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The Great Gatsby 4

.... Loss of morals in the 1920' in America caused the American dream to vanish. The god-like character of the book Gatsby, was a good person but he did bad things like bootlegging and joining in organized crime. Affairs happened in the elite crowd between Tom and Myrtle. Dishonesty reared its ugly head when Daisy killed Myrtle by running her over then blaming it on Gatsby. This causes the deaths of three people. (Fitzgerald, -page 100-) In summary, Gatsby struggled to gain acceptance among his .....

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The Great Gatsby And The Ameri

.... she wanted him yet she wanted her life of flirting with the in crowd more then she loved Gatsby. However this is a generation that is comparable to our generation x children in how lazy they were. The roaring twenties was an era off sophistication, technology and leisure. People had what they had ant what they didn’t the lived with out. The American dream itself is idealized. It was first thought of during the American Revolution as a way to keep spirits up. The motto, life liberty and th .....

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The Green Mile Card Report 2

.... were all guards on E block. Percy was the most significant; he was a banty-rooster sort of guy. He liked to pick fights. He represented the fears of Paul Edgecombe. Though it is not obvious at the beginning, it becomes clearer as Paul ages. Toot-Toot was portrayed as a jester to lighten the mood of the story. His humor is what kept the other guards sane. Hal (Warden) Moores was the warden of Cold Mountain Penitentiary. Melinda Moores, Hal’s wife, is portrayed as a sick elderly woman. She i .....

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The Green Mile Card Report 2 -

.... were all guards on E block. Percy was the most significant; he was a banty-rooster sort of guy. He liked to pick fights. He represented the fears of Paul Edgecombe. Though it is not obvious at the beginning, it becomes clearer as Paul ages. Toot-Toot was portrayed as a jester to lighten the mood of the story. His humor is what kept the other guards sane. Hal (Warden) Moores was the warden of Cold Mountain Penitentiary. Melinda Moores, Hal’s wife, is portrayed as a sick elderly woman. She i .....

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The House Of The Seven Gables-

.... Of The Seven Gables". The story of The House Of The Seven Gables streches over two centuries. It's the classic scenario of two rival families, in this case the Pyncheons ( weathly aristocratic puritans) and the Maules (humbler paupers). The story of these two families begins with Matthew Maule, who owned a certain amount of land and built himself a hut to live in, in this new puritan settlement. Maule was a hard working but obscure man, who was stubborn and protected what was his. His rival arrived at th .....

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The Human Comedy

.... 33) Delivering telegram message changed everything for Homer because he was no longer a child. Furthermore, delivering death telegrams made Homer sick. At the age of fourteen, when Homer had to deliver death messages, this made him realize that one day he is going to die himself. At the end when Homer realizes his brother’s death, Homer said, “What’s a man supposed to do? I don’t know who to hate. I don’t know what to do.” (Pg. 186) This showed being a teenage .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 409 | Number of pages: 2

The Ice Storm Book Vs. Movie C

.... to have sex with Janey, but instead Janey blows him off and has sex with someone else. This night Elena also finds out about the affair and has an affair with Jim, Janey’s wife. Now while both of the parents are away Mikey wants to see Wendy, but instead Wendy fools around with Sandy. Mikey ends up wandering during the ice storm to get electrocuted by a live wire. At the same time Paul is with Libbets drinking and taking drugs. All of this is happening simultaneously on one fortuitous night. .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 2646 | Number of pages: 10

The Importance Of Being Earnes

.... Lady Bracknell exits the room. Jack has barely a second to think about the events when Algernon begins by playing the traditional Wedding March. Algernon, in a way, plays the role of the annoying younger brother, who nit-picks and plays off of one’s errors and mishaps. It is a little bit of irony in this case, as we learn later that Algernon is really Jack’s younger brother. Oscar Wilde, an Irish-born playwright, shows everyone who reads his works that tradition is not always the be .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 570 | Number of pages: 3

The Ineffable Aphrodite

.... the god of fire and blacksmiths. He kept his wife happy by making exquisite jewelry for her to wear. Unfortunately, his craftsmanship wasn't enough to keep Aphrodite faithful to the him, the homeliest of the gods. She slept with any and everybody she wanted to. She bore the children of many different gods including Ares and Dionysus. Her companion was the young god Eros, a mischievous scamp who indiscriminately shot his arrows of love at unsuspecting humans. One of the most famous stories involving Aph .....

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The Interpretation Of Dreams

.... Even though Freud's examples are solid and reliable, they are one sided. Freud only uses examples of people close to him, like his children or close friends. What Freud lacks is a survey or a comprehensive study of dreams from the perspective of people he is not close to. Since Freud's theory of dreams was not of the norm during his time, he needs more convincing resources to back his theory. The reader may get the impression that Freud didn't research enough on the subject of dreams, since he us .....

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The Joy Luck Club - Culture Di

.... There is an immense emphasis on honor, obedience and loyalty. Another emphasis is competition, the mothers using their daughter's acheivements to decipher who is a better mother. The daughters soon become exasperated with their mothers' aggressiveness towards whatever hobby they are involved in, and give it up in spite of their mothers. The daughters in the novel are American, this adding to their inability to relate to some of their mother's Chinese beliefs and customs. The neglect to acknowledge the .....

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The Joy Luck Club: Cuture Gap

.... hard to meet. As well, in the case of Waverly and June, a mother's love is expressed in the novel by proudly showing off: "From the time we were babies, our mothers compared the creases in our belly buttons, how shapely our earlobes were, how fast we healed when we scraped our knees..." (Tan 64). In any case, every small act or gesture done out of deep love for one another, strengthens the bond, that is enkindled at birth. They are frightened. In me, they see their own daughters, just as ignora .....

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The Joy Of Reading

.... to understand the author? intended view. The novel should be studied to a certain limit to develop some more interest, however it should not be over-studied. As soon as a novel must be read or becomes part of a literary course, the joy of reading it is immediately lost due to the fact that the particular novel may not be interest to the student, the student may hurry to finish the novel and by the extent to which the novel is studied. The joy of reading a novel is lost when a novel is not of in .....

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The Khent

.... that as an ancient people with an excellent culture, the Armenians have a rich intellectual and spiritual heritage. In their literary possessions they have many hidden treasures which have not been tapped adequately. These must be brought to light. Great scholars of Europe and Armenia, such as Hubschmann, Meillet, Keltzer, Marr, and Atontz and a host of others have attempted in the past to unearth some of the precious spiritual possessions of our ancestors. But this has been only a beginning. It beho .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 3228 | Number of pages: 12

The Lady Of Shalott

.... and the dark and shadowy interior in which the Lady is kept. The interior space that the Lady of Shalott exists in is very gloomy, "Four gray walls, and four grey towers" (Tennyson, line 15). One could argue that the mirror has a magical element because the speaker never describes anything that may be bad. The Lady of Shalott weaves only beautiful and happy scenes, "a magic web with colors gay"(Tennyson, line 38). Any of the ugliness that's present in everyday life, the Lady of Shalott does not see. T .....

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