Essay Galaxy - Friedrich Nietzsche's Philosophy
Friedrich Nietzsche's Philosophy
Friedrich Nietzsche, a unique philosopher had some very interesting ideas about people�s human values and personality types. In this essay I will explain what I like and dislike about his �Master Morality� & his antithesis to this, �Slave Morality�.
According to Nietzche, all morality is a manifestation of the will to power. The other is driven by the will to power but attempts to deny this.
The term �master morality� refers to all the values of the psychologically strong willed people. They stress independence, personal dignity, self-approval and the will to succeed. For such people �good� refers to whatever leads to self-fulfillment with values such as nobility, strength, courage, power and pride.
The antithesis to the master morality is the �slave morality.� This morality appeals to those who are uncertain of themselves, ....