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10061: The Civil Rights Movement
... rights of all citizens to vote, and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 ended literacy tests and let the Federal government register voters to make sure that they aren't discriminated again. Because of this new political power they have obtained, blacks have the ability to elect other blacks to represent them. There are over four times as many blacks in office today, than before the movement. This helped the blacks because they could have a representative to speak for them. A few years ago, a black named David Dinkins was elected mayor of one of the largest cities in America, New York. In 1968, Chrisam became the first black woman in the House of Representatives and in 1984, a popular black leader, Jesse Jackson ran for president. All this is a success because one of their ... sought to do business with the Federal government. These two types of companies had to hire a certain percent of minorities. It was made to help minorities catch up with the whites in the business world. It is an attribute to the civil rights movement because it gave blacks jobs and opportunities. Socially, the Kerner Commission report is partly true today, but overall the civil rights movement was a success ...
10062: Software Piracy: A Big Crime With Big Consequences
... a store, disarm all of the alarms and will hold the door open for you as you walk inside and take anything you wish. This criminal offence occurs every day on computer systems around the world including the internet. This is a very serious problem and is very difficult to circumvent. Every computer user is both tempted and immersed in software piracy in its many forms. One of the most disturbing ... Copying' or 'softlifting.' This type of piracy is the out right copying of a program and giving it to a friend or a colleague. An example of this is an individual just bought a brand new computer game from the store. They liked it so much that they made a copy and gave it to a friend. The second form of piracy is what is referred to as hard disk loading ... programs can be attained with out any problems or hassle. Software piracy is a fact of life. It is a crime that occurs at every second of the day and in every country in the world. By ignoring copyright law, intellectual property is being misused. By ignoring the problem it can only get worse. The two greatest ways to defeat software piracy is by education and prosecution. By educating the ...
10063: Animal Farm Comparison
... an unalterable law. The animals enthusiasm was expressed through a hymn, Beasts of England. The Rebellion comes sooner then it had been excpected and the successful animals join together with a will to build a new and better world. To symbolise the new day the name of the farm is changed from Manor Farm to Animal Farm. Very soon, however, under the leadership of Napoleon, the techniques and sanctimonies of tyranny begin to appear. First, there is ...
10064: Abilities of People With Disabilities
... run. Do these women not deserve to be not separate, not special, but just equal? By now you may be wondering, "What is being done to stop this from happening?". On July 26, a major new law, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), went into effect for companies with twenty five or more employees--which means that 87% of U.S. wage earners will be covered. The law, which bans discrimination against those who are blind, deaf, mentally retarded, HIV positive, physically impaired, or have cancer or epilepsy, is designed to help more than ten million Americans move into the mainstream of the working world. "This is the 20th century Emancipation Proclamation for people with disabilities," says Iowa Senator Tom Harkin, the law's chief sponsor. Under the act, employers are forbidden to discriminate in hiring, promotions, and firing. They ... people with disabilities.. Says Bobby Silverstein of the Senate Subcommittee on Disability Policy: "Companies are sending human-resources employees to seminars and sensitivity training, reading manuals and meeting with disabilities-rights advocates." So in this world of political correctness, people can not even treat someone who has an extra bulge in one place or another as an equal. Laws are helping, but as Mrs. Sommer says, "The most significant barrier ...
10065: Heart Of Darkness
... god. He has encountered two extremes, the European mentality, which is ignorant to reality, and Kurtz, someone who has found his reality, but is one of horror. Marlow returns to Europe, to face his former world, but now he has a new understanding of it, he has been enlightened. He now sees the life in the sepulchral city through the prism of his experience in Africa. Marlow resents the way Europeans live their life, and this is ... imperialistic ideals and the meaninglessness of their standards at the time. The European s cruelty and hypocrisy in Africa leaves a permanent imprint on Marlow s mind, and therefore changes his entire perception of the world he lives in. With the character of Marlow, Conrad achieves his ultimate goal - to show the bitter reality of the European colonies in Africa.
10066: Hard Times 2
... Gradgrinds and most importantly, the way her father helped to hide Tom when he was running from his crime. Such things were typical only of the circus life and not of its opposite, The Gradgrind world. Existentialism was also the most effective philosophical theory at the novel's end. Out of Tom, Louisa and Mr. Gradgrind, the only one who I view as truly being happy and making a change for the better, was Tom. Louisa was left in the same dreary monotonous state, but her only contentment now would be to know that Tom is happy in the New World where he is free to roam and commit himself to his own projects; clearly so he became an existentialist. Mr. Gradgrind was probably somewhat educationally enlightened by the whole experience but continued to sit ...
10067: Appearances - A Universal Concern
... universal; it permeates all cultures and peoples, and stretches from the past to the present. Throughout history, both men and women have gone to great lengths to become more attractive. In all parts of the world, people take many different measures to beautify themselves. Even move, the animal world also exhibits the desire to be attractive. Male birds of paradise, with their brilliant hues, contrast sharply with the females. Male peacocks have stunning tail-feathers that are obviously used to attract females as well ... worth to make ourselves more beautiful overall. Works Cited "Aesop." Grolier's Electronic Encyclopedia. 1993. Coon, Dennis. Essentials of Psychology: Exploration and Application. 5th ed. Los Angeles. West Pub. 1991 Robertson, Ian. Sociology. 3rd ed. New York: Worth, 1987.
10068: Geoffery Chaucer
... the crooked narrow streets of London to grow up on, and the horesback riding constantly along the countryside meeting all the townsmen and the peasants surrounding him, Chaucer experienced his early life in a entirely new fashion. With a population of 40,000 made up in a small area, he had many subject to base his stories upon and proved throughout time that he did base most of his most famous ... for his writing. During this period you could see a lot of the influences that played a major role in his writing. From the story Troilus and Criseyde, Chaucer shows three main influences; the chivalric world, the philosophic world, and his enviromental influences. Criseyde, in one of her early conversations with Pandarus, speaks of the disgrace that worul come to her if Troilus love were suspected by anyone. And as the love affair ...
10069: Hamlets Transformation
... things, if that s what it takes to make everything right. Death and sorrow will be brought upon Denmark until a balance is reached in the end. Then his purpose and task is complete. His new purpose trapped him in a world (Denmark) where he cannot be himself anymore. He changes into someone that will deal with that world and will be able to go through with his sole purpose. I think that Hamlet is fully aware of what he is doing, although he appears to be mad. His awareness is clear because ...
10070: My Brother Jack
... was travelling on a train. I saw him suddenly as a find of sunburnt Icarus, a freeman, buoyant and soaring in his own air, in the clear and boundless space of an element families yet new (pg 294). It is evident through examples, why the novel was called My Brother Jack . The title may suggest an account of Jack s life through the eyes of David. The perception you get is ... David failed in his relationship with his wife, which is also a reason to his inner failure. He was miserable in his relationship although his feelings were never shown. David states To have travelled the world as I had I had only to have to drop back again into mundane horrors at the Beverly Gardens Estate, and Helen s bright parties (pg 345). Displaying his inner failure as a person. David ... pg 291 David s thoughts on Jack). David expressed his emotions all through the novel gaining self-realisation of who he is. Through all these experiences I could feel my own growth, a development, a new sophistication (pg 335). George Johnston describes his life through the character of David. He then realises his disloyalty and the person he is to other people. Even though he realises all this through different ...

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