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How Should The United States Treat Todays Criminals?

.... such a weapon. Under the “Justice Model” this inmate is held accountable for the life that he had just taken by receiving the death penalty, but the “ Medical Model” would have sentenced this inmate to a number of rehabilitation programs believing that this decision to take human life was caused by the environment that the inmate lived in. Unlike the “Medical Model” the “Justice Model’” will not sentence a person to rehabilitation, but it will provide rehabilitation programs and certain incentives to pa .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 709 | Number of pages: 3

The Penalties Of Drunk Driving

.... New York City's new drunken driving policy: motorists with a blood alcohol level of .10 percent -- the legal limit -- or higher will have their vehicles seized on the spot; while the motorist faces prosecution in criminal court, the vehicle seizure will be part of a separate proceeding in civil court under state forfeiture laws; because civil proceedings require only a preponderance of evidence for guilt -- rather than guilt beyond a reasonable doubt -- motorists acquitted of drunken driving in criminal c .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 1182 | Number of pages: 5

The Pros And Cons About Legalizing Marijuana

.... have harmful long-term effects. The Anti-Legalization Forum explains that some of these effects are: impairment of the immune system due to the inability of T-cells to battle off diseases, delaying puberty in both males and females, and unhealthy and smaller children born to women who used marijuana during pregnancy. The Drug Enforcement Administration believes that since marijuana is not accepted by any American health associations, there is no reason to legalize the drug. They think that the main reas .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 2457 | Number of pages: 9

Failure Of Gun Control Laws

.... which persist today. Firearms in the new world were used initially for hunting, and occasionally for self-defense. However, when the colonists felt that the burden of British oppression was too much for them to bear, they picked up their personal firearms and went to war. Standing against the British armies, these rebels found themselves opposed by the greatest military force in the world at that time. The 18th century witnessed the height of the British Empire, but the rough band of colonial .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 1578 | Number of pages: 6

All Drugs Should Be Legal, Or How To End The Drug War

.... millions are marginalized, at [a] considerable cost and danger to others, by records of drug arrests and convictions (Neier A18)." Would in not make sense to try something different in order to get a different result? Have we not learned our lesson from Prohibition? It only took us a mere 14 years to repeal prohibition (Lewis A15). Why don’t we legalize narcotics? I do not know what will happen if we try this; nobody does. It has never been tried in America. It has been tried in other countries. .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 1299 | Number of pages: 5

Crime Prevention

.... on crime involving situational crime prevention, environmental design, community-based policing, vigilante justice, and auxiliary justice, in theory, will prevent crime. One of the reasons that community crime prevention has become popular in the past twenty years is because of the economics of the justice system. The government was facing huge costs and they wanted to divert some responsibility to community based programs. Another reason was that police departments wanted to use the local communities t .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 3228 | Number of pages: 12

The Rise Of Auto Thefts In Charlotte, North Carolina

.... can request that a patrol officer comes to the scene of where the car was stolen and make a report with the officer. In this case, the officer comes to the location, and gets information such as the victims name, address and general information about him or her, including the place of employment. The next important piece of information required is the VIN number from the vehicle, which is the vehicle identification number and/or the tag number. Without this information, the proof of owner is hard t .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 2016 | Number of pages: 8

The Problems Of Marijuana Prohibition

.... It can alter the heart rate, can lead to sever anxiety, and can cause paranoia and lethargy (Shalala 10). While all that is true, it does not compare to the effects of other harmful substances. For instance, alcohol’s cause of cirrhosis to the liver, and tobacco causes lung cancer and coronary heart disease. The plain fact that both tobacco and alcohol are carcinogens to speed up all cancers, are all good examples of how bad alcohol and tobacco can be. Alcohol is the source of half of highway fat .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 841 | Number of pages: 4

Capital Punishment And The Death Penalty

.... the death penalty in the bible is "Whoever strikes a man so that he dies shall be put to death." (Exodus 21:12). The bible also suggests stoning a woman if she unmarried sex and had "wrought folly on Israel by playing the harlot in her father's house" (Deuteronomy 22:21) England recognized seven major crimes that called for execution by the end of the 15th century. These crimes were: murder, theft (by deceitfully taking someone goods), burglary, rape, and arson. As time went by more and more crimes were .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 1362 | Number of pages: 5

Persuasive Essay On Capital Punishment

.... cheaper than life imprisonment because it is less expensive to execute a prisoner than to keep him in an institution. Every year, valuable tax dollars go towards keeping prisoners in jail however, if the death penalty was used more often, some of this money could go towards other important causes such as gun control and education (Caldwell 598). Moreover, it is important to keep in mind that laws do change as do parole boards and people eventually forget the past. Life imprisonment lets the murderer li .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 472 | Number of pages: 2

Capital Punishment: Right Or Wrong?

.... from committing violent acts. Numerous studies have been created attempting to prove this belief. In addition, with the growing sympathy of modern society, the number of inmates actually put to death is substantially lower than 50 years ago. This fact that it was more safe back then than it is now probably has to due with the fact that in earlier times, where capital punishment was common, the value of life was less, and societies were more barbaric, capital punishment was probably quite acceptable. .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 4217 | Number of pages: 16

Capital Punishment

.... to the death penalty say no because of the large amount of people on death row today. They also say that states that have the death penalty have a higher crime rate than those that do not, and therefore it is not effective and somewhat contributes to the problem. I must point out though that states that have the death penalty are usually highly urbanized areas that most likely will have high crime rates because of the large population. Rather, in rural states there is no need for the death penalt .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 1033 | Number of pages: 4

Capital Punishment

.... following a local execution (144). Capital punishment is wrong because it is often used unfairly. Economist magazine states that even though women commit twenty percent of the homicides in the United States, women are rarely sentenced to death and executed (27). The poor and friendless defendants, those with inexperienced or court-appointed counsels, are most likely to be executed. For example, Orenthial James Simpson had the money to afford the best lawyers and was “guilty as sin,” but he was acquitte .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 513 | Number of pages: 2

Capital Punishment And Religion

.... of life has been taught for centuries. One can find its teachings throughout the bible and other post modern documentaries. "Those who base their opposition to the death penalty on moral grounds argue that life is sacred and killing is always wrong, whether it is done by an individual or by the state" (Honeyman 3). It is safe to say that most of us would agree that our lives are precious, and even sacred. Most of us also agree that killing is wrong. Miller says, "To punish a murderer by incarce .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 992 | Number of pages: 4

Crimes In Schools Lower Academic Levels

.... violent crimes are happening everyday. That is mainly because I would never know when such a crime like that would happen in my school or somewhere nearby. After reading many articles there was this one article that grabbed my attention right away. The title of the article was “Violence against U.S. kids is common”. Just imagine how many students must have read that heading and felt unsecure about themselves. When a person reads such articles they do not sit there and worry about what is going to be d .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 465 | Number of pages: 2

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