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10011: Joesph Campbells Hero Journey
... He compares it to a conspiracy and says, "there was something ominous in the atmosphere" (Conrad 8). The last part of the Departure, The Belly of the Whale, represents the final separation from the previous world, and the true entrance to the new one. Campbell compares this stage to a worshipper entering a temple; someone who is looking for rebirth. "The temple interior, the belly of the whale, and the heavenly land beyond, above, and below the confines of the world, are one and the same. That is why the approaches and entrances to temples are flanked and defended by colossal gargoyles: dragons, lions, devilslayers with drawn swords, resentful dwarfs, winged bulls. These are the ...
10012: Film Review Of Do The Right Thing
... creates different stories that takes place between different characters, in which they play off one another. The large ensemble cast is excellent. There's Mookie, that is played by Lee himself, who takes on the world and tries to make everything right, failing in the end; Sal (Aeillo), Vito (Edson), and Pino (Turturro), all struggle to have their pizzeria succeed all the while trying to intertwine with the black community; Mookie ... and a reason for violent opposition. Lee has made himself the kind of filmmaker working to tell black stories that have usually been ignored by Hollywood. Indeed, his success has opened the doors for a new generation of black filmmakers. Do the Right Thing, is to the point and entertaining with a serious view of the world. There are no absolute heroes or villains. There are no easy answers to the questions that this film poses. Do the Right Thing is one of the best-directed, best made films of our ...
10013: Lyndon B Johnson
... 1937, Johnson sought and won a Texas seat in Congress, where he championed public works, reclamation, and public power programs. When war came to Europe he backed Roosevelt's efforts to aid the Allies. During World War II he served a brief tour of active duty with the U.S. Navy in the Pacific (1941-42) but returned to Capitol Hill when Roosevelt recalled members of Congress from active duty. Johnson ... especially among young, draft-aged people. Escalation also failed to win the war. The drawn-out struggle made Johnson even more secretive, dogmatic, and hypersensitive to criticism. His usually sure political instincts were failing. The New Hampshire presidential primary of 1968, in which the anti-war candidate Eugene McCarthy made a strong showing, revealed the dwindling of Johnson's support. Some of Johnson's closest advisors now began to counsel a ... of the treaty by which the United States withdrew from Vietnam. Bibliography Evans, Rowland, and Novak, Robert, Lyndon B. Johnson, The Exercise of Power : A Political Biography (1966); Geyelin, Philip, Lyndon B. Johnson and the World (1966); Goldman, Eric F., The Tragedy of Lyndon Johnson (1969); Johnson, Lady Bird, White House Diary(1970); Kearns, Doris, Lyndon Johnson and the American Dream (1976); Schandler, Herbert, The Unmaking of a President: Lyndon ...
10014: Loving in Truth: Creating a Society of Living in Harmony in the 21st Century
... to provide us with the appropriate means in order to realize that goal. So as we prepare for the next century, we must recognize that there are many problems that we must alleviate before this world can become a better place. It may well be that the nation cannot survive--as a decent place to live, as a world-class power or even as a democracy--with such high rates of children growing into adulthood unprepared to parent, unprepared to be productively employed and unprepared to share in the mainstream aspirations. Various programs are ... etc. Love and truth are intertwined. We cannot live in harmony with truth without being loving, and we cannot love unconditionally without being in agreement with truth. To discover truth, one needs not learn anything new. One needs only to unlearn obscure, fearful false beliefs. Truth remains when one frees himself from fears and false beliefs. To put it another way, when we rid ourselves of false beliefs, what we ...
10015: Morality: The Pre-existing and Universal Code
... right does not necessarily make it right just as much as what we believe is wrong in our culture does not necessarily mean it is wrong. “The fact that the Greeks or the inhabitants of New Guinea think something right does not make it right, even for them. Nor does the fact that we think the same things wrong make them wrong. They are in themselves either right or wrong. What ... anyone justify their actions without the evidence that it was the best action? God, the adjudicator of all our fates, decides what is good and what is bad. Killing in almost all parts of the world is considered an immoral action. If God determines that killing is unacceptable, then regardless of what a certain cultures beliefs are, their morals and those beliefs are wrong, and unpermisable. However if it so happens ... the standard of one's age is to suggest that man is incapable (or perhaps too indolent) in finding the truth. If we are to accept the vast differences in morals and ethics in the world as a beneficial standard to society we then accept that there is no right and wrong, and thus there is no action that is best, and no action that can be justified. We must ...
10016: The Future Of The Internet
The Future Of The Internet In Today's world of computers, the internet has become part of ones regular vocabulary. The internet is everywhere, in the news, the newspaper, magazines, and entire books are written on it regularly. Its growth rate is incredible, increasing ... endless on what can be done on the internet. People can tap into libraries, tap into weather satellites, download computer programs, talk to other people with related interests, and send electronic mail all across the world (Elmer-Dewitt 62). It is used by thousands of different kinds of people and organizations, like the military, businesses, colleges and universities, and common people with no specific purpose to even use it (Dunkin 180). Phillip Elmer-Dewitt stated it perfectly, “It is a place for everyone.” The rapid growth of the internet has many positive aspects to it. The new technology that is developing with this rapid growth will help keep computers up to date with what is being developed on the internet. With these technological advances, systems will be faster, more powerful, and ...
10017: Against Censoring Harmless Obscene Language
... is no need for all this pointless arguing and bickering. There is nothing that gets displayed on television, in the movies, or on the radio that is not already roaming the streets in the real world. Everyone uses offensive language. Why should it be censored on television? It is not causing anyone any harm. "Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words will never hurt me." This old rhyme makes ... illegal. Unfortunately, no compromise can legally be made on this issue. The only way to legally have forced censorship is to change the law, and in order to do that, the country will need some new congressmen. To put it simply, no one can be forced to censor obscene language until the law is changed. All the people of the world have their own beliefs. Mine is simple. I am strictly against the censoring of harmless obscene language. In fact, one could say that I even encourage it. It really helps to get one's ...
10018: Employee Assistance Programs
... 5). In any situation, this could become quite costly if there were an accident on the job. There are the obvious medical bills, Workers Compensation, destroyed or otherwise broken machinery, and the cost of training new employees. 47 percent of industrial accidents are alcohol related (Cascio 587). It is clear that an alcoholic employee is a troubled employee. Next on the list is Sharon. Sharon comes into the office every morning ... are altruistic, this simply isn t the case. EAPs exist so that the company can be run in an efficient manner. It is not always expedient to fire the Sharon s and Gus in the world. Sometimes it is less expensive to rehabilitate the trained employee rather than train a new employee - an employee with no guarantees that he won t have more problems. People, in the site of companies, are not expendable. EAPs are in place for employees that need assistance because of personal ...
10019: Ets And Ufos
... north, a great cloud, and a fire enfolding itself. Also out of the midst thereof came the likeness of four living creatures. Since then, several similar Unidentified Flying Objects (UFO s) are reported around the world. The Romans, the Greeks, moreover the great emperor Charlemagne saw it saw what? For Christians, there is no doubt about it; Ezekiel described angels coming down on Earth bringing messages from God. However, this is ... be studied or checked. To conclude, I must say that even if the majority of scientists want to discover extra-terrestrial life, some think it is highly insecure to do so. The history of the New World after 1492 shows that undeveloped civilisations are the ones who suffer when the developed make attempts such as contacting ET s. Indeed, if it is very unlikely that extra-terrestrials are visiting Earth, the ...
10020: Karl Marx: Communism
... s ideas that is wrong is that the rich control society. This is untrue, at least in our democracy. If a person who is rich or poor is running the country badly, we choose a new person to lead. It doesn't matter if the person is rich or poor, it is how well they do their job of keeping the people happy. Karl's idea that the belief in God ... over people. Physical items won't stop them from wanting this. Another faulty idea of Karl Marx is that the rich control the government. This would contradict his idea that the workers would start a new government. The workers are the poor people, not rich. If only rich controlled government, he would have no communist government to exist. Karl's ideas on government are wrong. Karl Marx's ideas on communism ... on his ideas of government, society, and economics. He had too small of an amount of support for his ideas. They might have been a realistic idea when he was around, but in today's world they are fantasy. His beliefs are a good look at what could be if things were different, but they aren't, so his ideas are lost to the history

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