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Oedipus And Antigone

.... out of his son. His reply of, ”Good. That is the way to behave: subordinate everything else, my son, to your father’s will.” Creon is used to having people do everything he wants them to do. The second example is the relationship between Antigone and her dead brother Polyneices. She is incredibly loyal to him and is willing to risk her life in order to preserve his honor as a warrior and bury her against Creons order. It is evident in her statement of, “But I will bury him; and if I must die, I s .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 771 | Number of pages: 3

Odyssey, Learning About Himsel

.... I’m not even sure if that is pride. That sounds like a mixture of guts and pride to me. Anyways, he also had to swallow his pride when he became a beggar. Again for the same reason as humility. He was a king and not a beggar. There could be no lower form. Another form of him getting rid of his pride was when he was almost killed in the sea. He was hanging on to wreckage of his lost raft, totally at the mercy of nature. Odysseus thought himself to be smarter than nature and, to an extent, the g .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 1133 | Number of pages: 5

Odysseus And Aeneas

.... before and has a much better outcome. Both Aeneas and Odysseus are important epic heroes in both Greek and Roman literature. They both play an important role in The Oddessy and The Aenied. .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 453 | Number of pages: 2

Of Mice And Men

.... place in California. The meaning of Soledad is loneliness, leading to another symbol of George's burden of solitude. George has small views of running a cheap, small ranch and the loneliness that he attaches to himself is Lennie. Lennie and George are both mice in that; they do not dream big dreams but wish to have rabbits that can be tended. George and Lennie are opposites of each other. George is small, fast and witty. Where as, Lennie is large, slow and half-witted. This plays a key role .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 639 | Number of pages: 3


.... .....

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Oedipus-The Tragedy Of Tragedi

.... Laius. However, during the period in which Oedipus the King was written, it was honorable to seek justice when one has been wronged. Oedipus was mistreated and therefore sought justice. Oedipus, when faced with an opportunity to seek the truth, pursued it with conviction. He sought to find his true birth parents, but a distressing prophecy was revealed to him. Being the righteous man he is, he attempted to thwart his fate by leaving his parents. Later, he journeys into Thebes (his true birthplace) an .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 697 | Number of pages: 3


.... safe with love upon her, fixed and gray and dead. Her love may not have been the greatest love of all time, but it was still love. Marriage was not kind to Mrs. Mallard, her life was dull and not worth living, her face showed the years of repression. If she did love this man, why was marriage so harmful to her? Marriage was a prison for her There would be no powerful will bending her in that blind persistence with which men and women believe they have a right to impose a private will upon a fellow crea .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 404 | Number of pages: 2

Young Goodman Brown

.... when Goodman Brown comes back at dawn; he can no longer look at his wife with the same faith he had before. When Goodman Brown finally meets with the Devil, he declares that the reason he was late was because "Faith kept me back awhile." This statement has a double meaning because his wife physically prevented him from being on time for his meeting with the devil, but his faith to God psychologically delayed his meeting with the devil. The Devil had with him a staff that "bore the likeness of a .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 2414 | Number of pages: 9

Wutherinng Heights

.... fold. The reader must find the basic belief that the individual finds meaning in himself only by the relations that transpires with others. Catherine becomes a product of Heathcliff's new influence. It is ironic that instead of the whip she desired, her father has given her the means to become an individual craving more than the intimate family circle. One could say that the knowledge of the otherness pushes her away from the comfort of kindred unity and into the arms of the unknown harsh environment s .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 2520 | Number of pages: 10

Wuthering Heights

.... she had finally discovered who she was and what she wanted. These chapters are the pinnacle of the story. It was the point in the book where the social classes were determined and Catherine¹s love for Heathcliff was forced to be supressed. Heathcliff and Catherine were still young and playing together innocently one day. This was before Catherine became a member of the upperclass society and realized that she could not love Heathcliff because of his social class. Heathcliff and Catherine wandered beyond .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 536 | Number of pages: 2

With Malice Toward None By Ste

.... in Kentucky. Because the Lincoln's arrived in Spencer County at the same time as winter, Thomas only had time to construct a "half-faced camp." Made of logs and boughs, it was enclosed on only three sides with a roaring fire for the fourth. The nearest water supply was a mile away, and the family had to survive on the abundance of wild game in the area. Less than two years after the move to Indiana, Mrs. Lincoln caught a horrible frontier disease known as "milk sick.". Thomas Lincoln returned to Kentucky .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 2489 | Number of pages: 10

War And Peace By Leo Tolstoy

.... on the body of Russia’s society. This is how Tolstoy describes this class in general, but he also depicts two representatives of this upper class, Andrew Bolkonsky and Pierre Bisuhov, who were the more intellectual ones, and whose lives and views of war and life changed as the result of the war. Andrew was interested in a military career, and wasn’t completely satisfied with the czar, while Pierre wasted his life on alcohol – his everyday activity. However, they fall into the center of military activi .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 1144 | Number of pages: 5

Wuthering Heights - Setting

.... in a jail attempting to escape. The presence of an animal in the Gothic setting parallels the experience of Mr. Harker during his time at the castle. The ferocious dogs attacking Mr. Lockwood invoke fear and thwarted Lockwood from leaving, just as the howling wolves threatened to destroy Jonathan's life should he try to exit Castle Dracula. In a dizzy and faint state, Lockwood is taken to a room in which the master "never lets anybody lodge," (WH-p.37) a fact which increases the Gothic suspense of t .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 3152 | Number of pages: 12

War And Peace

.... wars. One important event occurs when Prince Andrei is wounded during the battle of Austerlitz, and he is given a chance to recollect on his wartime experiences. Another important event occurs when Pierre is take prisoner by the French, (this is where he has the chance to look into his feelings and come to a peace with himself.) The climax of Pierre’s story occurs when he is held before a firing squad by the French. This is his climax because he is convinced that he is going to die, and after he is spar .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 502 | Number of pages: 2

Walt Whitman Biography

.... to the observation of the role of nature in all of its mysterious cycles. Nature is not the sole source of dramatic symbolism in the piece. The actions of the characters themselves reflect the piece’s definite goals. Though these “characters” set the scene and take center stage at different points, it must be remembered that what occurs is removed from the reader by two filters. The first is the filter of interpretation by the boy who is witnessing the events, it is then filtered through the memory of .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 1996 | Number of pages: 8

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