Essay Galaxy - Huckleberry Finn 8
Huckleberry Finn Should Not Be Banned
If Mark Twain was alive today, he would probably be appearing at libraries and in online chat rooms during Banned Books Week to discuss the fate of his own books. He certainly deserves recognition for the number of times his books have been challenged or banned in the past 112 years -- ever since Adventures of Huckleberry Finn was published in 1885 and immediately banned by the Concord, Massachusetts, Public Library. In some ways, not much has changed since 1885. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and Mark Twain are included in the American Library Association's lists of the ten most frequently challenged books and authors of 1996. Tracing the history a little further back, Attacks on the
Freedom to Learn, '96, a report by People for the American Way, lists them among the ten most frequently challenged books and authors of 1982 to 199....