Essay Galaxy - Utopian Communes
By: Mike Kerbe
Mike Kerbe U.S. History to 1876 Professor Giaimis October 8, 1999 History of the Amana Communes With the new foundland of north America, Europeans saw a chance to apply their hopes and dreams of a perfect Utopian society. They saw an oppertunity to raise communities of so called �utopian societies� that they could not create in their already ruled land of Europe. While there would be Utopian experiments is Europe -like the Paris commune and the Fourierist Planxes, it would only be in America where the European divines would apply their Utopian ideals with such effort. The socialism of these early communities was the kind that Marx, rightly or wrongly, would brand as �utopian,� suggesting that it was idealistic and impractical. Rather than seeking to create an ideal government or reform the world, the members of these communal groups withdrew form the sinful, corrupt worl....