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Indian Persecutions

.... Indians succeeded in some cases but other projects flooded most of Dakota ‘ s arable land for example. Another sensitive issue is about Fishing rights. Indians have always fished for a living (pour vivre) and thus they have been granted special tribal fishing rights. These rights are now challenged by environmental groups. A movie to illustrate the story of Indians : « Little Big Man », starring Dustin Hoffman is a 1971 Hollywood movie which broke all stereotypes people had about Indians : westerns : cow .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 338 | Number of pages: 2

Individual Advancement Vs. Dem

.... for had become no more than a night's dream erased by the morning sun. Democracy and self-advancement were in a race for the gold as Ralph Waldo Emerson and Nathaniel Hawthorne thought. Benjamin Franklin's ideas begged to differ. He felt as though the democratic community and growing the ideology of individual advancement (Individualism and/vs. Community, 1306) could coexist together. Franklin, having risen from poverty, felt that he wouldn't have been able to be a man of such distinction if it had not .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 1365 | Number of pages: 5

Industrial Revolution

.... as well as or better than men. In addition, they were more “docile” and “compliant”. Therefore, many women workers were hired during the progressivism era. Even though the wage was low, working hours were long and working condition was less than satisfactory, these women had no choice but to work, for they need to support their family. The tale of Rose Stokes is a good example. The factory owners were getting richer and richer, by cutting wages, and providing less compensation for his workers. Many time .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 846 | Number of pages: 4

Industrial Revolution

.... began in 1701, when Jethro Tull invented a mechanical drill for planting.” (492) A Transportation Revolution broke out when traders and commuters needed better methods of transportation. The Transportation Revolution led to the building of canals and railroads. The poor conditions of roads led to the building of canals. It was far less costly to transport heavy goods by waterway than by land. (491) Railroads, at the time, were the fastest method of transportation on land. A trip that might take day .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 1453 | Number of pages: 6

Influence Of Gangs

.... kids do not have to avoid certain streets just to avoid confrontation. White suburban kids do not have to live with the constant violence on the streets. White suburban kids do not have to worry about drive-by shootings. With so much violence in inner cities, one can only expect teenagers to be easily misguided. Many inner city kids are able to avoid the gang life, however, there are still the others that have succumbed to the lifestyle. With the violence, peer pressure, and the need to fit in, it is .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 1075 | Number of pages: 4

Internet Censorship

.... these poor creatures, and what makes me sick to my stomach, is that some of these people do it for fun!! I recently ran across a link to a web page that contained a online petition to put a cat’s killers to justice with maximum sentence. This is the article I found on this brutal torture of an innocent creature. ***WARNING*** (graphic details) “On October 10, 1999, a beautiful female cat came willingly to the four boys who stopped on the side of the road and called to her. Her trust was rewarded by u .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 1555 | Number of pages: 6

Internet Privacy

.... up user-specific information, which could include the consumer's preferences or interests, as indicated by documents the consumer accessed in prior visits or items the consumer clicked on while in the site. Websites can also collect information about consumers through hidden electronic navigational software that captures information about site visits, including web pages visited and information downloaded, the types of browser used, and the referring websites' Internet addresses. The result is that a web .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 1150 | Number of pages: 5

Invasion Of Privacy

.... usage of university bandwidth from your computer." You are startled and you ask, "What are you talking about? I have no idea, what you are talking about?" The voice responds, "We have been monitoring the university network and we have noticed that so-and-so from Hand College in room 417A has been receiving or downloading mp3s and other files from your computer." Surprised, you answer, "Really? I didn't even know." The voice on the other end responds, "Please take off any and all illegal information or da .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 901 | Number of pages: 4

Is Perception Reality?

.... Radio Communications, etc. I was then sent to Cell Block 6 AKA Death Row. This is where my perceptions began to give way to reality. I found that almost every inmate (as called by officers and staff) had a Television and that free cable was provided with many movie channels available. Most had stereos with many CD’s. They were required however, to wear headphones while listening to their music. I was surprised to find that the law mandated many privileges to the incarcerated individuals. Three hot meals .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 784 | Number of pages: 3

Is Sex Eroding Moral Values?

.... a long period of time. But what we have now, for the most part, is the "decision-making approach" (Kilpatrick, 16). In one form or another, sometimes as a course in itself, sometimes as a strategy in sex education classes, sometimes as a unit in civics or social sciences, it has set the tone for moral education in public and even private schools. "The shift from character education to the decision-making model was begun with the best of intentions. The new approach was meant to help students to think mo .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 1798 | Number of pages: 7

Is Advertising Ethical?

.... admit their gullibility and seek redress, or decide that the amount lost is not worth the cost of pursuing the advertisers. This allows the advertisers to continue their scam and trick even more people with their dishonesty. People have to try to figure out if advertising is legitimate and plausible. For example, shopping via Internet, consumers usually disappointment and being cheated when they receive the goods by Mail. 2. One of them is the appeal to an authority. This is clearly seen when companies us .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 1180 | Number of pages: 5

Islam More Than A Religion

.... as the sole God----creator, sustained, and restorer of the world. The will of Allah, to which man must submit, is made known through the sacred scriptures, the Qur'an (Koran). Allah revealed the Qur'an to his messenger, Muhammad. According to Islamic beliefs, Muhammad is the last of a series of prophets (including Adam, Noah, Jesus, and others). Muhammad's message concurrently perfect and do away with the “revelations” attributed to earlier prophets. From the very beginning of Islam, Muhammad had ind .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 1344 | Number of pages: 5

Islamic Women

.... clauses and negotiate terms. It is rare however possible for a man to have more the one wife. However, when that happens the man is responsible for caring and supporting both of them. In order to marry another woman however, the man must have the permission of his first wife. Although Muslim women have had been married at extremely young age, this practice is related to the fact that father and other male relatives generally have chosen the grooms themselves. There are however some discrepancies. Islami .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 430 | Number of pages: 2

It Is Time To Reaffirm Our Act

.... that goal, we must start adopting feasible alternatives that may allow us to value and select the most suitable individuals, among ourselves, based solely on the merit of our abilities and actions, and Not on our God-given skin-pigment and/or gender. Affirmative Action Programs have ingrained and extended into a very wide array of social programs and minority groups in the United States. Therefore, It would be impossible to fit every Affirmative Action issue within the length and scope of this research .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 1486 | Number of pages: 6

Italian Mafia History

.... of the boss. Always help out fellow Mafia members. Avenge attacks on members of the family, because every sheep is part of our flock. Stay away from police and other government disciplinarians. In the 19th century the Mafia grew into a large criminal society. Creating the Mafia’s own forms of authority. The Mafia began to extort many people by handing out Black Hand notes, which been around since the 1700s. They hand out black notes to people requesting money in return for protection. The only people .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 1195 | Number of pages: 5

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