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10031: Henry Ford 2
... for the trip had to do with reincarnation. Ford told Morgan that his belief of reincarnation came out of a book that he purchased for twenty-five cents, instead of a trip halfway around the world to find his beliefs. From this chapter we can conclude that Doctorow sees Ford as a simple man and someone who is concerned about not only himself but his workers as well. Henry Ford was ... or black. When the Model T was released it debuted for seven hundred and fifty dollars. This car not only changed American Society forever but also had a great affect on the rest of the world. If Henry Ford was able to produce a car for such a low price why couldn't other companies do the same? At the time the Model T became the most successful vehicle ever produced ... to help make his cars more appealing to the public is, he pushed for gas stations to be built everywhere. This way people didn't have to drive too far to fill up their brand new Model T's. This too has played a major role on society because in this day and age if you can go ten miles without seeing a gas station it is pretty amazing. Henry ...
10032: Hubris And Prudence
... blasphemous, fraudulent, harmful, or simply wrong. He is contemptuous of those who dare exceed their limits because these characters prove ultimately destructive. Arachne hurts herself, Daedalus hurts his son, and Phaethon destroys much of the world. But Dante carefully distances himself from these figures. He hopes, and most likely believes, that his writing of the Commedia is divinely sanctioned. He stays within his limits. Therefore the steps and liberties that he ... himself to Elijah, who "went up in a whirlwind into heaven" in a chariot. [9]This is in contrast with Phaethon, who could not control his chariot and therefore destroyed himself and much of the world. Dante claims that he is writing because of a mandate from heaven. Thus, he can claim that his soul is filled "with sound humility, abating / my overswollen pride" (Pur XI, 19-20), while simultaneously daring ... to take such liberties, while daring to "fly," like no previous author. Arachne, Daedalus, and Phaeton tried to go beyond their limits, and therefore suffered. Dante must do what they did not. He must be brave and use the gifts given him and yet rein in his powers. In order for Dante to succeed, by demonstrating his artistic power before men and his humility before God, he must stay within ...
10033: How Eagles Live
... tail. An immature bald eagle is all brown with some white in tail and wing linings. Their beak, eyes, and feet are yellow. The bald eagle lives along rivers, big lakes, and tidewater throughout the world except for South America. They locate fish by following seabirds, and then they rob osprey of fish catches, they also eat carrion. The bald eagle is an endangered species and is only numerous in Florida ... feathers on its head. Its body is black above and white below except for a black chest band. It was becoming increasingly rare in the late 20th century, particularly in Mexico and Central America. The New Guinea harpy eagle (harpyopsis novaeguineae) is about 75 centimeters long. It is gray-brown and has a long tail and a short but full crest. Very similar, in appearance and habits, to the New Guinea harpy eagle is the monkey-eating eagle (pithecophaga jefferyi) of the Philippines. It is about 90 cm long, brown above and white below, with a crest of long narrow feathers. It is an ...
10034: Women in Africa
... so did the resistance. In September 1929, Captain John Cook was sent to Bende as the Acting District Officer, where he was disappointed with the male roll counts. He instructed his Warrant Chiefs to conduct new counts, and "added that the exercise had nothing to do with a tax on women" (Afigbo, 236). The mere mention of "women" and "tax" in the same statement sparked immediate disapproval. Rumors began to fly ... their arrests, that they also felt that marriage was something that could be easily moved in and out of; which was equated to prostitution by the chiefs. Therefore, because "chiefs and elders were articulating a new definition of marriage that upheld the husband's exclusive sexual rights over his wife, while minimizing or discounting completely the husband's reciprocal obligations toward that wife", women stopped marrying (Allman, 201-201). It is ... reason for its failure was that the capture of unmarried women did not get the backing of the colonial government" (Allman, 212). In this particular instance, women were able to "shape actively the emerging colonial world" (Allman, 213). The only thing that the chiefs succeeded in doing was making the arrest of women a profit-making venture; because every time a woman was released from jail, she or the man ...
10035: The Computer
... can do some basic word-processing and spreadsheets as well as 'Surf the Internet'. You can play the latest computer games by yourself as well as against someone from across the other side of the world. It can store databases which could contain information that is kept by police for easier records or you could just use it for your own family history. The basic structure of a computer is a ... can make to this such as a Modem, a Joystick, and a Mouse. The personal computer was developed during the year 1945 by the Americans to help them decode enemy secret codes during the Second World War. At this time the computers were huge and only used by governments because they were as big as room. This was because the main thing they used were vacuum valves which made the computer ... gange of computers called the Commodore 64 and also another Commodore computer called the Vic 20 which was released in the year 1982. When Intel saw the Commodore 64's success it released its brand new 386 processor in the year 1985. Though the 386 was easily the better and faster processor the Commodore 64 seemed to be the computer getting all the attention because of it's lower prices ...
10036: Gender in Sports
... high school and college alike, while teams have been created for women, the best resources and ideas are usually reserved for the players on the men's teams. They are the primary reason that the new stadium is erected or the new facilities have been designed to accommodate. These institutions only contribute to the sense of inequality among the sexes in their blatant separation and mismatched treatment of the sports teams of men an women. The crowds ... women's teams hard at work. All of this is only enhanced by the lack of any professional sports leagues in which women may participate and form careers. The idea that women cannot handle the world of sports is ridiculous because general assumptions of that magnitude cannot be accurately made by anyone. Women are as capable of playing athletics in the respected arena as any man is and it is ...
10037: House On Mango Street 2
... time. Although I think she will become smarter after all of this because she will learn all of the different parts of life, and what kind of demented and nice people are out in the world, that can help or harm her or other people around her. Work Cited Cisneros, Sandra. The House on Mango Street. New York, New York, Vintage Books, A division of Random House, Inc., 1984.
10038: Jimi
... rock. The next song, "Manic Depression" comes in strong with the opening chords and then reveals Mitch Mitchell's trademark rolling drums. It also contains another of Jimi's solos worth listening to by any new or Experienced fan. Chas Chandler chose the quietest song on the album to give the world its first taste of The Jimi Hendrix Experience. Its first single was "Hey Joe", a song written by turn-of-the-century bluesman Billy Roberts. The first bars of "Hey Joe" leave no doubt that ... enters to let you down easily. Mitch turns on the soft roll. Jimi sings sweetly about his waterfall. The pace picks up, getting hectic for a moment when Jimi recalls the other people in this world, with their plans. But they can do whatever it is that they do. Jimi doesn't care, and neither do I, as long as I have my waterfall. "I Don't Live Today" goes ...
10039: Coersion/Rape
... than one party. Others coerce us for the same reasons, as well as many more. Everyday, we are exposed to an average of over seven-hundred advertisements which attempt to cajole us into buying a new product or service(often through sexually oriented advertising), or to try out an old product again. Coersion as I see it, and not as the dictionary defines it, is any attempt to persuade a person ... Jr., in his article "Date Rape Fallacies" writes "... -even though I continue to be troubled by the use of the word "rape" to cover the whole range of events. For no matter how true the new feminist analysis might be, there still remains a world of difference between a smooth talker on one hand and a man holding a knife to your throat on the other. Calling them both rapists may be a fine way of highlighting the malignity ...
10040: Legislating Sexuality
... from discrimination by the government(Cooke, 150). Why is it then that in today's modern American society, an institution that prides itself on being "the home of the free and the land of the brave", a vast number of Americans are hiding beneath a shroud of ignorance when it comes to the issue of homosexuality? It seems that the gay community is being attacked out of fear and intolerance with this new bill, the same vices that threatened African Americans and women. It is disturbing that even today, as we prepare to enter a new millennium, such primitive forces are still at work. Even the title of this bill is offensive, "The Defense of Marriage Act". It implies that the tradition of marriage must be defended against corruption. This ...

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