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The Scarlet Letter 3

.... I do not believe so. I do believe that Dimmsdale was on some level jealous of Hester for being allowed, or forced, to publicly claim her sins. Hester was able to acknowledge her sins, and thus she was able to seek redemption for them. Dimmsdale was never able to do either.I believe that this novel would not have been nearly as effective without the presence of Dimmsdale to be used in contrast with the other characters. We are able to see two lives take totally different courses from the same set of ci .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 685 | Number of pages: 3

The Scarlet Letter 8

.... stronger and blocks out a lot of her emotions. It is noticed that the tougher she got inside, the tougher her appearance becomes and the more plain she dressed. Once she meet with Dimmesdale in the forest, she told him of Chillingworth, which shows she had grown strong enough to not let him hold her down. When she gained that strength, her beauty was expressed by: Her sex, her youth, and the whole richness of her beauty, came back from what men call the irrevocable past. Chillingwort .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 809 | Number of pages: 3

The Secret Sharer 2

.... narrator pushed forward in efforts to help Leggatt, as the captain becomes confident that Leggatt has safely abandoned the ship, (when he sees Leggatt's white hat floating in the water,) the ship makes a change that mirrors the narrator's. It, as well as the narrator, make a full turnaround, with the narrator stating that "nothing could now stand between...a seaman [and] his first command." At the end of the novel, the narrator gains confidence in his boat and crew, and the boat finds itself on course for .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 545 | Number of pages: 2

The Shield Of Achilles

.... the other is circled by an army. This army has two plans which split their ranks: to share the riches which they have captured or plunder the city and capture more. Turmoil surrounds each city. In one a quarrel and is brought to judgment. Surrounding the other, two armies fight along the riverbanks killing men and dragging off the dead. Both cities are tainted with death, and both house love. In the former two men quarrel over the blood price for a murdered kinsman and take their cases to a judge t .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 755 | Number of pages: 3

The Short Story Of Night - A C

.... the Inquisitor and the scene changes, creating dissonant, chaotic-sounding tones. In this play character development has the most important role in the portrayal of this infectious societal disorder. It is through the characters on-going actions and shared thoughts that we receive the greatest insight into this gradual "infection". For example, the actor brilliantly externalizes the gradual changes in the character of Kepler’s wife taking her from the innocent inquiring young girl to ultimately .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 540 | Number of pages: 2

The Siginificance Of The Openi

.... 'astronomical hour'. In addition to reinforcing the idea of Egdon Heath's unchangeable place in time (as will be discussed later), this early arrival of darkness is well in tune with the overall atmosphere of tragedy. Dominance of darkness is clearly ominous and Hardy also says of the heath that it could 'retard the dawn, sadden noon…and intensify the opacity of a moonless midnight to a cause of shaking and dread'. The images conjured are explicitly ominous and suggesting tragedy. It is also inf .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 1320 | Number of pages: 5

The Sniper

.... at the other sniper his hand trembled with eagerness, proving his lack of concern for others. When he finally shot, he uttered a shout of joy releasing his “lust for battle”. Finally the horror of the war is made clear because the sniper can only think of other people as the enemy. Before he lights his cigarette he wonders if the “enemy” is watching. The armored car, the driver, as well as the informer are all labeled as the “enemy”. Together he mentioned the .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 459 | Number of pages: 2

The Snow Leopard

.... setting the world in motion once again.”(198) Nevertheless this oneness is very hard to achieve in practice and harder still to maintain. Drugs always leave you short of the goal of oneness because the drugs themselves are an obstacle, a mist that will always stop you short of total oneness. Drugs will always hold you back because they are harmful, and while you are experiencing a drug trip you are doing nothing but experiencing a drug trip; the drugs can do nothing but induce that hallucinoge .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 796 | Number of pages: 3

The Sovereignty And Goodness O

.... the things that she felt deprived of as last on her list. The things that were most important to her were surviving and maintaining her commitment to the Lord. She did everything that she could to stay strong and hold on so she could make it back to her husband and her children. Even though she suffered a terrible loss due the death of her child she knew that she had two other children out in the wilderness that very much needed her and depended on her survival. During her captivity she realized that .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 1195 | Number of pages: 5

The Spirit Catches You And You

.... If it was a boy, his placenta was buried near the base of the house's central wooden pillar. They believed the male spirit was a domestic guardian who held up the roof of the house and watched over its residents. The placenta was always buried on the smooth side. The side that had faced the fetus inside the womb, turned upward. If it was upside down, the baby might vomit after nursing. If the baby's face erupted in spots, that meant the placenta was being attacked by ants underground, and boiling water .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 935 | Number of pages: 4

The Stone Angel---literary Ess

.... others in the small world that is her life. She can no longer perform the simplest tasks such as dressing herself or walking down the stairs. It irks her to need help, which is one of the reasons she can't stand Doris. She is also angry at the lack of emotional control as she perceives how "laden with self-pity" (pg. 31) her voice sounds when arguing with Marvin in one instance. She cannot control how her "mouth speaks by itself, the words flowing from somewhere, some half-hidden hurt" (pg. 68). .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 972 | Number of pages: 4

The Strange Case Of Dr. Jekyll

.... that Dr. Jekyll is only seen in the front of the house, which is well furnished and respectable, brings about the contrasting features of the house. This is also a good time to note that this contradiction of the two sides of the house signifies that Dr. Jekyll is obviously hiding a very big secret, and that there is a big difference between his public and private identity. Mr. Vetterson not knowing what Mr. Hydes connection with Dr. Jekyll is, is also a very big clue to the fact that even when Dr. Je .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 1136 | Number of pages: 5

The Sun Also Rises 4

.... by sex. You spend all your time talking not working Jake. It sounds like a swell life, I said. When do I work(Hemingway,120)? At this point, it is obvious to see that Jake is in a state of denial; he's doing anything he can to stay in the illusionary world he has created. Alcohol, therefore, is a necessity for Jake; it allows him to cope with everyday life. Alcohol is not the only crutch Jake uses in Hemingway's story. Later, the reader discovers that in order to pu .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 1597 | Number of pages: 6

The Sun Also Rises 5

.... can do no wrong. Robert offers himself to Brett, then follows her around as if on a leash, “sniveling and squealing as if he were swine” (58). While Brett saunters around on her sexual escapades, she does not take into account the feelings of Jake, the man who truly loves her, because he is unable to meet her sexual needs. Brett does bother with Jake’s frustrations; she uses him only as an emotional support to fall back on when the flings leave her emotionally unsatisfied. “B .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 1317 | Number of pages: 5

The Surprising Aspect Of Sex I

.... also takes the reader's mind off the war as well. How and why are they allowed to get away with their appalling actions? For some reason no one punishes Yossarian and the rest of the soldiers after going to Italian whore houses and acting like sex-crazed dirty men. Another example of sex in Catch-22, is in the chapter Nately's Old Man, where the chapter takes place in an "amazing place" with a "seething cornucopia of female nipples and navels" (251). This chapter is filled with lush, vivid descriptio .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 882 | Number of pages: 4

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