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Are UFOs Real?

.... is called the extraterrestrial hypothesis. The only problem with this theory is the distance involved in interstellar travel. Another hypothesis on the nature of UFOs is the demonic force hypothesis. It states that the UFOs represent demons coming to earth for the final battle between good and evil (Randle 112). The not so widely accepted theory is that of hallucination/dream. Its major debunker is that mass hallucinations would have to be fairly common. The final hypothesis on UFO sightings is the null .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 3155 | Number of pages: 12

The Measurement Of Gas Exchange In Blue Gouramis

.... et al. 1999), hence special problems pertaining to the acquisition of sufficient amounts of oxygen arise for aquatic organisms---namely fish. Fishes have had to develop adaptations that enabled them to adapt to this problem. Since water contains an insufficient concentration of oxygen, fishes use gills to obtain the required amount of oxygen---via the counter-current exchange process. As water enters the mouth of a fish, it passes through slits in the pharynx, flows over the gills, and exits at .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 2865 | Number of pages: 11

Genetic Cloning

.... and I don’t fully understand it myself. From what I have researched I have come to understand that currently cloning is very “Hit or Miss”(Hawley). From 277 attempts, Dolly was the only successful attempt. The point is however that we now have a man created sheep, what else could be done in the near future. There are many different goals for genetic cloning. Would you like to clone someone close to you who had died? In the movie “Gattaca” you get a peak at something that could be made possib .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 1317 | Number of pages: 5

Human Cloning

.... development can continue. Now you have exact copies of the same genetic makeup in two to eight separate petri dishes. Even though this process sounds simple enough it has never fully worked because of abnormalities that occur like if the embryo is developed by two sperm cells the chromosome count is wrong. Another is as the cells duplicate they usually do not make it passed the 32-cell stage or 64 because of abnormalities in the environment or just because the process is not natural. The real reason .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 932 | Number of pages: 4

Little Green Men Or Just Little Microscopic Organisms?

.... billion years ago was much similar to the young Earth. Microbes and bacteria probably sprouted everywhere in the warm and wet climate. Although now we only see a cold red planet, which was probably due to a collision of an astroid that would have set back the evolution process of Mars, causing it to be a harsh planet. A Viking spacecraft which landed on Mars in 1976 found that the planet was bathed in ultraviolet radiation, "intense enough so it would probably fry any microbe we know on this planet,"say .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 620 | Number of pages: 3


.... occurrence as, a “ placental nebula” (1), noting that it sustains the growth of planetary bodies. For a long time, even before there was the term cocoon nebula, planetary scientists knew that a cocoon nebula had surrounded the sun, long ago, in order for our solar system to form and take on their currents motions (1). In 1755, a German, named Immanuel Kant, reasoned that “gravity would make circumsolar cloud contract and that rotation would flatten it (1)." Thus, the cloud would assume the gener .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 1564 | Number of pages: 6

Into The Depths Of A Black Hole

.... that a nuclear reaction occurs, and the gases within the star start to burn continuously. The Hydrogen gas is usually the first type of gas consumed in a star and then other gas elements such as Carbon, Oxygen, and Helium are consumed. This chain reaction fuels the star for millions, or billions, of years depending upon the amount of gases there are. The star manages to avoid collapsing at this point because of the equilibrium achieved by itself. The gravitational pull from the core of the star is .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 1274 | Number of pages: 5


.... gases they are composed of glow in the sunlight. All comets are regular family members of the solar system family. They are bound by gravity to a strict path around the solar system. Scientists believe that all comets were formed of material, originally in the outer part of the solar system, which did not become incorporated into planets. This material is from when the planets just started forming. This makes comets an extremely interesting topic to scientists who are studying the history of the s .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 1866 | Number of pages: 7

Nuclear Power

.... the hydroelectric is because their countries don't have enough concentrated water to create enough energy to generate electricity. (World Book vol. 14, 586) Nuclear power plants generate only about eleven percent of the world's electricity. There are around 316 nuclear power plants in the world that create 213,000 megawatts of electricity. (INFOPEDIA) Radioactive, or nuclear, waste is the by-product of nuclear fission. Fission occurs when atoms' nucleus' split and cause a nuclear reaction. (General .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 1424 | Number of pages: 6

Preserve The Forests

.... forests will all be gone in ten years, so we should do mankind a favor and try to preserve what is left. If the old growth forests are gone, then they can never return because it takes over five generations to produce one and at the rate that the human population is increasing, there is not enough land to have a secure place for a new forest. If we realize that it is best for the human race to stop destroying the natural resources, then we must destroy, too, the existence of loggers all together. To do .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 542 | Number of pages: 2


.... the other way around. That's way we should live with the knowledge that someone spent 30 years researching and finding the truth, and that man was Nicolaus Copernicus. .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 216 | Number of pages: 1

Acid Rain

.... first believed that acidic rain may be causing great ecological damage to the planet. The problem was that by the time that the scientist found the problem it was already very large. Detecting an acid lake is often quite difficult. A lake does not become acid over night. It happens over a period of many years, some times decades. The changes are usually to gradual for them to be noticed early. At the beginning of the 20th century most rivers/lakes like the river Tovdal in Norway had not yet begun to .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 1945 | Number of pages: 8


.... of the future of cloning in animals excluding humans. The first thing the article states is the Wall Street opportunities for the biotech field. Instead of phone calls from eager investors only phone calls from reporters were coming in asking about this market. I feel that now would be a great time to invest in biotechnical companies specializing in agricultural and medicinal cloning. This article says nothing about the great potentials of long term investment. Long term investment especially in the .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 978 | Number of pages: 4


.... are in dispute. They ranged in weight from 4 to 6 lb., in the case of the compsognathus, and up to 160,000 lb., in the case of the brachiosaurus. Most dinosaurs were large, weighing more than 1,100 lb., and few weighed less than 100 lb. Most were herbivores, but some saurischians were carnivorous. The majority were four- footed but some ornithischians and all carnivores walked on their hind legs. Always classified as reptiles, dinosaurs have traditionally been assumed to have been reptilian in the .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 725 | Number of pages: 3


.... living beings of our kind in the cosmos. Because no aliens\par from another planet is on display in a museum for us to visit, the answer, "our earth is the only planet with human beings," still seems to be legitimate and convincing. But that is a very narrow-minded way to look at things. The idea that life can flourish only under terrestrial conditions has been made obsolete by research. It is a mistake to believe that life cannot exist without water and oxygen. Even on our own earth there are forms .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 1590 | Number of pages: 6

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