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.... laws and regulations most be stricter then the currently are. Censorship on the Internet is a very important issue but it currently does not really exist because it cost to much money, time and effort to censor the billions of pages on the net. So anybody could go on the Internet and look up information on anything ranging from cooking recipes to instructions on how to make pipe bombs. The worst part is, all these sites are accessible through any major search engine so anybody can stumble on t .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 636 | Number of pages: 3

Cheetah 2

.... hunters in the world and of course, the fastest land animal in existence. I also found that it’s habitat is in the grassy plains of Africa. This is definitely a great place for it to hide based on it’s coat color. It is because of this combination of tall grass and camouflage coat which allows the cheetah to stalk and catch it’s prey. These usually consist of gazelles, wild boar, or pretty much any animal it can handle. However, the regular range for it’s food is about 88 pounds. The cheeta .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 388 | Number of pages: 2

Chemistry Investigation

.... energy. This is the energy needed to start a reaction. The variable that I have decided to change is the temperature. I have decided to alter the temperature of the yeast and time the amount of carbon dioxide that will be given off at different temperatures. I have decided to time how much carbon dioxide is given off in five minutes. Throughout the investigation, I will keep the temperature the same as I have specified for each reading. For example, if I am taking a reading in which the tem .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 2457 | Number of pages: 9

Comparing Ballistics Of A .30-06 And .270

.... one compared to other rifles because of its versatility and accuracy. The expansion is also good, depending on the type of shell tired-used. The kick and distance of the gun are considered to be wonderful because the kick is normal and the distance is better than normal. The .270 rifle is a reasonably good rifle. This rifle is mainly used in open field shooting as opposed to in brush shooting. The depth and the expansion work together and turn out to be great, especially if soft pointed shells a .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 570 | Number of pages: 3

Comparison Of Prokaryotic And Eukaryotic Cells

.... figure A and figure B. Although the nucleus itself remains similar among both plant and animal cells, one difference lies in the positioning of the nucleus within the cell. Due to the central vacuole in a plant cell, the nucleus is usually not located in the center of the cell; rather, it is usually crowded nearer the plasma membrane. In most animal cells, however, the nucleus is located in the center of the cell, as this position is ideal in the process of mitosis, and there is no large central .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 3556 | Number of pages: 13


.... of pounds. Concretions can also have somewhat of regular shapes such as boxes, blocks, flat disks, pipes, cannon balls and have even been known to resemble parts of a human body such as a foot or ribs. Concretions are most commonly composed of calcite but sometimes can be composed of iron oxide or iron hydroxide such as goethite. But also concretions can be composed of other minerals ranging from siderite, ankerite, dolomite, pyrite, baryite and gypsum. Concretions form in many different .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 1400 | Number of pages: 6


.... tropics of Central America to the mountains of Alaska. They also inhabit the deserts of the southwestern United States, and the plains and forests of the Midwest. Like the wolf and the lion, the coyote prefers to live in a self made den. It can tunnel this den in the side of a hill or under a tree (Jones, 1999). Based on the research, it appears that the coyote's biggest competitor is also its biggest benefactor. Gilbert explains that human development has aided the coyote by unknowingly removing m .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 930 | Number of pages: 4

Cystic Fibrosis

.... .When this amino acid is missing the protein doesnt fold into its correct shape and loses its function. Researchers are not certain whether the defective protein is actually in tranport molecule. Some research data indicates that proteins might instead be involved in the regulatory network that controls ion transport. Although most cystic fibrosis pateins have the mutation causing the defective protein described above another 61 mutations in the CFTR gene have been identified. .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 416 | Number of pages: 2

Cadmium And Sewage Sludge

.... from mining and smelting operations. Other cadmium emissions are from fossil fuel use, fertilizer application, sewage sludge disposal or galvanized pie corrosion. The largest source of these cadmium releases into the general environment is the burning of fossil fuels (such as coal or oil) or the incineration of waste materials. Cadmium may also escape into the air from zinc, lead or copper smelters. Working in or living close to a major source of airborne emissions such as these may result in hig .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 1260 | Number of pages: 5

Cancer Treatments And Breakthroughs

.... Another problem with chemotherapy is that the tumor could develop a resistance to many drugs even if only one drugs was given to them. Because all of these treatments are somewhat effective, doctors usually have to combine them and sometimes bring in other types of treatment. If a patient has a stage four tumor, then it has spread to many other parts of their body, and radiotherapy is used. This is basically used only to extend a person's survival, and reducing the person's symptoms (Hellman & Vokes). No .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 1559 | Number of pages: 6

Carbon Dioxide Poisoning

.... increase of condensation on walls or windows near the furnace. A build up of soot, especially on appliances, could be an indicator, as well as fresh rust or stains that are visible on vents and chimneys ("More on CO" 97). One or all these, rarely noticed indicators, could be preludes to a tradgity. Carbon monoxide is responsible for at least 300 accidental and preventable deaths per year in the US (Race 97). The Consumer Product and Safety Commission fact sheet states, "at least 5,000 people are treat .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 1111 | Number of pages: 5

Chemistry Hits The Beach

.... protection, isn't quite as simple as first suspected. Firstly we must understand which compound will do this best, and to understand that, we must know what it is protecting us from. There are three types of UV rays, UVA, UVB, and UVC. UVA rays have the lowest energy, they are found having wavelengths of between 320 and 400 nanometers, and account for 90% of the UV rays which reach the earth. They cause little burning, but penetrated deeply into the epidermis, and are therefore the cause of early a .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 993 | Number of pages: 4

Chicken Pox With Works Cited

.... and a hundred people every year.” (3) Almost 10,000 people are hospitalized each year for complications with the disease (4). The complications range from serious, which can include secondary skin infections, to fatal such as Reye syndrome (4). This common disease is highly contagious and easily transmitted through the air by sneezing or coughing, or by coming in direct contact with the infected person. Epidemics occur mostly during the winter and early spring although a person can be infected at anyti .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 1328 | Number of pages: 5


.... typically use more sophisticated high-pressure liquid chromatography instruments. In liquid chromatography, the separator is called the column and consists in most cases of a tube filled with porous material called the stationary phase. A liquid, called the mobile phase, flows through the tube between the particles of stationary phase material. A liquid sample is taken from a mixture to be analyzed and introduced to a part of the system that is at elevated pressure. The sample is then transported to a .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 684 | Number of pages: 3

Clinical Depression 2

.... is fairly new, it is not yet used to diagnose clinical depression. Strong evidence suggests that clinical depression runs in families. Still, just because a person has family members with clinical depression does not guarantee that he or she will develop it. Similarly, you may get it even if no one else in your family has had it. People with high levels of stress are much more likely to develop depression that those who do not. Though most people go through a "down" period after a particularly str .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 610 | Number of pages: 3

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