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10101: Macbeth - Blood Imagery In Macbeth
... Macbeth and the Scottish army defeated the rebel Macdonwald’s army, a bleeding sergeant comes on stage. The sergeant then proceeds to describe the battle and how bravely Macbeth and his friend Banquo fought, "For brave Macbeth-well he deserves that name- / Disdaining fortune, with his brandish’d steel / Which smok’d with bloody execution, / Like valor’s minion carv’d out his passage…" (Act I, Scene 2, Lines 19-21 ... far that, should I wade no more, / Returning were as tedious as go o’er:" (Act III, Scene 4, Lines 159-161) We now find that Macbeth has entered so far into hell and the world of evil, it is impossible for him to return to righteousness. He will be forced to kill more and more people in order to retain control of the throne. The sins he has committed have ... bloodshed, and revenge. Shakespeare uses this blood imagery to enhance the audience’s understanding of Macbeth’s character. The audience has now witnessed the complete transformation of Macbeth. He begins as a noble, just and brave person, to becoming evil, ambitious, and treacherous during Duncan’s murder, to his final feelings of remorse for his crime and finally, to the realization that he will be punished for his sins.
10102: 1950’s Youth Culture
1950's Youth Culture Youth culture in the nineteen fifties was a time that opened up the world to be integrated for whites and blacks. In this paper the fifties are analyzed through the clothing, styles, cars, family life, and most importantly entertainment. Talking to various members of my family I asked them ... your mind. Shows like "Leave it to Beaver" and "Superman" were common shows of entertainment. On the big screen rebels like Marlon Brando and James Dean were influencing young minds. Ed Sullivan was showing the world so many different talents from all sociaties. This is an interesting little story that I have to tell because I can not take credit for this theory. I was riding the train home one weekend ... a lady who looked to be in her mid fifties. We started chating and she came across as a very intelligent lady. Her name was Pat Lin and she was a playwright in Washington and New York. When I started asking her a questions about the paper she gave me a shocking theory I would never have thought of. Elvis started the Civil Rights movement was what it came down ...
10103: Genetic Engineering 4
The rapid development of the technology for cloning has led to moral debates around the world on whether or not to ban creating human clones. With the advancement of clone technology two states, California and Michigan have already banned the cloning of humans. "Everybody who thought it would proceed slowly and ... Vere 3). A mixture between two people's genetic structure could provide a way for infertile couples or homosexual couples with a way to create a genetically related child. There are many couples in the world of which one of the partners is unable to naturally donate his/her genes for the purpose of procreation. Only through cloning technology will they be able to give birth to a child that is ... ban of human cloning has been premature in the development of the procedure. The benefits of cloning are innumerable to the medical field and could revolutionize potentially fatal procedures. Humankind could benefit greatly from this new technology, and it should not be banned. If God was the original "cloner" when he created Eve from Adam's rib, and Jesus was a clone of god. If we are wrong in cloning, ...
10104: Rennaisance Art
... of the individual. The renaissance period in art history corresponds to the beginning of the great western age of discovery and exploration, when a general desire developed to examine all aspects of nature and the world. Art, during this period, became valued -- not merely as a vehicle for religious and social identity, but even more as a mode of personal, aesthetic expression. The term early renaissance characterizes virtually all the art of the 15th century. Early renaissance artist sought to create art forms consistent with the appearance of the natural world and with their experience of human personality and behavior. These artists made an effort to go beyond straightforward transcription of nature, to instill the work of art with ideal, intangible qualities, endowing it with a ... career focusing on genres. Most significant about the artist of the renaissance is that they were disciples of nature. Their desire to re-create the forms and styles of classical art inspired the development of new artistic techniques. They emerged as creators, sought after and respected for their erudition and imagination. Their works did not merely copy nature but instead transcended it. Renaissance artists placed human concerns and feelings at ...
10105: America and the Camel
... during the beginning of the century baseball was bigger than it had ever been, including today. Baseball was seen as a growing source of entertainment. According to the book This Fabulous Century the most important new influence to baseball was the television. By as late as the end of the next decade the Cleveland Indians drew over 2.5 million fans, the largest ever for a single season. The Camel company ... doctors, during this time period, did not have the technology to see what cigarettes did to the body. The second advertisement is from 1944 and focuses on war. During 1944 the United States fought in World War II against the Axis Powers. This Camel advertisement depicts this time period by showing two fighter pilots lighting a cigarette while two more shoot guns out of a bomber. The advertisement tries to show ... other cigarettes because they have "low tar." In conclusion American culture changes with the times. The change in culture can be clearly seen with the comparison of the three advertisements. These advertisements show how the world develops and changes around us.
10106: Violence on Television
... modelled out of both of it parents. Like I mentioned before violence, sex and other actions thought to be taboo by previous generations have made their way into our everyday life and thoughts throughout our new median of communications. Most of the things that are under fire by people have been around since the beginnings of humanity but people have been afraid to talk about these issues as if one is ... ages in Europe, where we would be like sheep being lead by a greedy and ignorant shepherd. One last thing if people had never heard of the horrors of the concentration camps in Europe during World War II. Can anyone say that they don't believe that they would have happened a couple of more times in this four or five decades that have gone by and if it did do you believe that the world would stand for it? I don't think it so.
10107: Mark Twain
... much of the frontier humor of the time. From 1853 to 1857, Twain worked in many cities as a printer, and wrote articles for his brother's newspapers under various nicknames. After a visit to New Orleans, he learned how to pilot a steamboat. That became his job until the Civil War closed the Mississippi River, and it set him up for "Old Times on the Mississippi" and "Life on the ... as a public speaker. His trips to the Mediterranean and the Holy Land were recorded in letters to a San Francisco newspaper, and later formed into The Innocents Abroad, which was popular all over the world. In 1870 Mark Twain married Olivia Langdon. He then abandoned journalism to focus on serious literature. From 1870-1875, Twain produced many novels, including the famous tale, Tom Sawyer. A European vacation in 1878-1879 ... the failure of his firm and other reasons, he had to declare bankruptcy. During this time he produced many works, but they were not some of his best. To help his situation, he commenced a world lecture tour. Even though his financial situation rapidly improved, much stress and sorrow came to Twain following the death of first his daughter, in 1896, then his wife in 1904. His writings in the ...
10108: Miltons Paradise Lost
... takes a fall. Lester Burnham complicates his life further when he becomes infatuated with his daughter's best friend. After seeing this young girl at a basketball game, Lester succumbs to his delusion of a new and improved life. What he does not realize is that his motivation for this change is superficial, rather than earnest. Lester quits his job, gets a job in a fast food drive-through, buys drugs ... very horrid and terrifying. The fall brings him darkness, sorrow, and a Hell that will be within him forever. The fall of Adam and Eve brings with it death, sin, pain, suffering, etc. into the world. The fall of mankind seems to be the death of everything perfect. It introduces death and pain to the world, but it also unveils the chance for redemption. In a sense, Lester falls in American Beauty. At first he lives a life which would be considered acceptable to society: a normal job, a normal ...
10109: Women In Reform Movements
... learnd that their was more to life that what they had known. as any human has acted in the past, women started to rise up and demand more, not just fo themselvs but of the world around them. About the mid ninteen thirties the anti-abolitionist went on large rampages in the north, meetings, free black homes were destoried, and so too were the homes of weatly sporters for the free black. it could be said that at this time when women started to try to remove the schackels from the slaves they found the new schackels on themselvs. all women at this time were conciderd biologically inferior to men, they also had no rights on land or money, even more so if she got or was married. only the quakers were agiasnt this kind of treatment, there the ones that had the idea of "men and women being equal." news quickly spred of this new way of life for women ; the demand for a say in abolition was higly opposed by the males in the same group. this and the london anti-slavery convetion, wich would not give a ...
10110: Stephen Bantu Biko
... Stephen Biko. It shows the inequality that blacks go through everyday (Cry Freedom). His death shocked the nation and people internationally. This was a turning point for South Africa. None of the rest of the world would buy goods or trade with South Africa. The new prime minister was quick to change laws, because if he didn't act fast there could have been lots of riots, and South Africa might be shut off from the rest of the world forever.

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