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10231: David Williamson's "The Club" and "The Removalists"
... but there are some which are more or less universal throughout the play. In The Club, tradition is mainly presented as the opposite to progress and success; that is, to achieve success in today's world, tradition must be abandoned. For example, Laurie (the coach) blames an old Club tradition for his failure to win a premiership, "You and your cronies wouldn't let me buy players." Jock (the vice-president ... individual is a luxury you can't afford in a business with a multi-million dollar turnover." Gerry's pragmatic attitude is perhaps typical of the attitudes which are becoming commonplace in the cutthroat business world of the 1990s. The role of women is not explored all that extensively in The Club, but Williamson does explore some of the attitudes relating to this issue in his play. For example, all of ... very accurate representations of the attitudes held by the majority of Australians. One of the main issues explored in The Removalists is that of police brutality. Simmonds (the veteran police sergeant) and later Ross (a new recruit) are both excessively violent towards Kenny (Fiona's husband), whom they eventually kill. There is an attitude of resigned acceptance towards this brutality, as Rob (the removalist), Fiona (who was bashed by Kenny), ...
10232: Christian Elements in Beowulf
... of twelve miles, and when the branches broke off then souls that were hanging on the branches plunged downward, and the nickers seized them. These, then, were the souls of those who here in this world had sinned unrighteously and would not repent of it before their life’s end. But let us now earnestly ask St. Michael that he lead our souls into bliss, where they may rejoice in eternity ... A Vercelli Homily remarks of his early life that “he was filled with might and wisdom before God and before men (Tuso, 129), and the poetic Descent into Hell describes him at the Resurrection as “brave . . . victorious and wise” (Tuso, 22). In early medieval iconography, there commonly existed a portrayal of a warlike and victorious Christ with his feet resting on a prostrate lion and dragon which parallels Beowulf and Jesus as heroic figures. Fr. Klaeber wrote, “We might feel inclined to recognize features of the Christian Savior in the destroyer of hellish fiends, the warrior brave and gentle, blameless in thought and deed, the king that dies for his people” (Chickering, 17). Both icons represented power and wisdom of heroes. The scene where Beowulf dives into Grendel’s dark mere ...
10233: Steven Speilberg
... tricks on his sisters. Stephen found his best mode of expression however, through an old eight-millimeter camera that he had found in his garage. Spielberg focused all of his time and effort into this new form of expression he had found, even at the expense of other things in his life. In an article in Time magazine Spielberg said "From age twelve or thirteen I knew I wanted to be ... at a time when directors were the most important people in Hollywood, and his more recent ones at a time when marketing controls the industry. That he has remained the most powerful filmmaker in the world during both periods says something for his talent and his flexibly."(Ebert 128) Spielberg has also gone on to co-create Dreamworks Studios, the only new studio to appear since the Goldwin Age. His two latest movies Schindler's List and Saving Private Ryan have gone on to be his most critically acclaimed yet. Spielberg has become not only one ...
10234: Krapp's Last Tape: Imagery in Color
... the 20th century. The playwrights indiscreetly utilize metaphoric and symbolic details to support their message. In "Krapp's Last Tape," Samuel Beckett exploits such techniques in expressing his own bleak and pessimistic view of the world. In his middle years of his life, Krapp retained this rigid and anal retentive nature. He kept these tapes in which he would constantly reevaluate his own life and try to always improve it, using these tapes as "help before embarking on a new retrospect" (1629). He had also stored these various tapes organized in boxes with their location written in a ledger. Yet in his latter years, there is an apparent decay of this regimental attitude. His very ... Samuel Beckett does not yield any kind of complex profound plot, he provide an intriguing and outstanding job of exploiting the details of imagery and dialogue to express his despairing and cynical interpretation of the world. Because of his emphasis upon the "trifles" of the play, he is able to reemphasize and convincingly convey Krapp's disenchantment with his own life. Works Cited: Beckett, Samuel. "Krapp's Last Tape," The ...
10235: Francesco Redi
... mind and a well accomplished poet and author. He revolutionized scientific ideas of his day with groundbreaking experiments and scientific beliefs. His main accomplishment was the disproving of spontaneous generation. This discovery shocked the scientific world of his day and led to more experiments by such scientists as Pasteur and Spallazani. Francesco Redi was born in Arezzo, Italy on February 18th 1626. He got a degree in medicine and became a ... superior/evolution/spontan.html 2. http://dac.neu.edu/bio1100/Redi_Experiment.html 3. http://galileo.imss.firenze.it/museo/b/eredifr.html 4. http://www.knight.org/advent/cathen/12687b.htm 5. Webster's New World Dictionary, Simon & Schuster, c 1994 6. Encarta Multimedia Encyclopedia, c 1998
10236: A Guy's Sense Of Manhood
... of proving whose has the most machismo. I can only date girls that I perceive to be very pretty. For me the personality matters, but even if the girl has the best personality in the world, she still has to be pretty for me to call her my girlfriend. As an average insecure male, I am always looking to show off my skills with the ladies in an attempt to validate ... features are more in demand. Hence men have made up other ways to prove themselves, even though they may be incredibly superficial and in the end only illuminate man's insecurity. What is needed is new way for man to be defined. The Clint Eastwood or Arnold Schwarzenegger way is out dated. With a new definition of masculinity, man's behavior should change, and he could once again feel the he contributes to society.
10237: National Geographic: Mysteries Underground
... all the careful proceders the cave explorers go through. It also talked about how the formations were made over such a long time. I learned many interesting things that would never seem possible. In the world's new most exotic ,Lechuguilla, cave there lied water so clean and clear that the cave explorers were forced to take all there clothes off before they swam acrossed it because the littlest dirt from any clothing ... is most of the very rare film footage ever made on some of the amazing formations. Since no other films or shows are out there like this one, everything they say and show you is new, so you learn a great amount. Friedberg, L (Producer), & Friedberg, L (Director). (1992). National Geographic Video: Mysteries Underground [Videotape]. (Available from National Geographic Society).
10238: Citizen Kane: Charles Foster Kane - Who Was He?
... the boy has just inherited a great fortune. Unable to settle his bill, a prospector who boarded with the Kanes left behind stock certificates that make Mrs. Kane the sole owner of one of the world's great silver mines. She then makes her son the ward of the bank that administers her estate, and Thatcher, whom the angry young Kane bashes with a sled, takes the boy East to be ... something small into something big, but we don't know what. The next account was given by Bernstein, Kane's devoted assistant. He explains the beginnings as a newspaper czar and his takeover of the New York Enquirer, in which he fired its editor, hired an expensive, top-notch staff, and enlisted his college friend Jedediah Leland as the drama critic. Kane is at first a crusader for the understanding, opening ... however, since his wife and son are killed in an auto accident. It seems that the love story began to intensify at this point since his first wife was now dead and he begins a new love with Alexander. However, Kane had to realize that her singing talents were not the best and despite building Xanadu their lives would become miserable and hapless. At the conclusion, we find out what ...
10239: Ancient Babylon
... 10 lost tribes. Following the Assyrians the Chaldeans took over. Their leader was the cruel Nebuchadnezzar. He built the hanging gardens to please his wife. The hanging gardens are one of the wonders of the world. Nebuchadnezzar captured the Jews and put them into slavery. He also put walls around Babylons and built the gate of Ishtar. The Chaldeans were known as the New Babylonians. They basically revived Babylon. The Empire who took over the Chaldeans was the Persians. Their leader was Cyrus the great and he brought peace to the Middle East. He freed or Liberated the Jews ... prophet Zoroaster introduced Zoroastrianism to Persia. Zoroaster lived in about 600 BC and rejected the Old Persian Gods. He though there was only one wise god named Ahura Mazda and that Ahura Mazda ruled the world. He also believed that Ahura Mazda was in a constant fight with Ahriman who was the prince of evil and lies. He preached that each individual had to choose which side to support and ...
10240: What Time Is It
... of the sun in relation to thetop of the town hall to the progression in time to where the railroad became increasing people began to travel greater distances. Thisgave rise to the need of a new coordinated system of time. After muchdebate and after the “General Time Convention”, the Railroad Standard Timewent into effect. This exhibit has preserved the electrical clocks, as wellas their spring and weight driven predecessors. The exhibit ... interest and fosters historical thought, while it also encompasses historical development and continuity from 1880 through 1945. The phrase “time is of the essence” is a familiar statement made quite often in today’s hectic world, just as it was imperative centuries ago, and will follow us into the new millennium.

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