Essay Galaxy - Asdfa
Occasionally, there comes a time in everyone's life when they ask themselves if
they have a purpose. This question is not easy to answer, but can only be answered by the
person themselves. I once asked myself this very question. My purpose in life is simply to
live. My answer to this question may be wrong, may look simple, and you may even
laugh at it, but it means much more than it seems. The term "to live" has many meanings
to me. Love, happiness, charity, and justice are just a few meanings I feel are parallel to
this term.
Love is a constant reminder of why I would want to have a purpose in life. When
a person loves with their heart, the feeling they have is like no other. Anyone can love
with his or her mind or body, but love of the heart and soul is hard to come by. I have
loved with my mind ....