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The Yellow Wallpaper - Journey

.... condition. Even when a summer in the country and weeks of bed-rest don't help, her husband refuses to accept that she may have a real problem. Throughout the story there are examples of the dominant - submissive relationship. She is virtually imprisoned in her bedroom, supposedly to allow her to rest and recover her health. She is forbidden to work, "So I . . . am absolutely forbidden to "work" until I am well again." (Gilman 193). She is not even supposed to write: "There comes John, and I must p .....

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The Wind In The Willows By Ken

.... be geniuses; and it may be that he is both boastful and conceited” (13). It is these types of qualities that seem to define the character of Toad as more memorable than the others are, and outline the typical image of those people from the upper class. His self-centeredness is blatantly displayed in the songs Toad sings to himself while returning home (117 and 121). His ignorant and judgmental attitudes are recurring. To the lady kindly giving him a ride, after she discovers his lies, he shouts, “You commo .....

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The Things They Carried By Tim

.... drastic. A soldier named "Ted Lavender adopted an orphaned puppy. . .Azar strapped it to a Claymore antipersonnel mine and squeezed the firing device"(39). Azar has become demented; to kill a puppy that someone else has adopted is horrible. However, the infliction of violence has become the norm of behavior for these men; the fleeting moment of compassion shown by one man is instantly erased by another, setting order back within the group. O'Brien here shows a hint of sensitivity among the men to set u .....

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The Terminal Man By Crichton

.... share in his idea that computers are concious and are trying to take over the world. 6. The biggest surprise and dissappointment of this book is when Harry died. I thought that he would live and the doctors could fix the computer and Harry would be fine but Dr. Ross shot him and he died. 7. One thing I would change is harry dying. I would have had Harry live and get the computer fixed so he would be alright. 8. My one sentance moral would be not to take computers for granted. I say this because they ca .....

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The Tenth Man By Graham Greene

.... have also done it to save Chavel life because he thought it was the right thing to do. Also in the end of the book Chavel gave up his life so Therese would have no problems with land arguments and because he loved her. In present day life I believe that most people would hesitate to save someone else if they could end up dying or getting seriously injured. For example if someone was going to get hit by a car and another person had a chance to push the other person out of the way but they may injure or .....

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The Swimmer By John Cheever

.... which he no longer possesses anyway. Furthermore, the constant usage of allusion remains evident throughout the story. Almost Fitzgerald-like in his descriptions of the “prosperous men and women,”(370) Cheever satirizes the society. Also similar to the works of Fitzgerald, the protagonists’ own wealth and power force his social decline. Importantly, symbolism also plays a role in describing the lifestyle of Neddy and the society of which he represents. The storm adds to Cheever’s satirical story in .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 627 | Number of pages: 3

The Sun Also Rises - Betrayal

.... Jake betrays Romero and thus breaks the aficinado code. The code, almost like a code of chivalry has somewhat of an accepted theme which includes a loyalty to fellow aficinados, and looking out for their best interest. Jake breaks this accepted theme when he acts as an accomplice in getting the two of them together. Jake knows that Brett will corrupt the young bullfighter and thus betrays the bullfighter. Again he does this for his love of Brett, because he will do anything to make her happy. Jake a .....

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The Sun Also Rises By Ernest H

.... .....

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The Sun Also Rises - Response

.... read Hemingway at some point in his life. Stillcrazymotherandchildreunionreneandgeorgettemagrittewith... It is a good book. I was surprised that more was not given to the bulls. The entire story was leading to it, and then it was done and they were gone. Very powerful they were but fleeting. I want to go now, of course, to Pamplona, as I'm sure everyone who reads does after finishing. It is probably terrrrrrrible now with touristas and Coke and Nike all around, but I bet still beautiful. A man was killed t .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 685 | Number of pages: 3

The Stranger By Albert Camus

.... pain and is protected from life's disappointments. Sometimes a person like Meursault can be appealing to others because he is so non-judgmental and uncritical, probably a result of indifference rather than sympathetic feelings. His limited involvement might attract some people because an end result of his distance is a sort of acceptance of others, thus he is not a threat to their egos. Raymond Sintes, a neighbor who is a pimp, seems to feel comfortable with Meursault. Sintes does not have to justify .....

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The Stranger - A Communication

.... and says hello to Salamano. At the Time Salamano was yelling at his dog calling him a "Filthy, stinking bastard!" Meursault asked him what the dog did wrong and Salamano responded with "He's always there." This is a repensentation of when Meursault is telling why he put his mother in care home. He talks about how her, refering to his mother, "Eyes were always on him" and how it annoyed him. Camus, as I have seen reading the books, has puts in a sort of irony into this book. The "He's always there!" state .....

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The Stand By Steven King

.... the eight people, and when he goes there, he tries to kill this devil. But the devil aperes to have some powers, and he stells the missle from the guy. Thier all in Las Vegas, and this is were I get confused in the book. Aperently, a big gold hand apperes out of no were, takes the issle, and detonates it on all of them. They all die of course. The hand, or something says something, and its like a farwell message. .....

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The Scarlet Letter And The Cru

.... of holiness. They fancied him the mouth-piece of Heaven's messages of wisdom, and rebuke, and love. In their eyes, the very ground on which he trod was sanctified." Ch.11 The members of the congregation were so taken over by Dimmesdale that they thought him to be holly. They saw in him, the same things they would imagine to see in God. Dimmesdale had the power to rule over them because their commitment to him was so strong. In Arthur Miller's play, The Crucible, the courts of the Colony are held above al .....

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The Scarlet Letter - Plant Ima

.... her guilt. Dimmesdale and Hester, “hand clasped in hand, on the mossy tree trunk of the fallen tree” (179) together rid themselves of their guilt for the time being. Furthermore, leaves also symbolize the positive aspects of plant imagery. Dimmesdale tells Hester that “the forest leaves [have] risen up all made anew” (185) meaning that their guilt was forever gone, and God had forgiven them. Similarly, “the yellow leaves will show no vestige of the white man’s tread” (180-181) because they cover the .....

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The Scarlet Letter - Pearl Bel

.... she is walking in the woods alone, she says, “Why art thou so sad? Pluck up a spirit, and do not be all the time sighing and murmuring!". If a young girl believes that a brook can be sad, that shows some serious mental problems. Most children would think of a brook as a brook, not a sad brook, and tell it to pluck up its spirit. Also in the forest when Pearl is talking to Hester, Pearl says, “And so it is! And, mother, he has his hand over his heart! Is it because, when the minister wrote his name in t .....

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