Essay Galaxy - Writing about Literature
Writing about Literature
We have all heard expressions like �Her lips were like roses,� or �she was as beautiful as a goddess,� used to describe a person�s true love. Most writers, poets and novelists, are guilty of romanticizing their lovely ladies. But what if your love doesn�t look like Cindy Crawford? Should a poet write a poem that describes a lady that doesn�t exist, or should they tell the facts about their ladies, and hope that the reader will see that beauty does not come in one shape or size. In William Shakespeare�s, �My Mistress�s Eyes Are Nothing Like the Sun�, the idea of unconventional beauty is explored. This Poem breaks the traditional mold of the blue-eyed, blonde-hair beauty.
Here is the poem in its entirety:
My mistress� eyes are nothing like the sun;
Coral is far more red, than her lips red:
If snow be white, why then he....