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Search results 10091 - 10100 of 22819 matching essays
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10091: How To Make A Webpage
... page, it is time to place it on the internet. To do this, you may have to contact your internet provider, and ask them if they allow their customers to place internet documents on their world wide web server. Once you have it on the net, tell all your friends about it so you can get traffic on your page, and maybe one day, you will win an award for it, and all that work will be paid off. Every time I make a web page for something or someone, I always learn new html, java, and cgi commands, because I always like to try new things, to see if they will work, or to see what they will do. When I made this web page, I learned how to do different things all at once, which I had never ...
10092: Macbeth - Supernatural And Spirits
... making "Macbeth" as a tragedy play. With the sense of the supernatural and interference of the spirits, Macbeth and Lady Macbeth are led to dangerous tempting things. Macbeth’s character becomes completely different from the brave soldier to the evil king and to his tragic death where he discovers humility again when it is too late. Lady Macbeth’s character also changes from being a loving wife and masculine woman to ... are good news for Macbeth. The witches encouraged him to believe he is invulnerable and indestructible. He has found protection in the strength of spirit’s words. Having possession of all the confidence in the world, he fears no one. The prophecies at the beginning of the play led him to his success, and those apparitions at the end just led to his tragic death. It is a tragic death because without known that Macbeth will become a king, he would still be a brave soldier, honest and humble man. From all above, the use of the supernatural and spirits provide suspenseful play in Macbeth. The first prophecies have led Macbeth to murder Duncan and Banquo in order to ...
10093: Portraits Of Ingres And Reynolds
... portrait. This is either a calm or collected person or an arrogant person. Maybe both. He cares nothing for anything around him. This may be a commentary on this man’s turbulent life. “The knowledgeable world of London did not believe that the son born to Anna Maria Burgoyne on February 4, 1723, had been fathered by her husband, ex-Captain John Burgoyne, Sr.”(Mintz, 3). It was widely believed, actually ... though, would be considered the urban warrior. Instead of killing in wars, this man has worked with his mind more then his body. He has deadlines, public relations, bills, and politicians. He fights for a new class of people, the middle class. They are both noble figures in their own right, one fighting for political freedom or repression and the other fighting for personal freedom and repression of the less fortunate. Both of these paintings show a separate part of history. General Burgoyne was a man that lived during the mid 1700’s, when there was much upheaval due to new ideas such as physics and enlightenment. Bertin, on the other had, lived in the late 1700’s and early to mid 1800’s, a time when economy and the industrial revolution made warriors out ...
10094: Marco Polo's Influence
... themselves were explorers and they were the ones who had brought him to China and other countries in Asia. They visited and traded a lot, therefore he was more open to other people in the world. His travels especially to China inspired him to write a book in prison. Kublai Khan was another important person in the life of Marco Polo. He was the Mongol leader in China when Marco Polo ... of Yangchow in three years, even though he was a foreigner. He was sent on fact-finding missions to distant parts of the empire. Marco Polo then considered himself as the adoptive son of his new country. When Marco Polo was caught and put into prison in Genoa with his Russian jail mate, Rustichello, he wrote a book. Rustichello was a romance and chivalry writer, so he helped write the book ... Chinese. He was also the writer of a book on his journey to China, which motivated a lot of other European explorers to go to China. This was a big contribution and impact to the world, for he had introduced the East to the West. Marco Polo has been said to be a genius and a confident man, but a lot of people have argued that statement. Did he actually ...
10095: Prostitution: A Victimless Crime?
... a matter of public safety and disease control. Would harsher laws end prostitution or result in a lot of persons getting their car impounded? Regardless as to what effects harsher laws will have on prostitution, new laws are still being tried out in several sates in America. Advocates for legalization say that harsher laws have to be enforced and that cost money. One Los Angeles official estimated that prostitution enforcement was costing the city more than 100 million dollars a year. Still the trend in America seems to lean toward legislation to crackdown on prostitution. Prostitution in this world is alive and well despite the fact that it is considered illegal in most developed countries. Some see it as an issue of safety in out neighborhoods and other take it on as a moral ... prostitutes and relocate to official red-light district. The solution for several countries and cities that have high levels of prostitution seems to be to open red light districts. In fact, some cities around the world have already taken that step. Prostitution is a complex issue. Those who advocate against prostitution do so saying it brings the criminal element and on moral issues. If we regulate and create areas for ...
10096: All Good Things
... years flew by, and before I knew it Mark was in my classroom again. He was more handsome than ever and just as polite. Since he had to listen carefully to my instruction in the "new math," he did not talk as much in ninth grade as he had in third. One Friday, things just didn't feel right. We had worked hard on a new concept all week, and I sensed that the students were frowning, frustrated with themselves - and edgy with one another. I had to stop this crankiness before it got out of hand. So I asked them ... I had never seen a serviceman in a military coffin before. Mark looked so handsome, so mature. All I could think at that moment was, Mark I would give all the masking tape in the world if only you would talk to me. The church was packed with Mark's friends. Chuck's sister sang "The Battle Hymn of the Republic." Why did it have to rain on the day ...
10097: A Lesson Before Dying
... Dying, they end off the chapter with a Christmas play about the birth of Jesus. This is significant because Christmas to Christian s is a symbol of birth. This could mean that there might be new hope for Jefferson. This is because Jefferson is currently on death row. Christmas does not symbolize death, but symbolizes birth. This could mean that Jefferson could get a new chance in life or at least will not be executed in the near future. Another important point is that everyone knew that this play is dedicated to Jefferson/. This could mean that the whole community ... nigger it will decrease a black person s opportunity to receive education, employment, etc., therefore perpetuating their lack of status within society. Grant s teacher also said that to survive in a white man s world, you basically have to adapt in their culture and do everything a white man does. Grant s response is My only choice is to run, then? This means that the only thing to do ...
10098: High School Graduates and Rights Denied
High School Graduates and Rights Denied High school graduates are considered adults. They are eager young pioneers ready to face the real world ahead of them. However, they are denied certain rights. No one person should be denied their constitutional rights. Actually, it is guaranteed by the constitution. People should have rights if people can handle them. Can ... see some Hollywood shows. Nevada is now the third richest state in the country. It is a lucrative business for the public and the private owners. So why not open casinos and gambling to a new market. High school graduates would be the ideal class. They are young, willing to blow their hard earned money, and have their whole lives still ahead of them to pay it off. More casinos would ... why not let them in. If you let them in they will have to learn a bigger responsibility sooner. You learn from your mistakes and if society gave them the chance to do so a new class of young adults would emerge. Looking at some examples of the nest generation their future does not look good. With them busy, in the clubs, less crime would be the effect. The author ...
10099: Norms
... became the norm of our age and location. We were trying not to be normal, but ended up right in the middle of it. As a freshman at Western Illinois University, I learned a whole new realm in the world of norms. We were taught about formal and informal norms, mores and folkways, and sanctions. Formal norms are what is written down and often take the form of laws. Formal norms were not what we ... to us. The sanctions for breaking the folkways lessened and lessened. The penalties became so minute, they virtually disappear. The Junior High "I have to be different" stage went away as I entered the real world so to speak. What I do now only affects myself and changes my own perspective on things, not the way others see it. We were only different until someone else did the same thing ...
10100: Fredrick Douglass 3
... encountered whathis wifewas doing for Frederick and forbid her to continue. He believed that "ifyou give a nigger an inch, he will take an ell" and continuing with "learning would spoil the bestnigger in the world". The masters felt that an ignorant slave formed a choice slave andany beneficial learning would damage the slave and therefore be futile to his master. His next step on the road to success was during his seven years living withMaster Hugh s family. Frederick would make friends with as many white boys as hepossibly could on the street. His new friends would be transformed into teachers. Whenhe could, Frederick carried bread on him as a means of trade to the famished kids forknowledge. He would also carry a book anytime he had an errand to ... food to their slaves. After leaving Master Thomas s house and living with Mr. Covey, Frederick, for the first time, discovered what it was like to be a field hand. He feltvery awkward in his new environment and came to prove it soon enough. A week afterhis arrival he received a generous number of lashings. Frederick had never maneuvered oxen before and was required to take them out to the ...

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