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Search results 10221 - 10230 of 22819 matching essays
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10221: A Clockwork Orange: Review of Book and Film Version
... years, but receives an offer from "the Government" which entails undergoing experimental treatment in return for early release. He seizes what seems to him an opportunity, but is horrified by the "cure" he endures. The new "good" Alex that is released unto the world is depressed, frustrated, and lonely, although no longer violent. A radical political group then exploits him as an example of the cruelty of "the Government." This faction tries to force Alex to suicide in order ... story was not the advocation of blatant violence, as portrayed in the film. The climactic scene in the book occurs when Alex has finished his conditioning, and he is displayed as an example of the new technique in criminal reform. Alex is put on stage in front of government dignitaries, where he proves that he is incapable of committing an act of violence. In the book, Alex is thrust on ...
10222: Thornton Wilder's Our Town
... It wasn't boring. To me that is a sign of an above average book. The end was a interesting how the portrayed the dead. Wilder, Isabel. The foreword in The Alcestiad by Thornton Wilder. New York City. N.Y.: Harper and Row, Publishers, 1955. Summary: This Essay has a lot about the life of Thornton Wilder, and about some of his works. Wilder had three Pulitzer Prize winning plays and they all came around World War II times. In Our Town there is one comment about a boy going off and getting killed in France. So it shows that he wasn't the fondest about war. Thornton Wilder lives in the New England Area. You can see how he knows so much about the Culture of the little town Grover's Corners. That, is how he creates the masterpiece of language in his play "Our Town." ...
10223: The Detriment That Society Can Cause to its Inhabitants
... early 1900's, the roles of men and women were defined specifically. Men were expected to be the "bread-winners", the person that supported the wife and the children with no help from the outside world. The male role was defined as the superior and dominant gender in society that looked down on females. The female's role in life was to be the child-bearer, or the person who took ... just pleading for him you make it impossibvle for me to keep him on. It's alrady known at the bank that I'm firing Krogstad. What if it's rumored around now that the new bank manager was vetoed by his wife." (1212) Torvald all along was saying that he was a man of honor and did not want people who were crooked. He was not about to let a ... She wanted a personality of her own, "I must learn to be competent, Torvald."(1237) Nora could not accept the role Society had allocated her and so she left that identity in pursuit of a new one. Society's restraints and expectations placed upon the characters in the play led to many problems for the characters. The characters could not live up to what was expected of them. Back in ...
10224: The Awakening
... you why she was crying." (7-8) As time goes on we can see that her depression grows ever so slightly, and that it will continue to grow throughout the novel. Such happenings are nothing new to Edna: " Such experiences as the foregoing were not uncommon in her married life. They seemed never before to have weighed much against her husband's kindness and a uniform devotion which had come to ... But I don't want anything but my own way."(105) Edna is not willing to talk about what grips her, and after Robert leaves her again, she becomes completely depressed and dead to the world. From this point on she doesn't know what she is doing. Despondent, Edna returns to Grand Isle, the place of her awakening and happiness with Robert. Yet she seems not to know what her ... of thought." (108) Edna's body has taken over because her mind has gone: "Despondency had come upon her in the wakeful night, and it had never lifted. There was no one thing in the world that she desired. There was no human being whom she wanted near her except Robert; and she even realized that the day would come when he, too, and the thought of him would melt ...
10225: Barbara Walters' Interview with Christopher Reeves
Barbara Walters' Interview with Christopher Reeves Barbara Walters, long considered the best interviewer in the world today, illustrated why she holds this claim. Walters ability to make people share what they did not originally intend to reveal is shown in how she coerced Reeve to relive what happened to him on ... could be a universal truth among those that are essentially ethical. There is no doubt in my mind that Barbara Walters is an ethical journalist, MOST of the time. However, in today's highly competitive world, where Nielson ratings are god, there is no longer a place for journalistic integrity in a profit based field. It is up to the journalist to determine whether or not they are comfortable with what ... information is legitimate. But, it must be taken into affect what the people really want and need to know. Some information is better left in JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association) or the NEMJ (New England Medical Journal). In conclusion the composite interview, as a whole was in everyone's best interests, however better restraint in the selection of material should have been considered in the production. Walters showed ...
10226: Hockey .vs. Football
... NHL hockey team consisting of 24 players is about 4,500 lbs. Coaches in the NHL do not want their players too weigh more than 200 though because as Mike Milbury the coach of the New York Islanders put it “ when a player is as big as a football player (approx. 250 lbs.). It is harder for a player to move quickly and elude an upcoming check”. In the NFL, it ... a NFL player is 250 lbs. The average team consisting of 48 players weighs about 12,000 lbs. This paragraph talks about a very controversial substance that is used by millions of people around the world. This “wonder drug”, which is not really a drug, but a natural occurring substance in the human body is called Creatine Monohydrate. This substance was used in the NFL until 2 years ago when the ... The board of governors have to take all this into consideration and decide what is best for their sports and obviously they won’t be able to make all the right decisions. With so many new products that will help to enhance players performance that eventually they will all be banned from pro sports.
10227: Female Genital Mutilation
... let her story be known the United Nations and other countries decided to take this problem head on. They have refused to give loans to nations that refuse to stop the practice of FGM. The New Woman Research Center in Egypt says the decision to codify FGM instead of criminalizing it had nothing to do with religion or morality, but is instead "a decision to codify the control of women, and ... and against the statutes of national and international medical associations. UNICEF and UNDP want to stop this. They say that it is "absolutely certain that if similar tortures were inflicted on boy children the whole world would rise up to stop it by all means". WORKS CITED 1. Atrocities Against Women: Female Genital Mutilation. Mason, Marcia L. Sept. 1995. HTTP://WWW.WORLDCITIZEN.ORG/ISSUES 2. FEMALE GENITAL MUTILATION: AN INTRODUCTION. National ... Sami, "To Mutilate in the Name of Jehovah or Allah: Legitimization of Male and Female Circumcision: available online at Http://wwwhollyfeld.org 8. Nawal El-Saadawi, "The Hidden Face of Eve, Women in the Arab World," translated and edited by Sherif Hettata, Zed Press, London, 1980, pg.33 9. The Women's Watch, Spring 1996 Vol. 22 No. 2, pg.44-49. Fran Hosken, Editor.
10228: The Awakening
... mentioned that she feels as though she has "slept long and soundly." (Chopin, 40) This symbolizes the fairly tale aspect of her sleep. Chopin relates Edna to the Sleeping Beauty who has awoken to a new world with a new perception of her surroundings. Symbols of the moon are another aspect that’s ignored in the movie. During Edna’s first solo swim, the author describes how the moon gave her the power and ...
10229: Brighton Beach Memoirs Essay
Brighton Beach Memoirs Brighton Beach Memoirs is the story of one family's struggle to survive in the pre-World War II age of the "Great Depression". This was a time of great hardship where pain and suffering were eminent. In this play, Neil Simon gives us a painfully realistic view of life during the late 1930s. The setting takes place in Brighton Beach, Brooklyn, New York, in the fall of 1937. It is a lower-income area inhabited by mostly Jews, Irish, and Germans. The house is described as a wooden-framed, 2 floor, establishment near the beach. The main ... who is in the midst of going through puberty. Like Rusty-James in Rumble Fish, Eugene looks up to his older brother Stanley. His hobbies and hopes include playing baseball in hopes of becoming a New York Yankee, writing, and to see the "Golden Palace of the Himalayas", which in other words is seeing a naked woman. Eugene always feels as if he is being blamed for everything that goes ...
10230: What Are The History, Laws, Profitability, and Responsibilities To The Consumer Of Advertising Hard Liquor on TV In The United States?
... the distilled spirit's industry will gain from advertising across this media and the industries social responsibilities to the consumer. Sources and Methods Research for this report is gathered mainly from information found on the World Wide Web. Some information was gained through newspaper articles obtained by using the InfoTrac system in the Ruth Scarborough Library on the Shepherd College Campus. Refer to the bibliography for specific information references. History Research ... advertising distilled spirits. In addition to advertising constraints there are many prohibited practices concerning bottling and labeling of hard liquor. Persons who are interested in finding out this information it can be found on the World Wide Web at 104TH Congress Bills Federal regulations for hard liquor advertising are very strict. However, some lawmakers believe that the regulations are not strict enough. United States Representative Joe ... fastweb...wAAA+distilled%26spirits%26advertising. Crain Communications Inc. "Spirits Sales Drought Eases:." (Dec. 1996). Online. Http://adage.com/ns-search/news-an.../. Dallas(AP). "Liquor Ads Start on Television After Decades-Long Voluntary Ban." The New York Times. (June 12,96). Online. Http://www.newstimes.com/archive/jun1296/ nab.htm. Distilled Spirits Council of the U.S. "Beverage Alcohol Advertising: A Constitutionally Protected Right." Online. Http://www.discuss.health.org/ ...

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