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10191: Nucular War
NUCLEAR WARFARE Nuclear Weapons are explosive devices made to release nuclear energy. The first atomic bomb, which was tested on July 16, 1945, at Alamogordo, New Mexico, represented a completely new type of artificial explosive. All explosives get their power from the rapid burning or decomposition of some chemical compound. Such chemical processes release only the energy of the outermost electrons in the atom. Nuclear explosives ... a baseball produced an explosion equal to 20,000 tons of TNT. The A-bomb was constructed, and tested by the Manhattan Project, a big United States enterprise that was established in August 1942, during World War II. It was made by a group scientist including the physicists Enrico Fermi and J. Robert Oppenheimer, and the chemist Harold Urey, and was in charge by an U.S. Army engineer, Major ...
10192: Immigration to the United States (Maryland)
... States (Maryland) Over time, the United States has come to be known as the land of the free and the land of opportunity. We have become the strongest and the most powerful country in the world. Common everyday freedom of speech and freedom of religion are taken for granted all the time. People in less-developed countries don’t have the luxury of saying what they want, or even living the ... other Caribbean islands. These three states especially have their hands full with illegal immigrants. Foreign immigration into Maryland from the years 1992 to 1996 shows that they were immigrants from 174 different countries around the world. Twenty-three countries had over 1,000 immigrants come to Maryland. The countries at the top of the list all have some sort of problem going on in their country that they are trying to ... lot of low paying jobs where a high school diploma isn’t necessary. This encourages them not to get an education and live an uneducated life with a low paying job. I have heard that New York City, if your kids don’t go to school, then the parents get arrested. Why can’t this apply to these immigrants? An education lasts a lifetime, and leads to a better life ...
10193: Amistad
Amistad Throughout the study of world history, the ideology of divide and conquer is studied and glorified as the most effective strategy for colonialism. The institution of slavery and the transporting of Africans across the ocean to serve as slaves in the New World depict the most blatant use of coerced division in the Europeans efforts to completely enfeeble African slaves. The middle passage portrays the Europeans efforts to divide African cultures by separating the slaves so that ...
10194: Kuwait
... Kuwait:Prospect and Reality. London, McGraw-Hill Inc., 1990) pg. 198 Kuwait only has 100 acres or so under cultivation in the whole country. This makes Kuwait one of the least agriculturalized countries in the world. The dependence on imports of foodstuffs is almost complete. This state of affairs has had economic as well as sociological effects on the population since the oil exports pay for the food imports. The urbanistic ... Facts and Figures 1988. Kuwait City, The State of Kuwait, 1988) pg. 22 Kuwait will be self-sufficient in agriculture in the future. It will be able to grow more of its own food through new techniques and it will continually be able to buy food should the country ever find itself in that situation. Many of the new techniques proposed are feasible and there is no lack of monetary resources to spend on this problem. They already have succeeded in reducing their dependence on imports of vegetables, fruits and poultry. The government ...
10195: An Analysis of A Doll's House
... and played with me, just as they liked it when I came and played with them. That's what our marriage has been Torvald." I think that it is at this point that Nora's world transforms from a "doll's house" into reality. After having finished this play, I think that Ibsen had chosen the perfect title, for Nora's world was truly reflective of the title. I also feel that Ibsen foreshadowed the end cleverly when he had Nora tell her husband about the Christmas presents she bought for the children. She tells Torvald, "…and ... with him, Torvald insists on firing the man out of fear of what his other employees might think and say. He defends his position by telling Nora, "…suppose it were to get about that the new Manager had let himself be influenced by his wife…I'm going to make a laughingstock of myself before the whole staff…" Another example of Torvald caring more about appearances than reality occurs when ...
10196: Methods Of Therapy
... my father- in-law has bi-polar depression which therapists have traced to Vietnam and his exposure to Agent Orange. So far the only treatment which has been effective, has been medication. In the medical world, doctors diagnose the illness and usually prescribe a drug or a treatment to remedy it. In the world of psychology, the therapist also diagnoses the problem and if treatment is not enough then drugs or medication can be used also. When all other avenues have been explored, medication is as appropriate as anything ... Both of these treatments have many side-effects and so are not immediately desirable. The lobotomy has been for the most part discontinued in the United States, because its side-effects are too serious and new drugs have better success rates and are therefore more preferable. The ECT has been very effective in reducing depression and decreasing the suicide rate and so it can be a last resort when other ...
10197: Proposal for An Advanced Art Project
... magazines, I came across an article titled "The Body Electric." This article describes Jana Sterbak, originally native to Czechoslovakia, she came to Canada in 1968 at the age of 13. She has been educated in New York and Vancouver, having also lived there and now shifts between Montreal and Toronto, where she frequently exhibits her work. In a way she reminds me of Van Gogh in that she creates her work ... gently back and forth creating the effect of grass blowing in the breeze. Thus, the composition is entitled: "Grass." These artists combined, make use of sculpture that uses sound, light and movement to go a new direction in art. This could be described, together, as Kinetic Intermedia, and so I believe I have at last found my niche in the art world. Here are some random ideas for projects: 1. An interactive laser system, whereby users may control various beams of light through the manipulation of motors and mirrors, to create their own personalized light art ...
10198: When The Legends Die
... have been both hopelessly demoralized and wrongly persecuted; because of this, their culture as a whole is suffering greatly. It is a shame to see such a once prosperous culture become insignificant in today's world. To understand what this once great culture consisted of, first one has to obtain a basic grasp of some of the ideals that were practiced by Native Americans. Philosophy of life, importance of nature, and ... to this key term. In fact, the whole book is cyclical. In the beginning, Tom lives in the traditional ways of his people, and is enjoying it. As he matures, he finds himself faced with new challenges and opportunities. In the end though, Tom finds himself coming back around to become a clout Indian to complete himself fully in a circle. Beside these examples of cyclical life in the book, there ... not overburdening it, it would actually be much more productive than trying to force it. The Native Americans have always followed this sort-of guideline to life. I believe this is the area where the World as a whole could benefit so much by just taking into account some of the many perspectives Native Americans took on nature. In the novel, this is clearly seen in the end when Tom ...
10199: John McCain
... 18-24 year olds, the group collectively known as "Generation Y." The Arizona Senator reached out to young voters with a message of personal honesty and government reform, drawing large crowds on college campuses in New Hampshire and South Carolina (Sullivan, "McCain Gets"). McCain has addressed some of the issues that concern America's youth today. The Senator does not support gun bans but does promote "effective measures that keep firearms ... with Democratic candidate Bill Bradley, is credited as being the first to discuss reforming the campaign finance system (Cox, Finklestein). In the Youth Survey conducted by Project Vote Smart, respondents aged 18-24 chose the World Wide Web as their most useful information source ("General Population"). McCain is utilizing the power of the Internet to build mailing lists, solicit contributions and to attract young voters, many of whom are "more acquainted ... of candidate's platforms. McCain has attempted to win their vote by utilizing the Internet, magazines, youth-oriented television programs, and speaking on such topics at various college campuses. Judging by his recent victories in New Hampshire, Michigan and Arizona, states where he energetically pursued the youth vote, McCain is effectively reaching today's young voter. Bibliography BIBILIOGRAPHY "Biographical Data for Senator John S. McCain." Project Vote Smart http://www. ...
10200: Mark Twain
... trade. This was the first step toward his career as a writer. In 1857 he apprenticed himself to a riverboat pilot. He became a licensed pilot and spent two and a half years at his new trade. The river swarmed with traffic, and the pilot was the most important man aboard the boat. He wrote of these years in 'Life on the Mississippi'. The Civil War ended his career as a ... this came 'The Innocents Abroad', which made him famous. In 1870 he married Olivia Langdon. She modified Twain's exaggerations, sometimes weakening his writings, sometimes actually making them more readable. Twain began turning out a new book every few years. William Dean Howells, editor of the Atlantic Monthly and a highly respected novelist, became his close friend and literary adviser. Twain bought a publishing firm in Hartford, Conn. He earned much ... house, but he spent it on high living and unsuccessful investments. He lost a fortune promoting a typesetting machine. By 1894 his publishing company had failed and he was bankrupt. Twain set out on a world lecture tour to retrieve his fortune, and by 1898 his debts were paid. In his last years he traveled and spoke much but wrote comparatively little. He died on April 21, 1910. Twain was ...

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