Essay Galaxy - Plato vs. Nietzsche: The Nature of Good
Plato vs. Nietzsche: The Nature of Good
Plato and Nietzsche have opposing views on the nature of good.
Plato, as demonstrated in the "The Cave" and "Apology," believes that Good
is absolute. This means that he is of the opinion that there is one perfect
version of Good for all people, whether they are rich or poor, powerful or
weak. However, Nietzsche believes in the relative nature of good. He thinks
that the meaning of good can be different for different groups of people,
specifically the upper (master) class and the lower (slave) class.
In "The Cave" Plato shows that he believes in an absolute and "�
essential Form of Goodness." He believes that all earthly Good, i.e. wealth,
intelligence, and wisdom, as well as virtues such as courage, patience,
altruism, and prudence come from this Good. In the "Apology" he states that
"�no evil....