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The History Of The Soviet Union

.... Various successive Czars attempt social reforms which do not leave an impact on the country's well-being. In December of 1825, an uprising from the populace occures when they demand changes to the economic system. With the development of the American, French and Spanish constitutions, the serfs now demanded the abolishment of the monarchy dictatorship, communal ownership of land and many other civil and social reforms. Unfortunately, their rebellion was quickly dismantled by the Czar's military faction and .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 1227 | Number of pages: 5

The Age Of Exploration: Europe

.... the continent America named after Amerigo Vespucci. He also explored the coastline of Central America. Juan Ponce de Le¢n set out to find the Fountain of Youth. He never did find the fountain, but he discovered the land that he named "Florida". Vasci de Balboa was the first to push through the jungle of Central America, On the other side he discovered a vast body of water that he named "South Sea", because he thought that it was South of Asia. This Ocean was named the "Pacific". .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 531 | Number of pages: 2

The Congress Of Vienna

.... was established, adding Belgium and Genoa. Prussia received land along the Rhine river(a protection against a future French threat). Austria was given much of Northern Italy. The only conflict came when the control of Eastern Europe came to the table. Alexander I of Russia was firm in that he wanted all of Poland under his rule, Austria was not willing to give up it's share of Poland either, and Prussia was interested in the land of Saxony. This conflict came to it's height and there was even th .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 483 | Number of pages: 2

Three Periods Of European History Where Attitudes Towards Women's Education Changed

.... female student(the future Queen Elizabeth I) as equally bright as any other male student of his. Furthermore, in a letter by the poet Louise Labe`, she states a need for women to "raise their head above their spindles" and take up studying. The next age, the Reformation and the catholic Reformation, saw a dramatic and conservative change toward the attitudes of education for women. Martin Luther, a leader of the Reformation, was quoted as saying that God made men with broad shoulders to .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 518 | Number of pages: 2

History Of The World

.... and the course of other important events. The history of the world--from the first civilizations to the present--is based largely on what has been written down by peoples through the ages. The development of agriculture about 9,000 B.C. brought about a great revolution in human life. Prehistoric people who learned to farm no longer had to roam in search of food. Instead, they could settle in one place. Some of their settlements grew to become the world's first cities. People in the cities learned n .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 2059 | Number of pages: 8

World War 2

.... which means "Leader". By the end of the 30's he was already sending Jews off too concentration camps to meet a horrible death. I believe that Hitler was one of the greatest causes of World War 2. Although there are many other reasons, he was definitely one of them. Another reason was the Treaty of Versailles. This was the treaty that was signed at the end of World War 1. This treaty outlined the rules that Germany must follow because of their defeat by Britain and France. Many Germans were a .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 796 | Number of pages: 3


.... milk they produce and the meat they give should not be eaten. As you can see, radiation can very easily be transferred from one point to another and ingested by someone without even their knowledge that there is a problem. The government of the Soviet Union was the owner of the nuclear power plant in Chernobyl. When there was a problem, the government immediately sent soldiers to surround the plant and only two days later did they evacuate the surrounding town of Pripyat, but by then it was already muc .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 1725 | Number of pages: 7

French Revolution

.... XVI agreed to their demands. This revolution resulted in the end of the old paradigm and the beginning of the Enlightenment paradigm. The Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Constitution of 1791 were written. Some of these changes include freedom of speech , due process under law, equality under law. It also enabled the creation of a laissez-fairre economic policy, with a free market and free trade. I believe that this revolution was inevitable due to the conditions that the majority of the po .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 283 | Number of pages: 2

Persian Gulf Crisis

.... possible until his side comes out "victoriously". Repeatedly, Saddam and his government break international convention laws. During his war fought with Iran, the Iraqi army used chemical weapons on the Iranian troops and even on their own Iraqi population. This was seemingly overlooked by the rest of the world because most nations didn't want to see the Ayatollah's Islamic revolution rise. Iraq often obtained foreign arms support from other nations because of this. It wasn't until the invasion of Kuwait .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 1755 | Number of pages: 7

The Aztec Empire History

.... their food. The Aztec Empire included many cities and towns, especially in the Valley of Mexico. The early settlers built log rafts, then covered them with mud and planted seeds to create roots and develop more solid land for building homes in this marshy land. Canals were also cut out through the marsh so that a typical Aztec home had its back to a canal with a canoe tied at the door. In the early 1400s, Tenochtitlan joined with Texcoco and Tlacopan, two other major cities in the Valley of Mexico. Tenoch .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 1281 | Number of pages: 5

The Aztecs

.... and offered penance. Human sacrifice played an important role. Since life was a mans most valued possession it was the best thing to offer up to the gods. As the Aztec empire grew so did the human sacrifice. Sometimes the Aztecs performed cannibalism, believing they absorb the virtues of the slain. The sacrificed people were thought to be given a high place in heaven. The average Aztec was a farmer. He lived outside the city and grew crops for his tribe. Farming was the most important means of survival .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 404 | Number of pages: 2


.... Overlord was in no way a last minute operation thrown together. When the plan was finalized in the spring of 1944 the world started work on preparing the hundreds of thousands of men for the greatest battle in history. By June of 1944 the landing forces were training hard, awaiting D-Day. 1,700,000 British, 1,500,000 Americans, 175,000 from Dominions (mostly Canada), and another 44,000 from other countries were going to take part. Not only did men have to be recruited and trained but also equip .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 4888 | Number of pages: 18

The Atomic Bomb

.... invaded mainland Japan where they had not only soldiers to fight against but the citizens of Japan loyal to Hirohito? Massive destruction, immense loss of life, and prolonging of the war until late 1946, as stated in document A, would result from invading on foot instead of using the bomb. Revenge also played a role in the decision to bomb Japan. The Japanese were not following the Geneva convention in regards to treatment of prisoners of war. Which says that the prisoners are not to be put throug .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 559 | Number of pages: 3

The Battle Of Midway In The Pacific

.... 1903 and 1940, it served both as a cable station on the Honolulu­ Guam­Manila underwater telegraph line and as an airport for the Pan American Airways China Clipper (Miracle 5). In March 1940, after a report on U.S. Navy Pacific bases declared Midway second only to Pearl Harbor in importance, construction of a formal naval air station began. Midway Naval Air Station was placed in commission in August 1941. By that time, Midway's facilities included a large seaplane hangar and ramps, artificial harbor, .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 4622 | Number of pages: 17

Modern European History

.... They did not know what was going to happen after the war. They're so devastated by the war that many who were still alive lost faith and all hopes. Many intellectuals began to doubt the Enlightenment and even the future of Western civilization. This state of uncertainty and unpredictability brought out many modern philosophers of that time. One of them was a French poet and critic Paul Valery. He stated that "Europe was looking at its future with dark foreboding." In his writings, he said that "The storm .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 890 | Number of pages: 4

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