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Karshish By Robert Browning

.... great things in the world proves to the audience that this event was indeed spectacular and significant. In the non-Christian world, the most common response is to doubt and to reject, but because of the conviction of the speaker the audience believe that the miracle did happen. This contrast between doubt and believe creates the dramatic tension of the work. Thus, “Karshish” contains the character study and dramatic tension which make the work a dramatic monologue. “Karshish” contains many of the tenet .....

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John Steinbeck - The Author An

.... first in the Steinbeck household. While not everyone saw eye-to-eye all the time, parents and children got along well. His father saw that John had talent and encouraged him to become a writer. His mother at first wanted John to be a banker- a real irony when you consider what Steinbeck says about banks in The Grapes of Wrath- but she changed her mind when John began spending hours in his room scrawling stories and writing articles for the school paper. Later in life, Steinbeck denied tha .....

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John Steinbeck

.... “Flight” direction is used to symbolize positive and pejorative effects. North and East are generally "good" directions. Many people feel this came about when the early man saw the sun rise in the East. On the contrary, the directions South and West are generally "bad" directions. Basically this is because the sun sets in the West. The direction up, which is also the way to heaven is generally "good," while down, the direction of hell, is considered to be "bad." An example of this form of symbolism can be .....

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John Betjemin Poetry

.... of a rhyming couplet. Betjeman stresses the PRO's contradictory character and adds some sarcasm when he says that the PRO 'kindly' gave him a 'free' colour booklet. Betjeman is also showing that the PRO constantly puts on a façade by saying that he was kind. The PRO wouldn't be expected to be mean which makes you realise that they are always extremely kind and friendly. One means the PRO uses to fool the public is to feed them a deluge of information. This way the public does not have a chance to re .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 653 | Number of pages: 3

Job - Character Analysis

.... understand why God allows us to be afflicted, we are simply to trust him fully, believing that he knows what is best for our benefit and glory. We must always understand that God’s thoughts and ways are not our thoughts and ways. He has eternity in view, and he is moved by considerations too vast and profound for our earthly minds to comprehend. .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 418 | Number of pages: 2

Jane Eyre - Nature

.... Jane's fascination when she reads Bewick's History of British Birds as a child. She reads of "death-white realms" and "'the solitary rocks and promontories'" of sea-fowl. We quickly see how Jane identifies with the bird. For her it is a form of escape, the idea of flying above the toils of every day life. Several times the narrator talks of feeding birds crumbs. Perhaps Brontë is telling us that this idea of escape is no more than a fantasy -- one cannot escape when one must return for basic sustenance. .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 1886 | Number of pages: 7

Jacob Have I Loved

.... is assumed to be the better sister, but in reality Sara Louise is the independent and strong sister, she never let anything stand in her way. When Caroline needs other people for almost every thing and is surprised when she doesn’t get her way. For example, Sara Louise and her best friend Call, Call thought Caroline was attractive but rarely played with her. He liked Sara Louise’s personality, she wasn’t fake and didn’t pretend to be someone she’s not. But when Call came back married to Caroline fr .....

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In Our Time By Ernest Hemingwa

.... .....

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In Our Time

.... clutter the feeling. They seem to be written with Strunk and White's Elements of Style in mind. After not one of them was I wanting for more. Each was a universe unto itself. Out of Season was difficult because I wasn't sure of how it made me feel, almost as if it was beyond me to understand what was happening to the characters and therefore I wasn't supposed to have read it. I enjoyed reading In Our Time, sitting on a float in a pool in the sun. The whole time, though, I was worried about what sort of "re .....

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How Much Land Does A Man Need

.... his crops. At first he just put up with it. Eventually though he became a hypocrite. “So he had them up, gave them a lesson, and then another, and two or three of the peasants were fined.” (p 214) He began to impose fines on people the same way they were imposed on him earlier in the story. Needless to say, people were very angry with him. Some people began to leave the commune, eastern United States, and leave for new parts, the west. Pahom was content to stay until he heard from a stranger that the land .....

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Historical Analysis Of Jerzy K

.... to another logical progression: Reaching further than the Polish villages of 1939, the novel¹s implications extend to all of us. Not only did Hitler¹s stain seep into even the smallest crannies of the world at that time, it also spread beyond limits of time and culture. Modern readers, likewise, are implicated because of our humanity. The conscientious reader feels a sense of shame at what we, as humans, are capable of through our cultural mentalities. That is one of the more profound aspec .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 2510 | Number of pages: 10

Heart Of Darkness By Joseph Co

.... to the Congo with noble intentions. He thought that each ivory station should stand like a beacon light, offering a better way of life to the natives. He was considered to be a "universal genius": he was an orator, writer, poet, musician, artist, politician, ivory producer, and chief agent of the ivory company's Inner Station. yet, he was also a "hollow man," a man without basic integrity or any sense of social responsibility. "Kurtz issues the feeble cry, 'The horror! The horror!' and the man of vision, o .....

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Heart Of Darkness And Apocalyp

.... mass shootings. This gruesome attack was motivated mainly by the fear of cultural intermixing which would impurify the "Master Race." Joseph Conrad’s book, The Heart of Darkness and Francis Coppola’s movie, Apocalypse Now are both stories about Man’s journey into his self, and the discoveries to be made there. They are also about Man confronting his fears of failure, insanity, death, and cultural contamination. During Marlow’s mission to find Kurtz, he is also trying to find himself. He, like Kurt .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 1972 | Number of pages: 8

Heart Of Darkness - Ignorance

.... from him. He stated the natives weren't criminals but were being treated as if they were, but at the same time he respected the book keeper on his looks instead of despising him for his indifference. Conrad considered the Africans inferior and doomed people. Frances B. Singh, author of The Colonialistic Bias of Heart of Darkness said "The African natives, victims of Belgian exploitation, are described as 'shapes,' 'shadows,' and 'bundles of acute angles,' so as to show the dehumanizing effect of colonialis .....

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Heart Of Darkness - Cruelty

.... towns, stole their property, and enslaved them. George Washington Williams stated in his diary, "Mr. Stanley was supposed to have made treaties with more than four hundred native Kings and Chiefs, by which they surrendered their rights to the soil. And yet many of these people declare that they never made a treaty with Stanley, or any other white man; their lands have been taken away from them by force, and they suffer the greatest wrongs at the hands of the Belgians." (Conrad 87.) Conrad saw intense gre .....

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