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10071: Child Rearing in Victorian Times
... Children who were raised in the wealthy families of this period had lives which were very protective, very suffocating, they were unable to show any emotion to the people responsible for bringing them into this world. They were always to act prim and proper, and to speak only when spoken to. In our day in age we would probably consider that mental abuse, and even though they were the educated ones ... would appear the Victorians had the right idea in the strictness and the demonstration of respect, but they lacked love and feeling in the realm of child rearing. Works Cited Evans, Hillary & Mary. The Victorians. New York: Arco, 1973. Greenleaf, Barbara Kaye. Children Through The Ages. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1978, pp. 78-83. Kennedy, David. Children. London: Batsford, 1971, pp. 59-67.
10072: Taming Of The Shrew - Illusion Vs. Reality
... the Shrew Illusion vs. Reality As a passing traveler in Padua, one could easily make superficial assumptions about the inhabitants. On the surface, Katherina seems like a vicious tiger that is angry at the entire world. Petruchio first appears like the type of man that anybody would like to have as a friend. At first glance, Bianca seems like a heavenly vision of beauty that any man would be lucky to ... with food, she exclaims, "I pray you husband, be not so disquiet: The meat was well, if you were so contented." (Pg. 70) Disposing of the invincibility she maintains in Padua, she hungrily entreats her new husband to be reasonable. Taking off the fierce mask she wears in the beginning of the play, Katherina exposes the reality that she too is human. Stumbling onto the scene in Padua, Petruchio makes a ... then to pluck it out." (Pg. 42) Clever and alert, his personality is initially appealing. As time passes however, Petruchio lets his cruel and tormenting ways manifest. Bent on gaining the complete obedience of his new wife, he refuses to let Katherina attend Bianca's wedding unless she admits that the sun is the moon (when it is not). Opposite of being jovial, he manipulates Katherina into speaking bold-faced ...
10073: Fried Green Tomatoes
... Café "HER ORIGINAL NAME was Patricia Neal"(Reynolds1), but the author of Fried Green Tomatoes is better known under the alias: Fannie Flagg. In the novel Fried Green Tomatoes she uniquely compares the modern day world to the world in the early and the middle 1900’s. As the novel shifts from the 1930’s to the 1980’s the significance of life is seen through two of the main characters, Mrs. Cleo Threadgoode ... is what all of the women she knew were doing. It was an absurd thought to go run off with another young girl. Even though this is exactly what she wanted to do. Although she new it wasn’t the choice she wanted to make she made it and suffered the consequences. "He’s blackened her eye and knocked her down the stairs, and once, he broke her arm"(188). ...
10074: Shakespeare
... are dead their love continues. The love between Romeo and Juliet was forbidden by the two families because of their hatred for each other. Most religions say to honor your parents and if their parents new of the love it could have been disaterious. After Juliet marries Romeo the Nurse tries to convince Juliet to commit bigamy. She wants here to marry Paris so that all will be right with here ... another. Both Romeo and Juliet were willing to forsake those things that were important to them for each other. True love is the most powerful of all in Romeo and Juliet and in the real world. The nature of love hasn't changed but, with the evolution of our society, it's expression has changed slightly. Of all the things is the world, love is the most timeless and it is this which makes the story of Romeo and Juliet timeless.
10075: Freya Goddess Of Love
... difficulties her her marriage. WORKS CITED Daly, Kathleen. Norse Mythology A to Z. Oxford: Library of Congress, 1991. Green, Roger Lancelyn. Myths Of The Norsemen. Harmondsworth: Puffin Books, 1960. Osborne, Mary Pope. Favorite Norse Myths. New York: Scholastic, 1996. Page, R.I. Norse Myths. Avon: Bath Press, 1990. Wilson, David M. The Northern World. New York: Harry N. Abrams, 1980.
10076: Michelangelo
... placed there in a fine monument in the church of Santa Croce. Michelangelo portrayed both optimism and pessimism. Sculptures was where he wanted his heart dedicated. Michelangelo gave up painting apprenticeship to take up a new career in sculpture. Michelangelo then went to Rome, where he was able to examine many newly unearthed classical statues and ruins. He soon produced his first large-scale sculpture, the over-life-size Bacchus (1496 ... Instead of revealing extreme grief, Mary is restrained, and her expression is one of resignation. In this work, Michelangelo summarizes the sculptural innovations of his 15th-century predecessors such as Donatello, while ushering in the new monumentality of the High Renaissance style of the 16th century. Michelangelo was pessimistic in his response to Strazzi. I did not see Strazzi as complementing him. Michelangelo responds in a pessimistic tone to what should ... de’ Medici to Leo X, Clement VIII, and Pius III, as well as cardinals, painters, and poets. Neither easy to get along with nor easy to understand, he expressed his view of himself and the world even more directly in his poetry than in the other arts. Much of his verse deals with art and the hardships he underwent, or with Neoplatonic philosophy and personal relationships. The great Renaissance poet ...
10077: Gailileo 3
... order to make use of astrology in their medical practice. However, Galileo apparently discussed more unconventional forms of astronomy and natural philosophy in a public lecture he gave in connection with the appearance of a New Star (now known as "Kepler's supernova") in 1604. In a personal letter written to Kepler (1571 - 1630) in 1598, Galileo had stated that he was a Copernican (believer in the Theories of Copernicus). No ... was not to defend Copernicanism. Just what was said on this occasion was to become a subject for dispute when Galileo was accused of departing from this undertaking in his Dialogue concerning the two greatest world systems, published in Florence in 1632. Galileo, who was not in the best of health, was summoned to Rome, found to be vehemently suspected of heresy, and eventually condemned to house arrest, for life, at ... rather lightly. Galileo's sight was failing, but he had devoted pupils, and he found it possible to write up his studies on motion and the strength of his evidence. The book Discourses on two new sciences, was smuggled out of Italy and published in Leiden in the Netherlands in 1638. Galileo wrote most of his later works in vernacular, probably to distance himself from the conventional learning of university ...
10078: Benjamin Franklin Autobiography Analytical Essay
... He was and is still known for his literary works, Poor Richards Almanac, his autobiography, and numerous of periodical type publications. These numerous works were based upon a version of the Whig ideal. Both the new and old Whig ideas helped to contribute to the thoughts of Franklin’s works. This ideal also relates to the enlightenment of the early American philosophies. Relating to Religion, power, politics and information to the ... examining chapter nine this will show through. In his autobiography, Franklin mentions on numerous occasions his printing presses. The Whig party tried to spread their ideals through the printed word into the colonies of the New World. Franklin mentions his almanac numerous times throughout his autobiography. He calls it a “proper vehicle for conveying instructions among the common people.” This book had Whig ideals spread throughout it. This was a way ...
10079: Argentine Marxist Revolutionary And Guerrilla Leader Che Guevara
... he got a reputation for cold-blooded cruelty in the mass execution of recalcitrant supporters of the defeated president Batista. At the triumph of the Revolution Guevara became second only to Fidel Castro in the new government of Cuba, and the man chiefly responsible for pushing Castro towards communism, but a communism which was independent of the orthodox, Moscow-style communism of some of their colleagues. Che organized and directed the Instituto Nacional de la Reforma Agraria to administer the new agrarian laws expropriating the large land holders; ran its Department of Industries; was appointed President of the National Bank of Cuba; forced non-communist out of the government and key posts and acting obstinately against ... even the merely discontented- youth of the later 1960s and early 70's a focus for the kind of desperate revolutionary action which seemed to millions of young people the only hope of destroying the world of bourgeois industrial capitalism and communism. Che's remains were found near Vallegrande, Bolivia at the end of June 1997. His remains were identified and were returned to Cuba .
10080: Race Relations in the United States
... we become not two but many Americas, separate, unequal and isolated,” he asked, “or will we draw strength from all your people and our ancient faith in the quality of human dignity to become the world’s first truly multiracial democracy?” Is such a democracy possible? Or will our differences always come between us? Looking around today it might seem a little odd for Clinton to call for racial healing. “For ... of whites, a higher percentage than of blacks, said they were willing to vote for a black candidate for President. So why would Clinton be calling for racial healing in a time when “ a curious new element” of peace “seems to have descended over America’s roiling racial landscape?” Not everything is as perfect as it seems. Unemployment rates in the poorest neighborhoods have barely budged. Problems in the quality of ... improved within this century, we still have a long road ahead of us. The issues of race, affirmative action and diversity should be discussed candidly. In doing this we may be able of “ become the world’s first truly multiracial democracy.” If this year long discussion leads to action, it could be remembered as the turning point for our country. “Let the conversation proceed.”

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