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10261: Movie: The Caine Mutiny - Evaluating the Performance of a Government
... achieving his job as the leader. Captain Queeg can be easily compared with Charles III—king of England during the Revolutionary War. He was old, and powerful, and with authority, but also wrong. Captain's new position angered many sailors aboard the old battle ship with his strict and reserved mannerisms, and the way he handled many situations gave the sailors fair reason to be easily infuriated. Overall Queeg portrayed a ... that he had the power as stated in the constitution to overtake captain Queeg's position. Even when taken to court, officer Maryk was found not guilty of what he had done. In today's world, we see countries establishing new governments. They can be either at an advantage or disadvantage to their country, depending upon the change. An example of one that has had positive results would be that of East Germany. Before their ...
10262: Banning Books
... of what the author is trying to portray. Ray Bradbury attacks book censorship in the afterward of Fahrenheit 451 by saying that there is more than one way to burn a book, and that the world is full of minority groups running around with "lit matches" in the form of censors and bans. He asks people to stop trying to censor his work because it steals from the integrity of it (Bradbury 180). It is a mad world and it will get madder if we allow the minority of would-be censors to interfere with the beauty of literature. Bibliography Works Cited "Banned Books Week.": n. pag. Online. Internet. 9 Apr., 2000. Available: http://www.st.-charles.lib.il.us/low/banned.htm. Bradbury, Ray. Fahrenheit 451. New York: Ballantine, 1953. Campbell, Scott. "The Banned Books Page.": n. pag. Online. Internet. 9 Apr., 2000. Available: http://ghs.bcsd.k12.il.us/projects/Students/banned. Word Count: 1217
10263: The Albanian Virgin
... difficult. This could be because it is simply written from careful observations as are many of her other short stories. In her short stories, it is as though she tries to transform a common, ordinary world into something that is unsettling and mysterious as was seen in Vandals. Most of her stories found in Open Secrets, are set or focused on Munro’s native Canada, Huron County, and particularly in the ... are somewhere between threats, exemplars of surviving love and pathos (as Munro’s late middle aged couples often are); the adventure of Lottar and the Franciscan priest who helps her escape from what is both new home and prison; the antagonistic mating dance between the bookstore owner and her new, odd friends, Charlotte and Gjurdhi. (Bloom 1995) The change from one character’s point of view or narrative to another is changing the setting and mood of the story. The narrator is indirectly portraying ...
10264: At The Height Of His Career, W
... in the Seattle area with a shotgun. Days later on the fifth of April, Kurt Cobain went into the small room above his garage in his Seattle home and ended it all. Fans across the world were stunned by the news of Kurt Cobain’s sudden and shocking suicide. Kurt was the leader of the multiplatinum grunge band Nirvana, and was widely hailed as the “ John Lennon of his generation.” He ... performer. However, Cobain's name was presented at times with disillusionment and unhappiness. Kurt had spoken, written lyrics, and even sung in his songs about suicide. Yet, one question could almost be echoed around the world – Why? Cobain' s fans struggled with the huge loss of their “ poet of pain.” It was as though they had lost a close friend. They felt that Kurt was an artist who could read their ... person’s stress level rises which follows loneliness. Following the initial shock came the inevitable soul searching for those closets to him- what more should or could we have done? Cobain left behind a fairly new family. He had recently married Courtney Love, the leader of the grunge band Hole, in 1992. Later in 1993 they conceived a baby girl together, Frances Bean which was about two years old at ...
10265: The Return of the Jedi
The Return of the Jedi So far this semester, we have studied several different sociological theories of religion. These theories are built on both the known history of religions in the world and the cultures in which they originated, as well as, appropriately enough, theoretical suggestions of how those religions, and indeed any religion at all, will survive in the future. The theory I find the most ... lords, and spies for all sides everywhere. III. The Present As it stands at the end of the movies, the Emperor has been killed, Darth Vader has rejoined the Jedi Masters, Leia is organizing the New Republic, and Luke goes out into the galaxy to spread Jediism. What can we expect from the future? First of all, Jediism is a religion that does not do a lot of legislating of moralities. Apart from basic liberties (Life, liberty, pursuit of happiness, etc.) Jediism mostly stays out of people's private lives. As the New Republic grows, though, Jediism will start assuming a more secular role, perhaps eventually slipping into an almost judicial branch of the galactic government. When this happens, other small sects will start to spring up. ( ...
10266: Dealing With Difficult People
... ok and I went on with my work. Later in the evening when my work was just about complete I was ringing up a customer and this lady stormed up to the register with an New World Order wrestling shirt. The shirt was from the Children's Department and I work in the Men's Department clear on the other side of the store. I asked her if she needed any help ... shouldn't have to put up with people like that. That lady was rude to cut in line to argue about some clothes. I was talking to her how there were stores all over the world selling wrestling shirts. The griping customer saw that I was busy so she came to interrupt my work. I just forgot about what happened and went back to doing my work. Gripers today are ...
10267: Future Of Education
... technology is a serious matter to look at. Overall the introduction of technology in the classroom is a great benefit to students, giving them access to word processing applications, as well and access to the World Wide Wed and CD-ROM’s. This large amount of knowledge flowing from the computer to the brains of the students is very overwhelming. Students will have to learn how to sift though this large ... and the classroom environment. The role of technologies distance education is an exciting and interesting topic. Information can be sent and delivered in seconds, which breaches the gap between teachers and students. They are always new products becoming available to help in the advancement and ease of distance education. One major problem with the use of technology is the cost element. To establish a network of computers and information databases to ... is also powerful pressure put on students to cope with the overwhelming amount of knowledge made available though information technology. As well as this there is also parental pressure to pursue success in top fields. New technology can help us achieve our goals more easily and in a more meaningful way.
10268: Atomic Bomb 8
Atomic Bomb In 1945, two bombs were dropped on Japan, on in Hiroshima and one in Nagasaki. Theses bombs marked the end to the world s largest armed conflict. Despite the ghastly effects of such a weapon, it offered the best choice for a quick and easy defeat of Japan. President Truman, who authorized the use of the atomic bomb ... time could not be predicted because some still believed it wasn t possible (Reflections 1). At the end of a three-year research, a bomb was ready for testing. A test site was cleared in New Mexico. It had a 120-mile radius. Once the President gave the final confirmation, the test commenced. The test was on July 16, 1945, 30 min. before dawn (Teller 4). The scientist booth was 20 ... Atomic Bomb. Texas Monthly. June 89: 79. O Neal, Michael. President Truman and the Atomic Bomb. San Diego, California; Greenahaven Press, Inc. 1990. Purcell, John. The Best Kept Secret: The Story of the Atomic Bomb. New York: The Vanguard Press, Inc. 1963. Reflections of the Nuclear Age . Atomic Archive: 3pg. Internet. http://www.atomicarchive.com/AAReflection.shtml. 12/11/99.
10269: The Time Machine by H.G Wells
... a few miles from London, the son of a house-maid and gardener. Wells died in 1946, a wealthy and famous author, having seen science fiction become a recognized literary form and having seen the world realize some of science fiction's fondest dreams and worst fears. Wells mother attempted to find him a safe occupation as a draper or chemist. Wells had a quick mind and a good memory that ... does he is on a beach and two large crustaceans try to eat him so he accelerates into the future 30 million years or more and the sun grows bigger and more dull. Then the world becomes dark and the air is difficult to breathe. When he thought life was extinct he sees a life form swimming in the water "the size of a football". He then returns to his laboratory ... and dust the time traveler disappeared. I enjoyed this book but I can't believe how the time traveler acted being a logical and scientific man. Like when he went the future he encountered a new kind of people and they led him to a building where they reside. He just left his time machine behind; he could have had those people help him take it back to where they ...
10270: Austria Ottoman Report
... Seven Weeks War with Prussia. After this war, the Magyars were very close to dividing. To stop this Joseph met with Francis Deak, a Hungarian leader. In their Ausgleich, or compromise, Austria set up a new type of government, a dual monarchy. Joseph controlled Austria as an Emperor, and he controlled Hungary as a king. This eased a lot of the troubles from the more organized Hungarians, but it still left ... weak empire. This was ended in The Treaty of San Stefano, which created a large Russian controlled state in Europe, allowing plenty of access to Mediterranean. This was too favorable to the Russians, and the world had a problem with it. The problems eventually forced the Russians to have the Congress of Berlin, to revise the treaty. This was revised so that Ottomans kept one third of the area, Serbia, Montenegro ... This was horrible to the Ottomans, but the victory soon made the League break up and fight another war for the spoils of the first Balkan conflict. These conflicts only led the way for a world war. The Austrians and Ottomans were similar in the fact that they both were old countries that had existed for quite some time, and were formally strong. They both were ready for demise. They ...

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