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Search results 10121 - 10130 of 22819 matching essays
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10121: Woman To Man
... along the blade" also suggests the pain and suffering of life which the child will not be able to escape. Meanwhile in a series of paradoxes, the poet suggests the mystery which the creation of new life involves: This is no child with a child's face; this has no name to name it by...This is our hunter and our chase ... This is the maker and the made; This is ... too, controlled by its power. This accounts for her fearful response in the final line - "Oh hold me, for I am afraid." This line is wholly successful on a dramatic level; for here the real world of passion and pain breaks in. At the same time the poem as a whole has suggested that in each sexual act there is the potential for the creation of new life which challenges time and death. The woman is the proud yet fearful instrument of this process. The peom has a rhythmic pattern that compliments the metaphors and paradoxes. The stanzas begin and end, ...
10122: Fredrick Douglass 2
... while the slave masters denied their slaves a better existence. The institution of slavery held each successive generation in poverty, which is an affront to the dream that many northerners held of prosperity in the new world. Douglass hoped that the Northerners would sympathize with the slaves oppression while becoming enraged with the slaveholders who held them there. Douglass also wanted his northern audience to be enraged by how slaveholders punished slaves ... 71). Slavery does not exist in today s society so obviously Douglass s effort was able to help advance the cause of abolition. Douglass, Frederick. Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass. Dover Publications Inc. New York: 1995.
10123: Peter The Great
... rushed back and saw 1800 servants in chains. He knew there was more behind this revolt than just bad ruling. He had every one of his guards interrogated 6 days a week, but found no new evidence. In the end, Peter had hung 1200 men. The day Peter returned from his voyage, he went to the church about the way Russian men must crop their beards. Peter saw in Europe, that ... Charles of Sweden pursued his conquering north towards Poland. Peter, hearing this, takes advantage of it and goes to the Swedish port. Peter takes over the land and destroys the army protecting it. With this new land, Peter began the construction of St. Petersburg. The expense for the development of this city was immense, and Peter had all of the materials imported. Hearing of Charles return to take over the land ... the wrath of Peter. Peter takes Alexis away has him tried for treason and tortured. Soon after Alexis dies. Peter continues to glorify St. Petersburg’s beauty and puts Russia on the map as a world power. In 1723, Peter is struck down with a bladder infection but survives. A few years after, while at sea, Peter catches a cold and dies after jumping in the ocean to save a ...
10124: Ignorrance is Bliss
Ignorrance is Bliss I like the way Harvey Danger said it in '97 in "Flagpole Sitta'", "Been around the world and seen that only stupid people are breeding, Creatons cloning and feeding". Im sure he didn't have to travel far to come to this conclusion. This is what I see every day. Not just ... ties. Due to the time I normally get home from work, I will periodically catch the Late Show with Jay Leno. He has a rather interesting segment where he goes out into the streets of new York to talk to college students, tourists, or whoever else he runs into, and asks them some rather simple trivia questions. Wow! Some of the responses they get to these questions. I would like to ... blamed on pure stupidity for the most part. Riders climbing out of the harnesses, not tightening the restraints at all, etc... I would just like to know what is wrong with the people of this world. Are these the kind of people I have to look forward to working for? And many of them think they know everything, and are totally sure of your inferiority. I guess ignorrance and arrogance ...
10125: Requirements Needed in Certain Computer Related Fields
... artificial intelligence applications). The salary of a software programmer depends on the program written, but is approximately $60 000 - 80 000 annually. Commcorp Project Leader The Project leader for the Commcorp corporation designs and implements new systems for all areas of Commcorp as well as maintaining existing programs. Some requirements are: - 5 years progressive experience in an MVS/XA environment - detailed knowledge of COBOL (for business applications) - detailed knowledge and experience ... environment. - Knowledge of overall PC hardware The job offers a very competitive salary, ranging from around $35 000 to 50 000 annually. Contributing Editor A Contributing Editor (in this case, the contributing editor of PC World), more or less edits and goes through the magazine and adds editorials in places. In this magazine, the Contributing Editor, Richard Scoville, helps to write editorials to put in the magazine as well as helping ... Specialist is required to design, implement, and provide high quality support of WAN and LAN network devices and facilities in an international network environment. Also to maintain and improve network performance by planning and introducing new technology and services. Some requirements are: - Experience in WAN and LAN networking - Experience in design and supporting of networks - A background in communications, Ethernet, Appletalk, bridges, routers, and multiplexors. - Graduation from a community college ...
10126: Morality; The Pre-existing and Universal Code
... right does not necessarily make it right just as much as what we believe is wrong in our culture does not necessarily mean it is wrong. “The fact that the Greeks or the inhabitants of New Guinea think something right does not make it right, even for them. Nor does the fact that we think the same things wrong make them wrong. They are in themselves either right or wrong. What ... anyone justify their actions without the evidence that it was the best action? God, the adjudicator of all our fates, decides what is good and what is bad. Killing in almost all parts of the world is considered an immoral action. If God determines that killing is unacceptable, then regardless of what a certain cultures beliefs are, their morals and those beliefs are wrong, and unpermisable. However if it so happens ... the standard of one’s age is to suggest that man is incapable (or perhaps too indolent) in finding the truth. If we are to accept the vast differences in morals and ethics in the world as a beneficial standard to society we then accept that there is no right and wrong, and thus there is no action that is best, and no action that can be justified. We must ...
10127: Walden Two
... have, the more distractions we clutter our lives with. I think an artist must have a certain amount of solitude, even, perhaps, loneliness in order to develop the kind of depth needed to create a new and crucial work of art. Frazier goes on to argue, "When artists and composers aren't patronized, they generally get a modicum of leisure by becoming irresponsible. Hence their reputation with the public." He doesn ... is blackmail. The antidote to manipulation is the same as the antidote to blackmail: to tell the truth. The victim of most forms of manipulation is not as much afraid of the blackmailer telling the world as he is of becoming aware of his own secrets, carefully hidden from himself. A self-aware human being is enured to manipulation. It always costs us to face our inner demons and that is ... honesty and cooperation among it's members. Such a society would be one of power-with at its best. While Skinner has offered some very compelling ideas on the reorganization of a free society, involving new applications of the law of supply and demand as well as democracy, his application of behaviorism in terms of training are less original, impressive or far-reaching. The gradual introduction of aversive stimulation is ...
10128: The Mathematical Art of M.C. Escher
... married Jetta Umiker, and they moved to Rome and had a family. After that they went to Italy until 1935, but political issues forced them to move first to Switzerland, then to Belgium. In 1941when World War II started and German troops occupying Brussels, Escher returned to Holland and settled in Baarn, where he lived and worked until shortly before his death. His work mostly unnoticed until the 1950's. Among ... based on theoretical premises. This was prompted in part by a second visit in 1936 to the fourteenth-century palace of the Alhambra in Granada, Spain. The tile work of the Moorish architecture gave him new ideas. He replaced the abstract patterns of Moorish tiles with recognizable figures and in the late 1930s Escher developed "the regular division of the plane." The artist also used this concept in creating his Metamorphosis ... do. Some people say that Escher in works like"Drawing Hands" takes a step into the fields of information science and artificial intelligence. He is exploring the uniqueness of the human brain to process the world in a way that a computer could never do. I don't know what a computer sees, but it is a picture that one hand literally contructs another. Escher was a unique artist and ...
10129: Virtual Reality
... simulation software and networking, human interfacing techniques (for example, voice and gesture recognition), audio synthesis, and high-performance computing are needed to assure its use in manufacturing, education, science, and art. Virtual reality is the new frontier of the computer-human interface. Researchers in computer-imaging technology are developing systems by which users can experience a simulated three-dimensional reality. This simulated reality is known as virtual reality The termcyberspace has ... gained its own meaning. (Gump) Since the 1970s, technologists have learned how to produce animated computer images of objects that exhibit the colors, textures, and changing spatial orientations that their counterparts exhibit in the real world. The images can also be subjected to changing light conditions and to simulated effects of gravity and other forces (see computer graphics; computer modeling). The results can look as real as actual motion pictures. The ... then manipulate. The output of graphics programs can also be exported to desktop publishing programs and used in creating multimedia productions. (Gump) Virtual Reality is an interesting topic. Virtual Reality is one of the many new innovations emerging today. Virtual reality is a part of the future. Researchers are working daily to solve the problems that produce cyber sickness. Researchers are using innovations for virtual reality. These innovations may change ...
10130: Eucalyptus Trees
The eucalypt is one of the tallest trees in the world. There are more then 600 species of eucalypts in Australia. Blackbutt, jarrah, karri, stringybark, ironbark are common names of eucalypts that grow in various parts of Australia. More than ninety per cent of Australia's ... summer sun. They tower more then 80 meters in height. The eucalypt has a greenish coloured leaf. WHERE IS IT FOUND Eucalypts are found from the dry coast of Western Australia to the forests of New South Wales. Mountain ash from the Dandenong ranges in Victoria and karri from southwestern Western Australia grow to over 80 metres in height. Around Sydney Harbour, blackbutts once grew as big as a large lounge ... the edge of sandy dunes in the full force of sea gales, and bent and twisted at the edge of the snow line in the Alps. They are also found in other parts of the world from Ethiopia to Ecuador, from California to Israel. Where eucalypts grow is determined by many environmental factors such as soil type, amount of water, wind direction, the direction the tree is facing and whether ...

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