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10151: Korea
Korea Throughout most of its history, Korea has existed as one country with a rich culture and history. Then in the 1940's, Korea was controlled by Japan. World War II broke out, and the Allies defeated the Axis powers. The country of Korea was divided into two parts -- the north and the south. The north was occupied by communist Russian forces and the ... united Korea in the near future. The known history of Korea dates back thousands of years before Christ. It was a nation with a common heritage, language, and ethnicity. Due to Japan's role in World War II and the fact that Japan had occupied Korea, the country was divided. Many Koreans had been displaced by Japanese colonization and others by the establishment of the 38th parallel border line. Korea was ... are lying. It is reported from South Korea that "a senior government official said it was now less likely than ever that South Korea would give aid or allow broad investments in North Korea." (The New York) This latest incursion resembles one that took place in 1968 when a team of North Korean commandos infiltrated in order to assassinate the president of South Korea. Kim Young Sam, present South Korean ...
10152: Stereotyping In Movies
... stereotype, with enough convincing they might actually change so they can say they fit into the stereotype they are being placed in. In an article called TV Arabs Jack Shaheen says, “To a child, the world is simple: good versus evil. But my children and others with Arab roots grew up without ever having seen a humane Arab on the silver screen, someone to pattern their lives after” (Shaheen 287). This ... need to stop stereotyping any ethnic group on television especially the Arabs; we need to start considering everyone, especially the group that is being stereotyped. If all filmmakers considered everyone’s feelings when making a new story line, then television wouldn’t have the ability to corrupt the minds of the thousands of viewers who watch it day in and day out. If the filmmakers of The Siege thought about the ... the over acting of the FBI then I would be less inclined to label The Siege as stereotyping. Works Cited Shaheen, Jack. “TV Arabs.” Race, class, and gender in the United States. Ed. Paula Rothenberg. New York: St. Martin’s, 1998. 286-288. Shaheen, Jack. “We’ve Seen This Plot Too many Times.” Washington Post 15 November 1998,: C3
10153: Ancient Greece
... which is ruled by a small group of citizens and a direct democracy ruled by the people . All citizens could make speeches and vote at the Assembly. The Council made up of 500 citizens made new laws which were debated in the Assembly . Only citizens could vote ,women , foreigners, slaves did not have the right to vote Religion and myths were very important in Greek citizens lives . They used Gods and ... and Goddess were Zeus king of the gods ,Athena Goddess of wisdom, warfare, and the city , Apollo , god of the sun , light ,truth , music and , prophecy , Hades brother of Zeus and king of the under world and afterlife , and Poseidon, ruler of the seas . All of the gods and goddess lived at Mount Olympus the highest mountain in Greece . The Greeks had many occupations , traders , merchants , architects , philosophers, dramatists , sculptors , doctors ... is a heavily equipped warrior .They operated in a large rectangular formation of thousands of men all equal in rank . The Greeks influenced the way we live today .The educated Greeks wanted explanations for the world and things around them . they made observations and came up with theories . These people were known as philosophers which means “the love of wisdom ” Socrates , Plato , and Aristotle were famous philosophers . Hippocrates is known ...
10154: Female Adaptation To Male Domi
... woman in a power-challenging role? How was that swallowed? In the body of the essay to follow, I go on to explore the traditional and cultural context of the confusion over accepting women in new roles traditionally associated with masculine authority. Specifically, I have two main sections of my quest. The first one deals with women reaching out of their current socially acceptable status and challenging the masculine authority involving ... even her morals to make herself suitable for the system. Realistically though, this “system” is no more of a direct product of traditions, customs, and norms that actually do not exist anymore in today’s world. Instead of having to ask women to change themselves and their lives to find room in traditionally masculine power regimes, why not change the system so that it not only represents the current customs, values ... attributes than just gender, but I think the point is well communicated. The movie, although failing to give us a long-term solution, does make the ironic statement that nothing can be achieved in this world of tradition and politics without one of the two sides having to compromise and give up (something to some extent). This is what walks us into the next half of our quest, which delves ...
10155: The Conversation, Directed By Francis Coppola
Murder, scandals, and the frightening world of surveillance all intertwine to form Francis Ford Coppola's thriller, The Conversation. The viewer, engulfed in a restricted narration, explores the mystery Harry Caul, the protagonist, has caught himself in. A narration that begins ... name and wants Harry to give the approval on their product. It seems that Harry is scared of being out done and having his life surveyed. This fear keeps him on top of the surveillance world. As we follow the plot line and try to learn more about why the conversation is important we also are on the search to understand Harry Caul. This is a sub meaning that runs right ... tries to see the director but he isn't admitted. On the way out of the building Harry sees the girl however. At this moment a whole different chunk of the story is shown. This new chunk is that of a conspiracy. The plot and narration does an excellent job of tricking the viewer. Through its restrictive view and a few objective scenes where Harry feels upset and you see ...
10156: Euthanasia
By: MW Euthanasia Euthanasia has brought great attention to the public eye since Dr. Jack Kevorkian was discovered for contributing to these horrible inhumane acts. At the present time, the state of Oregon has the world's only law specifically permitting a doctor to prescribe lethal drugs for the purpose of ending a patient's life (http://www.iaetf.org/faq.htm). Why has only one state that happens to be ... s life before resulting to the necessary and proper measures of their true mental state. Also, modern medicine today has proven to be very beneficial to dealing with pain. A person needs to find a new doctor that can prescribe them drugs pinpointed more to their condition that can actually do something for their pain rather than taking the easy way out and resulting to death. People that have had someone ... when making such a decision. People need to learn to appreciate what life can offer and not concentrate on the many obstacles that we all encounter during our lifetime. If people can learn to adapt new attitudes about managing and dealing with life and not always taking the easy way out, our country would have no states allowing this horrible inhumane act to be legalized. Word Count: 337
10157: The Writings of Pat Conroy
... Lieutenant Colonel Thomas Nugent Courvoise, Assistant Commandant of Cadets, nicknamed Boo (Burns 1). It was a kind account of the Citadel (Disc. Auth. 2). Conroy once said The Boo was his longest letter to the world. In 1980, Conroy decided to write another book with influence from his alma mater. The Lords of Discipline was a story about the Carolina Military Institute, primarily based on The Citadel. It took the reader ... movie in 1979 (Disc. Auth. 3). Pat Conroy's most well known book, Prince of Tides, was published in 1986. It is a story about unemployed English teacher, who is traveling from South Carolina to New York City, where his sister has suffered from a nervous breakdown (Disc. Auth. 2). The exact same circumstances occurred in his own life. The strange thing is, in the book the character leaves his sister ... books are auto-biographical. She thinks that Conroy is a simple storyteller with his "feet set firmly on the native earth." According to Weeks, he is a master of grotesque intensity. His words create a world of passion. He sometimes tends to stray off course. Prince of Tides is monstrously long, but a pleasure to read. It established him as a novelist (Votteler 44-45). Gail Godwin says that Conroy ...
10158: Grapes Of Wrath-the Journey Th
... C.S. Lewis described heaven as an onion with the inside bigger than the outside, so that with each ring you peel off, you seem to go further in but also further out into a new series of visions and understandings (Timmerman 102). If this principle is applied to the novel, one can see that the journey of Tom is identical to that of the other Joads which is the same ... dramatize his multiple themes has enabled him to relate The Grapes of Wrath to life's realities. Steinbeck is able to show us the virtue of the poor by trapping his characters in an unfair world of persecution and downfalls, yet they remain sympathetic and heroic if defeated. Through the journey, he is able to show readers that life has its ups and downs. This structure provides for a greater understanding ... Co.: Book Tower: Detroit 1973. Lechteihn, Yuri. "The Awakening of Tom Joad." 2 pp. Online. Internet. 30 April, 1999. Available http://www.ac.wwu.edu/~stephan/Steinbeck/grapes.html. Steinbeck, John. The Grapes of Wrath. New York: Penguin Books USA Inc, 1993. Timmerman, John. John Steinbeck s Fiction. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1986. Wilson, Edmund. "The Noonday Press." Contemporary Literary Criticism. Vol. 13, Gale Research Co. Book Tower: Detroit ...
10159: The Imperial Aspect Of Heart O
... Congo, but also personifies the European imperial attitude at the time of the novella s release in 1902. Conrad uses Marlow, Kurtz and the listeners aboard the Nellie as advocates of a free and independent world while he uses the villainous manager and the immaculately- dressed, workaholic accountant to represent the majority of Europeans who, at the time, favored overseas expansionism. Imperialism is the central focus of the novella revealed through ... cruel without courage; there was not an atom of foresight or of serious intention in the whole batch of them, and they did not seem aware these things are wanted for the work of the world. To tear treasure out of the bowels of the land was their desire, with no more moral purpose at the back of it than there is in burglars breaking into a safe. Who paid the ... public. Conrad uses this affect to show the intensity of the European imperialistic attitude and to show the awful torture the people of the Congo suffered because of the white man s desire for more new and exotic land.
10160: Indonesia
... that consists of more than 13,600 islands. The islands lie along the equator, and extend more than 5,000 kilometers. Many of the islands cover only a few square kilometers but about half of New Guinea (an area called Irian Jaya), and three fourths of Borneo (Kalimantan), also belong to Indonesia. New Guinea and Borneo are the second and third largest islands in the world after Greenland.

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