Essay Galaxy - A Puppet Without Strings
A Puppet Without Strings
The theory behind fate or predetermination has been embedded in today�s society partially due to literature. Sophocles� Oedipus The King perpetuates this ideology that the title character pursues a path which happens to be foretold. Oedipus was determined to save his city and discover his identity, however he ultimately assists in his own downfall. An Oracle reveals that Oedipus is destined to murder his father and marry his mother, and Oedipus, unable to face his unspeakable fate, chooses to flee his �home� in order to escape from it. Oedipus, whom believed he was running from his destiny, was actually led directly to it. Oedipus unknowingly fulfills the prophecy by marrying Jocasta, his biological mother, and becomes King of Thebes after murdering a man who was his true father, Laius. Oedipus resolves to lift a deadly plague ....