Oedipus Rex
.... when he is made
aware of this, and the atrocities he has committed, he endures great
suffering. His wife and mother commits suicide, and due to the emense
emotional burden this situation puts upon him, he gouges his eyes out. Due
to his level of suffering, the audience or reader feels a sense of pity for
Oedipus, which is another characteristic of a tragic hero.
His flaw causes him to commit an atrocity, the emotional and physical
consequences of which destroy him, causing the audience to fe .....
The Call Of The Wild
.... trip that he needed to go back to them because he was abandoning them. He left Jon and went back. He later returned with his family. That proves that he was a man that had good values and cared about his family.
Acquisitive instinct- Most of the people that went to the Klondike went to find gold, because they wanted more than they already had. Lots of us do that same thing. We always seem to want more than we already have. So we can relate to the book in that way. Even if it is not right to always want .....
Book Review- Little Girl Lost
.... Drew Barrymore, from the time she was seven years old, displayed signs of Depression, and later, an uncontrollable addiction to most mind-altering substances, taking her in and out of Drug Rehabilitation three different times. At an age too young to understand Drew was forced to acknowledge her weaknesses, recognize her faults, and accept herself as whom she was.
I enjoyed this book having been a young girl who LOVED to act and adopt different characters and their fictitious lives; I can unders .....
Creon As The Tragic Hero Of An
.... believes that his choice is the only correct one. Creon also has an inaccurate view of his place in relation to the Gods. He believes he is in a position to know what They want and know what They feel is best. No mortal truly knows what the Gods want, but Creon believes he does because he cannot imagine that what he believes is wrong, even to the Gods. Antigone’s death is a bad decision that Creon makes based on his beliefs that the Gods view Polyneices as a traitor and would not want him honored in death. .....
The Best Little Girl In The Wo
.... would have to be the ending. It is not eventful. I was hoping for a surprise of some sort, and it never came. However, I noted many strengths. The descriptive details seem great. Although the details appear rather gross at points, I think that is a good thing. That way a reader discovers the harsh reality of the disease. “The thinner is the winner” (The Best Little Girl in the World Steven Levenkron page 25). This is a powerful quote because thinness is what the whole story is based upon. Kessa t .....
The Hanmaids Tale
.... fiction and thus implying this can actually occur. We must then recognize the problems that Atwood was trying to point out. The relationship between Gilead and our society is the fact that gender does play a major factor on the way we are expected to behave. Not drastically, such as in the novel but enough to coerce us to conduct ourselves distinctively and play the assigned role of our gender.
Of Mice And Men - Hopes And Dr
.... about their future plans. “You know a place like that?” [Candy, p. 59]
George immediately grows suspicious of the man, defending the deal. Candy explains that he hasn’t much time left before he’s ‘canned’ and he has no place to go. Candy offers a large sum of money to the two, and asks only to live there until he dies. George accepts and Candy is grateful.
“Went out to the Riverside Dance Palace his this guy. He said he worked for the pitchers, he said I was a natural, he was gonna put me in a movie” .....
The True Sinners
.... And the shame! the indelicacy! The horrible ugliness of this exposure of a sick and guilty heart to the very eye that would gloat over it! Woman, woman, thou art accountable for this! I cannot forgive thee!” Dimmesdale does forgive Hester. She has done the right thing in telling him. Her sin of deception is then lifted off her chest. Hester’s vow of truth is then kept.
Arthur Dimmesdale’s sin was the same as Hester’s. He is Hester’s silent partner in crime. The guilty one who has confessed nothing in .....
Catcher In The Rye
.... I could hardly see straight." (pg. 150) Holden tried all he
could to fit in. He drank, cursed and criticized life in general to make it
seem he was very knowing of these habits. I myself have found me doing this
at times, also. I, at times, feel the need to fit in to a group and do
things similar to what others do in order to gain acceptance by them. I
smoked a cigar once with two friends of mine because they kept going on and
on about how great cigars were, but that was only once. Holden a .....
Animal Farm
.... of the animals, and his means of assuring a better life consists of a more humane work schedule and even a retirement plan for elderly animals. Laws are also established which are conducive to the overall ideas and fundamentals of Animalism. Orwell's view of Snowball's role in this society is best summed up by the following: Snowball also busied himself with organizing the other animals into what he called Animal Committees…. He formed the Egg production Committee for the hens, the Clean Tails Committee .....
Farewell To Arms Paper
.... fear of the “unknown” because in this sense the males do not want to know. Fredrick would then be scared of the evil around him. War is part of the “evil” around him because with war comes with real sadness. Frederick’s fear of darkness is really fear of those evil elements and the sadness around him. Fredrick is afraid of the sad reality. He wants to live in the simple superficial world he is in. In this sense Nick’s fear of sleeping in the dark has a different view. The idea here is that while Nick is .....
Tom Sawyer
.... Tom Sawyer. Tom is an imaginative young man. Whenever Tom plays he pretends to be a pirate or Robin Hood and his friends would be his merry men. "Just here the blast of a toy tin trumpet came faintly Tom flung off his shirt using it as a belt sticking in it a rude bow and arrow and a wooden sword. "Hold on me merry men! keep hid till I blow." (page 59) Tom is also very adventurous and loves to go hunting for treasure with Huck. "There comes a time in every rightly constructed boy's life when he has a raggi .....
Report On The Prince By Machia
.... be
uncertain, because uncertainty is a sign of weakness. Fortune controls
half of human’s actions, and man’s will control the other half. Virtue
is the best defense for fortune, and virtue must be used in order to
keep fortune in check. The prince must take advantage of situations
based solely on if it is best for the state. He should choose his
decisions based on contemporary and historical examples. A prince
cannot consider whether his acts are moral or immoral, and he instead
must act in .....
The Klan Unmasked
writers publications and the ground breaking movie “The Birth of a
Nation”. Kennedy noted that the Klan was actually the handiwork of the
rich Southern plantation holders, who wanted to keep the black labor
force under chains similar to those of slavery.
Also, Kennedy noted that the few things written about the
KKK were editorials rather than exposes. He felt the need for not just
words but for legal evidence against the Klan’s inside machinations. For
that purpose som .....
A Rose For Emily
.... had no
taxes in Jefferson because before the Civil War the South didn't have to pay
taxes and since her father had made a contribution to the town of a generous
amount, Colonel Sartoris, mayor at that time had remitted her taxes, she felt
that that promise or rather gift still stood good. "After her father's death
she went out very little; after her sweetheart went away, people hardly saw
her at all."(190). Miss Emily might have stayed out the public eye after
those two deaths because she wa .....