Essay Galaxy - The Accounts of Eros in the "Symposium"
The Accounts of Eros in the "Symposium"
The word love carries with it many, many different interpretations. In modern
day, our views on what is appropriate love is much different from the views from
the time of Socrates and Plato. To them love was eros, a direct translation of
the word love.
However, the word itself wasn't the only thing that was different about love. In
Plato's "Symposium", there is a celebration for Agathon. He had just won a
dramatic contest in Athens, Greece two nights ago. It is customary to drink much
wine at these gatherings, however, every one present is too weak from the night
before. (Nehamas & Woodruff, pg. xiii) So a proposition is made, by Phaedrus, to
properly give praise to the god Eros, and speak on the topic of love. It was
their opinion that no poet has yet been able to properly do so. (Nehamas &
Woodruff, pg. 7) There were a total of s....