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1771: Multicultural Education
... and minority students to study their respective heritages. This is not a simple feat due to the fact that there is much diversity within individual cultures. A look at a 1990 census shows that the American population has changed more noticeably in the last ten years than in any other time in the twentieth century, with one out of every four Americans identifying themselves as black, Hispanic, Asian, Pacific Islander, or American Indian (Gould 198). The number of foreign born residents also reached an all time high of twenty million, easily passing the 1980 record of fourteen million. Most people, from educators to philosophers, agree that an ... have evolved and changed as each came into contact with other groups" (Ryan 137). It would certainly give people a sense of ethnic pride to know how their forefathers contributed to the building of the American society that we live in today. It is also a great feeling to know that we can change what we feel is wrong to build a better system for our children. Minorities would benefit ...
1772: Slavery
... is something that should have never happened, but unfortunatly it did. This project is about the history of slavery in America, and the terrible unfair reality that slaves had to deal with. When the Meso American, or the Middle American natives first encountered the Europeans, they were very familiar with slavery. Among the most advanced civilizations in Central America was the Aztecs and Maya. In these places slavery, although not necessary, was common. The Aztec ... slave or they themselves became a slave. Also they could buy their freedom, or marry their owner. Slaves were often used in sacrificial ceremonies. The removal of the heart was a practice of the Middle American civilization, the most common of their sacrifices. The Maya was a civilization who were known for architecture, artwork, trade networks, writings, mathematics, and the calendar. Like the Aztec, the Mayans aquired slaves in the ...
1773: Personal Writing: Exchange Student in Japan
... When we got to their home, I was introduced to the brother and the grandparents who lived with them. The house that they lived in was cute. It had all the same things as an American home, but in a simpler and different way. The lavatory and the shower and the sink were all in separate places. The sink was in the middle of the living room, and the shower/bath ... school. This was a very exciting day for me, because I would get to meet my friends from America at school, and I would get to meet new people from Japan. In the way that American Children take the bus, Japanese children take the train. We got on a train at around 7:35, switched trains along the way and then continued to the country side, Kumayama, where the school I ... Saturday's there, that was a culture shock. The next day, Sunday was perhaps the most moving and incredible day that I experienced while I was in Japan. Just the four of us, the four American girls went to Hiroshima for the day. This is the place where the American's dropped the first atomic bomb ever on Japan. For a place that was completely destroyed, it was the most ...
1774: Black Female Bodybuilders
... she was playing Turner in drag, creating distraction from the narrative. In a 1991 - 1992 controlled study involving ten of the approximately twenty-five competing female bodybuilders in the world (including three self-described African-American women), all "mentioned that being homosexual was the most frequent stereotype attributed to her and was the one that caused her the most emotional pain."23 To compound the association, black female sexuality has always ... the so-called "excesses" of sexuality attributed to both.24 Of the terms most associated with "butch," or masculine-looking lesbian women, "bull-dyker," "bull-dagger," "bull-dyke" and simply "dyke" were originated in African American communities to refer to lesbians or bisexual women.25 In the early decades of the twentieth century the theme of lesbianism and the terms associated with it often made their way into the lyrics of ... lighter-skinned blacks have long incurred favor over darker-skinned blacks because of their closer physical proximity to an ideal of whiteness. It is a divisive prejudice that is deeply ingrained in the collective black American consciousness and is perhaps most insidiously imposed by blacks against one another, although it is certainly prevalent in the dominant culture as well. Undoubtedly, the triumphs of performers like Jones and Academy Awardา nominee ...
1775: The Population Problem
... people who entered and left the country, the result was that the United States obtained 2.8 million more people than it had gotten rid of (Douglis 12). Population increases place great strain on the American society and more particularly it causes tremendous destruction to the natural environment. For example, more than half of the wetlands in the United States are gone, and of all of the original forest cover, 90 ... millions of dollars every year. Studies show that post-1970 immigrants, legal and illegal, used $50.8 billion of government services in 1992. Subtracting the $20.2 billion they paid in taxes, the difference, which American taxpayers had to make up, was $30.6 billion. These figures, averaged out, account for $1,585 for every immigrant. Over the next ten years, it is estimated that an additional $50 billion in American tax money will go toward supporting immigrants (Thomas 19). According to Garret Hardin's idea of Lifeboat Ethics, continuing to add to the population of the United States will create many hardships. In order ...
1776: Adoption And Identity Formatio
... pain which is caused by closed adoptions. Overall, most of the literature supported the notion that adoptees do indeed have identity formation problems. References Baran, A., Pannor, R., & Sorosky, A. (1975). Identity Conflicts in Adoptees. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 45(1), 18-26. Benson, P., McGue, M., & Sharma, A. (1998). The Psychological Adjustment of United States Adopted Adolescents and Their Nonadopted Siblings. Child Development, 69(3), 791-802. Benson, P., McGue ... Adoption and Adaptation. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 170, 489-493. Cote, A., Joseph, K., Kotsopoulos, S., Oke, L., Pentland, N., Sheahan, P., & Stavrakaki, C. (1988). Psychiatric Disorders in Adopted Children: A Controlled Study. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 58(4), 608-611. Hajal, F., & Rosenberg, E. (1991). The Family Life Cycle in Adoptive Families. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 61(1), 78-85. Horner, T., & Rosenberg, E. (1991). Birthparent Romances and Identity Formation in Adopted Children. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 61(1), 70-77. Kelly, M., Martin, B., Rigby, A., & ...
1777: Herman Melville
Melville, Herman (1819-91), an American Novelist, is widely regarded as one of America's greatest and most influential novelists; known primarily as the author of Moby Dick. He belonged to a group of eminent pre-Civil War writers-American Romantics or members of the American Renaissance-who created a new and vigorous national literature. He is one of the notable examples of an American author whose work went largely unrecognized in his own time and died in obscurity. American ...
1778: Biography of Ogden Nash
Biography of Ogden Nash Fredric Ogden Nash was an American humorist who lived from 1902 to 1971. He was born in 1902 in Rye, New York, where he grew up with well educated parents. Microsoft Encarta 95 said that his parents names were Edmund Strudwick ... one of the best private high schools in the east: St. George's in Newport, Rhode Island. Moving on in his life, he enrolled at Harvard at the age of 18 (from 1920-1921). Contemporary American Poets stated that Nash then took a job in the editorial and publicity department at the Doubleday and Doran Publishing Company. He worked very hard at this position, moving up the "executive" ladder very quickly ... 1931 was the greatest year of Nash's life. In June, he married Frances Rider Leonard of Baltimore, Maryland. Also in 1931, he published two books of free verse: "Hard Lines" and "Free Wheeling." Contemporary American Poets made an interesting statement on these first two books by Nash: "These two books show poetry of remarkable freedom of scansion (rhythm pattern) and uncoventional feelings of thoughts." Contemporary American Poets showed clearly ...
1779: A Biography of Henry Ford
A Biography of Henry Ford Henry Ford was an American industrialist, best known for his pioneering achievements in the automobile industry. From humble beginnings he was able to create a company that would rank as one of the giants of American and World industry long after his death. There is no doubt that Henry Ford was a successful business man. The Ford Motor Company, Henry Ford's legacy, has left its mark on every continent in ... parts and assembly-line techniques in his plant. Although Ford neither originated nor was the first to employ such practices, he was chiefly responsible for their general adoption and for the consequent great expansion of American industry and the raising of the American standard of living. By early 1914 this innovation, although greatly increasing productivity, had resulted in a monthly labor turnover of 40 to 60 percent in his factory, ...
1780: Hackers
Analysis: The American Perspective On Hackers The issue of public information has always been a controversy in our world. One of our country’s founding arguments was based on the necessity of free speech and free information. Many now believe that our government is being overly restrictive on information, blocking and controlling some aspects of free speech that first amendment advocates feel are necessary to maintain our American society. These advocates of free information have been using the nickname "hackers" for over twenty years, but improper use by the media has stretched the word to slanderous levels. Hackers are now stereotyped as mindless ... want to raise social awareness of threatening problems. Governments worldwide are trying to persecute hackers when vandals, not hackers, are most often the ones breaking laws and causing damage. The conflict between hackers and the American public is a deeply rooted standoff, caused by misinformation and sensationalism from the media and the government. To evaluate and analyze this conflict objectively, both points of view must be put into proper perspective. ...

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