Essay Galaxy - Barbie Doll
No Name Woman vs. Barbie Doll: Battle of the Millennia
Let's face it. Society is chock full of subtle, and not-so-subtle, demands to conform to the "norm", and going with the flow is a big part of life. Ideas of conformity are beaten into us as soon as we're able to comprehend the world we live in. A large piece of the conformity pie deals with the role of the woman, and how she should look and act. A good pair of literary works that illustrate the conflict which I assume that all women encounter are "No Name Woman" by Maxine Hong Kingston and "Barbie Doll" by Marge Piercy. I say that I assume because, being male myself, I really have no idea what the female gender is all about. However, I'll see what I can do. When viewing the two works together, one realizes that although the price for rejecting cultural norms can be shame, torture, and even death, fully embracing ....