight. I do not want to be swayed by any thing that could hurt my educational investment. I believe that I can adjust to new surroundings and be able to work to my full potential. My thoughts lately have been concentrated on the adaptation that college freshmen will endure, and while that thought truly scares me it also excites me ... to learn and to have the ability to pick classes which interest and challenge me. I also know that the power of choice can also hurt many students is the fact that you have a new freedom of deciding if you want to go to class or not and there are quite a number of student that abuse this freedom. I can only hope that the things I do in ...
10298: American Violence
... the killing of the very old) is classified as “murder” in modern law, but such practices were viewed as customary and acceptable early in America’s history when the settlers first arrived on the continent. New laws or views of existing laws may make criminal acts that were once legal; or, on the other hand, they may legalize acts that were once criminal. For example, the 18th Amendment to the United ... this mutual recognition, society could not function in peace. Yet having laws drives some people to want to break these laws, peoples need to rebel may actually cause violence. All other societies in the ancient world devised sets of laws. In the 7th century BC, a lawgiver named Draco drew up a very harsh code that punished offenses, no matter how trivial, with death. Not many years later, another Greek lawgiver ... brain damage because their mothers abused alcohol or other drugs during pregnancy. Sometimes people who abuse children are repeating a pattern of child abuse learned when they were young. So the outcome is a whole new generation of more violent people. Psychiatric evaluations of abused children show that they have a tendency to grow up and be violent towards others themselves. They are impressioned to commit crimes because that is ...
10299: Baleric Islands
... Mediterranean Sea, more than just another holiday destination, Ibiza is a way of life...a state of mind. Ever since the 60's when the white island became a place for hippies all over the world, Ibiza has grown into a place to spend the summer months. With a large area of nightlife, DJs and clubbers, and with one of the most beautiful landscapes on earth, Ibiza is sure to continue ... into the future. Ibiza is described as the island of parties. In the 60's, cult religious leader Baghwan Shree Rejneesh chose this island as a center for his quasi-religious events, and introduced a new form of religious worship. Disciples were encouraged to take a drug, originally developed to assist in the combat of mental illness, before dancing themselves into a magical, spiritual trance. The name of the drug was MDMA. Rediscovered by the jet set in the late 80's, ecstasy, as it became known, launched thousands of wild party nights across the world. Information about traveling to Ibiza was also provided on this site. One of the funny ones was: Be as discreet and careful about drugs, as you would be at home. Should you be unfortunate ...
10300: Artificial Intellegence: Identification And Description Of The Issue
Artificial Intellegence: Identification And Description Of The Issue Over the years people have been wanting robots to become more Intelligent. In the past 50 years since computers have been around, the computer world has grown like you wouldn't believe. Robots have now been given jobs that were 15 years ago no considered to be a robots job. Robots are now part of the huge American government Agency ... to be some problems, now they are pretty much full proof. The Television and Film business has to keep up with the demands from the critics sitting back at home, they try and think of new ideas and ways in which to entertain the audiences. They have found that robotics interests people. With that have made many movies about robotics (e.g. Terminator, Star Wars, Jurassic Park ). Movie characters like the ... shows that human workmanship is required less and less needed. This is bad for the workers because they will then have no jobs and will be on the unemployment benefit or trying to find a new job. The advantage of robots is that they don't need a coffee break or need to have time of work. The company owns the machinery and therefore they have control over the robot. ...

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