Another Antigone
.... Even if Sargoff gets all of the plot
across, that is not enough to tell the whole story. Aristotelian
Unities Yes, Antigone does follow the Aristotelian Unities.
The play occurs in the same place and roughly the same
time. Things that happened before the play or outside of the
place, was told by a messenger or a character themself. The
action was all centered around Antigone's actions. Her
actions were the sole cause of everything that happened.
Greek Tragedy Antigone does follow the Greek defin .....
Johnny Tremain
.... him and find out about
his personality traits. Johnny Tremain's personality was very
fascinating, and it was most intriguing to read about how he
changed from a bossy, impatient boy, into a thoughtful,
patient gentleman. Even though he was a skilled worker, he
was proud, and full of arrogance. But after his terrible
tragedy, his rude character died in the birth and death room,
and Johnny was reborn as a more patient and caring person.
He still won't take pity from anyone, but on the inside he is
Blood And Belonging
.... identity has
caused ethnic hatred. A terror so strong and historically
persistent, it has driven people to a desperate state to do
anything. This is a large contributor to the reasons for the
extreme violence present there today. The author states, "A
Croat, thus, is someone who is not a Serb. A Serb is
someone who is not a Croat." This quotation profoundly
expresses the short-sighted mentality present in their conflict.
In his travels in Germany, the author points out an important
question. .....
The Hobbit
.... (men, elves, dwarves & eagles) vs. evil (wargs
& goblins)) and this reduces its effectiveness. After the
climax there is the long return home. It is quite boring since
there is nothing to expect to and the reader knows that the
hobbit would get home safely. In my opinion it should have
been shorter. Character Development The creation of the
characters is done by their dialogues and monologues,
actions and things noted by the narrator (the author in this
case) himself. An example for dial .....
A Tale Of Two Cities LA
.... the Pickwick Club. This was the beginning of his career.
When Dickens was twenty-four, he became famous for the rest of his life. His first fame came with The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club with Dickens= adventure stories. Other works followed such as, Great Expectations, A Tale of Two Cities, and Our Mutual Friend.
In 1837, Catherine=s sister Mary, died. Dickens suffered much grief. This led some scholars to believe that Dickens loved Mary more than Catherine. Dickens and Catherine .....
Augustine And Love
.... filth of unclean desire and sullied its limpidity with the hell of lust.” (pg. 35) Obviously Augustine is letting the idea of love turn straight to lust. He talks about unclean desires, but he says he wants to be clean and courtly. Maybe Augustine has the wrong idea about love. Love is when you care deeply about someone and will do anything for them. Thinking about sexual desires and physical attractions are defining lustful ideas. Is Augustine talking about different kinds of love?
Augustine stat .....
Comparison Of Huck Finn And To
.... on the other hand, just wants things done and done right but he gives into Tom’s wild ideas and extravagant plans, which Tom loves.
Tom and Huck are two interesting yet different characters. It is for these reasons that they have become an American literary classic.
Oedipus The King
.... Oedipus meets up with a band of travelers and in a rage kills them. Inadvertently Oedipus has killed his own father. Oedipus then answers the riddle of the sphinx and becomes king of Thebes. By becoming king of Thebes he marries Jocasta the Queen of thebes and his own mother. Many years later after bearing children with Jocasta a plague kills many of the inhabitants of Thebes. Oedipus is told by the gods to find the killer of Laius. He is very dilligent in the inquiriy and finally comes to the horrib .....
Lovely People Do Stupid Things
.... of being a slave and this was not the case for Janie. Nanny stated that “black women were the mules of the world”, but she didn't want Janie to be a mule. She wanted to see Janie in a secure situation before she died, and Logan Killicks could provide that.
Janie did not want to marry Logan, but she did so because Nanny told her “that she would eventually come to love him.” Ironically, Logan wanted to force Janie into the servitude that Nanny feared. Also, he was disappointed that Janie never returned h .....
Beauty And The Beast
.... beauty is only skin deep. It is what is on the inside that counts. Second, which ties in with the first lesson is, don’t be too greedy because you will only be looking for the beauty on the out side. Finally, do unto others as you would have done to you, this will make you beautiful on the inside were it counts.
In this paper I am going to take a look at two versions of Beauty and the Beast. Although The Lady and the Lion and Beauty and the Beast are very different, the base story is there. True bea .....
Polonius Is Folish
.... of the best rank and station (Are) of a most select and
generous chief in that. Neither a borrower or a lender (be,) For (loan) oft loses both itself
and friend, And borrowing (dulls the) edge of husbandry. This above all: to thine own self
be true, And it must follow, as the night the day, Thou canst not then be false to any man.
(1. 3. 71-87) The advice that Polonius gives to Laertes is simple and sounds foolish being
told to a person of Laertes’ age. Martin Orkin comments on the nature of Pol .....
Mansfield Park
.... Park-most of which already
appear in the Opinions of Mansfield Park collected by Jane Austen herself soon after the
novel's publication. Some dislike the character of Fanny as "priggish" (however, it is
Edmund who sets the moral tone here), or have no sympathy for her forced inaction
(doubtless, those are people who have never lacked confidence, or been without a
date on Friday night!). Mansfield Park has also been used to draw connections between
the "genteel" rural English society t .....
Great Gatsby
.... some things are foolish to live a dream upon, because nothing ever stays the same. Things change and when you reach a goal you realize it wasn't what you
remember. Fitzgerald tackles a issue that everyone canrelate to and has to deal with sometime in his life. Fitzgerald presents a likable character, a likable story and time period to the reader. At the end he has the reader contemplating what he himself would do if a similar situation would arise in his life. Fitzgerald raises a great philosophical ques .....
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