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To Kill A Mockingbird-- Plot S

.... them where the fence tore them. When school begins again, Scout and Jem find more trinkets in the tree. They write a thank you note to whomever is leaving the things for them, but Mr. Radley cements up the knot hole. During the winter it snows and Jem builds a snow man by making a form out of mud and then covering the mud with snow. The house of Miss Maudie, a friendly neighbor, burns down that night. While the children watch the fire from the street in front of the Radley’s house, Bo .....

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To Kill A Mockingbird-book Rep

.... he says, “Somethin’ not fittin’ to say - not fittin’ for these folk’n chillun to hear-” (p.197). In contrast, the Ewells have all of the characteristics generally stereotypical of blacks at that time. They lived in what was once a Negro cabin behind the town garbage dump. The cabin is not well kept and the yard is filled with garbage and junk. They live on relief checks which are spent by Bob Ewell for booze. Bob Ewell leaves his children unattended, beats t .....

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Tom Swayer

.... father jailed him for vagrant. Injun Joe started to wrestle with Doc. Robinson and stabbed him with his knife. Doctor Robinson was dead before he fell to the ground. Injun Joe blamed Muff Potter that he had killed Doc. Robinson. Injun Joe had carefully set up Muff Potter. He put Muff Potter on top of Doc. Robinson with the knife in his hand. When Muff Potter woke up Injun Joe was still there. Muff Potter ask “What had happened?” Injun Joe said “You and Doc. Robinson started to wr .....

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Tortilla Flat

.... and place. Setting also reveals character. Symbols, ideas beyond the object itself and images, perceptible to the senses--the novelist's use of concrete objects and events is most important in letting the reader know what is meant and how the writer wants the reader to feel about what is going on. Tone is the result of style [style recommends certain attitudes or conclusions following technical means of diction, syntax and imagery. Serious style employed to recount ridiculous events often helps establish .....

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Traditional Ideologies

.... inform the reader of values present in the society. They can also reflect the current shift in values and attitudes away from the dominant ideologies. This can be seen heavily in the novel ‘Cloudstreet’ by Tim Winton. In this text many characters are seen to have somewhat different roles in the family that one would expect. Lester Lamb is an excellent example of this. The traditional role of the man in the house is to go out and work hard for his money and come home to a wife who would su .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 563 | Number of pages: 3

Tragic Hero (media)

.... She deceives Jason by telling him she would like to make amends for their past. Medea says," Surely you can afford to forgive my bad temper: after all there has been much love between us."(p.320) She continues to tell true lies to Jason. Also Medea is very crafted in poison. She sends gifts to the princess that poison her. Medea had a tragic flaw that resulted in how she reacted to Jason's betrayal. Her tragic flaw was her self-will and excessive pride. Some quotes from the book reveal ho .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 512 | Number of pages: 2

True Grit Vs Old Man And The S

.... was still dark outside and bitter cold although mercifully there was little wind.” The dedication involved in the characters’ pursuits becomes more evident later on. “He is a great fish,” the old man told himself, “and I must convince him not to learn his strength…” As it was also with the Mattie from True Grit. “I knew both of them (Rooster and LaBoeuf) were waiting for me to complain or say something that would make me out to be a ‘tenderfoot.& .....

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Turn Of The Screw By Henry Jam

.... play a scheme to get full control over Flora. Mrs. Grose wants Flora to herself because she has no children of her own. Every time the governess sees the figures Mrs. Grose is around. Is this a coincidence? Is Mrs. Grose in fact behind the whole reason for the sightings? I believe that there are ghosts taking part in this story. There are too many references in the story not to believe this way. Miss. Jessel and Peter Quint, referred to as “them” or the two ghosts are reappear and disappe .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 1131 | Number of pages: 5

Two Books By Kurt Vonnegut Jr

.... did. Pilgrim, however, comes out of the war a crazed lunatic. He has the hallucination that aliens (tralfamadores) abduct him and make him a exhibit in zoo. He greatly admires these trafalmadores because they have no sense of time, the see things from beginning to end, and therefore have the power of seeing destiny and of time travel. According to Pilgrim, they grant him the power to travel through time and seeing all events from beginning to end. Pilgrim asks them, "Why me?", they answer to prove t .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 820 | Number of pages: 3

Taming Of The Shrew 2

.... Line146). Bianca has yet to be as tamed as her sister. Bianca is sweet and portrays all that a woman of the sixteenth century should be. Kate is rude and everything a woman of that time shouldn’t be. She is however what most woman are today, open, expressive and independent. “The Taming of the Shrew” shows how much respect women have gained since the fifteen hundreds. Maybe it even had something to do with it. .....

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The Accidental Tourest

.... and then waived a formal goodbye to him. The cab then makes a U-turn, and passes the boy. When the Macon looks at the boy, the way the boy walks reminds Macon of how Ethan used to walk. Macon then thinks of Ethan. He thinks that if Ethan hadn't died, he would have grown to be a lot like that boy. This makes Macon think about Ethan growing up in heaven, now 14 years old, instead of 12. This thought eased his grief a little. For Macon, it was "their immunity to time that made the dead so heart breaking&# .....

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The Bay Of Pigs

.... in Central America, Southern North America, and Cuba. The United States has bases in Guatemala, and San Jose for staging and training areas for the Cuban refugees. Some of the refugees from Miami have volunteered to work underground in Cuba. This book takes place during the beginning of the Cuban Missile Crisis and the Cold War, 1961. This time was critical for Cuba. Cuba is torn between Democracy and Communism. Culture: Culture has not changed in most aspects since 30 years ago, t .....

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The Bean Trees, By Barbara Kin

.... being the rough-tough but nice person, asked Taylor nicely to follow her, when suddenly Mattie threw a 5-gallon Jerry can at her. "Knocked the wind out of you, but it didn't kill you, right?" "That's twenty-eight pounds of water. Twenty-eight pounds of air is about what you put into a tire. When it hits you, that's what it feels like." (page 81). When I was about 10 years old, my mom took me to a roller coaster theme park in Massachusetts. I was terribly afraid of the huge roller coaster that .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 713 | Number of pages: 3

The Black Cat

.... newspapers, which periodically carry true stories of murders committed under just abnormal psychological pressures as those described in “The Black Cat” (Buranelli 76). This story begins with the narrator ,who is about to be hung, confessing what he has done in some type of repention for his soul. The narrator step by step describes how he began drinking and then to neglect his dearly beloved cat and his wife. One day when he is maddened by the actions of the cat, he cuts out its ey .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 2661 | Number of pages: 10

The Crucible 5

.... to speak out against Abigail and the others for their false accusations and said that she " tried to kill me numerous times"(57). Yet as she does this heroic act of overcoming her old reality, Abigail pretends that Mary is also a witch using the poppets against her(73). Mary is now faced with yet another grueling internal conflict: to do what she knows is right and probably die for it, or to return to her old ways. Mary succumbs to Abigails "hypnosis " and accuses John Proctor of forcing her to lie. Clearl .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 923 | Number of pages: 4

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