Scarlet Lettter
.... Torturing Dimmesdale gave pleasure to Chilingsworth. When Dimmesdale finally died, the only pleasure that Chilingsworth had left, died also. Hawthorne said that, “Once Dimmesdale died all of Chilingsworth’s strength left him”. Chilingsworth strength died when the driving force in his life had died, Dimmesdale.
Chilingsworth had so much anger and evilness built up inside, that it eventually killed him. Dimmesdale’s death left Chilingsworth empty inside because all of his energy w .....
Scarletletter Symbolism
.... kind of forgiveness. Then a cloud forms the letter “A” in the sky and everyone thinks this stands for angel because that’s how they view Dimesdale. Then when Dimesdale goes to leave he leaves his glove on the scaffold to symbolize he was there and that he should have been up there with Hester and his daughter in the first place.
Then when you think everything is going to turn out okay and nothing bad is going to happen to Hester and Pearl, Dimesdale goes up on the scaffold. This .....
Scarlett Letter 2
.... becomes the chief agent to her mother’s salvation. Hester and Dimmesdale share much guilt because of Pearl. Dimmesdale’s guilt is filled with mental anguish, and serves as a constant reminder of his sin. Dimmesdale is a minister [who] commits adultery and is driven to public confession by remorse (Martin 108). He remains silent so that he can continue to do God’s work as a minister. It is said that he was a guilty character [who] finds empathy in connection with others (Peckham 92). Pea .....
Scarlett Letter Log Of Chapter
.... Pryne and how they are asking her whom she slept with. The preacher sort of tells here to confess who did it with her. They keep yelling at here and she never confesses.
5. I predict that the preacher guy is the man who had sex with Hester.
Chapter 4
The Interview
Summary: This chapter is about how Hester goes back to jail and she starts to feel sick and here baby is sick to a physician is ordered to come. He gives the baby something and she says something like she wish .....
Scars Of War
.... The cemetery offered clear fields of fire at civilians fleeing to the airport. The place exchanged hands
between Serbs and Bosnians throughout the war. The Jewish Memorial Chapel in the cemetery received quite extensive damage. There is a large gaping hole in the roof and wall in the back of the chapel. Shards of stained glass are scattered all around. Scorched walls are evidence of the explosions from the artillery rounds fired at it. The desecration of the final resting-place of many w .....
Secret Identity
.... keep our identity behind a secret-identity, behind a typical lifestyle and typical characteristics.
But does Superman not have confidants to vent his frustrations to? Is there no one for him to turn to when he needs to talk? He has Lois Lane and his parents. These are the selected few that knows his true identity. This outlet enables Superman to show his true self. This is not just necessary for him, but for everyone.
We all need close friends to open to. We go through life day by day, passing fa .....
Secret Sharer Character Essay
.... is no longer a stranger to himself and his crew. Shortly after meeting the Secret Sharer, the captain is feeling more confident and starts to give orders. He says, "It was the first particular order I had given on board that ship; and I stayed on deck to see it executed" (949). He no longer worry's about the opinion of his crew, rather is confident with his decision. When it is time for Leggatt to leave the ship for dry land, the Captain risks the lives of his crew in order for his "double" to escape .....
Seeing Is Believing
.... pains are debilitating to the immune system and makes individuals more susceptible to colds, infections, and diseases. Individuals who had regularly visually purged or imagined the release of their stress experienced healthier lives with fewer illnesses than that of those who held on to the stress (Belleruth Naparstek 24).
Visualization has been used to prepare for life events. Author Sherry Amatenstein had described herself as a wall flower when she went to parties, until she used visualization to .....
Self Reliance Through Hardship
.... did a good job. Everybody's jealous. Every time I look at somebody, they look off.
Is that why nobody has told you how pretty they are?
Sure it is. Can you imagine? Something like that happening to a person, and nobody but nobody saying anything about it? They all try to pretend they don't see them. Isn't that funny? I said, isn't that funny?
You are the only person who tells me how pretty they are.
Self-Reliance was chosen by Christine in A Yellow Raft in Blue Water. She .....
Self-reliance By Emerson
.... and still are scorned by those who believe that the best method for learning is repetition and memorization. When one comes up with a groundbreaking idea, it is generally disregarded because so-called “experts” do not agree with it. This is because society has been taught one thing, and they are scared to believe anything opposite of that. Therefore, anyone who dares to be different is shunned because he is misunderstood. These people, more often than not, turn out to be correct, and la .....
Selfishness Among Characters
.... getting married, and having children of her own. After fifty years of never regretting her decision to not marry in her life she is suddenly haunted with the notion of what could have been, for her. It seems to me, that she succeeds in the eyes of the narrator, in realizing her mistake to not marry.
In the story “The Great Gatsby” by F. Scott Fitzgerald, there are two characters faced with very different situations, and handle them very differently, but still possess the underlying theme .....
Selfishness Of Silas Marner
.... and obsess over it. "... the love of accumulating money grows an absorbing passion in men whose imaginations, even in the very beginning of their hoard, showed them no purpose beyond it. Marner wanted heaps of ten to grow into a square, and then into a larger square; and every added guinea, while it was itself a satisfaction, bred new desire." (16) Marner fell into a spiraling trap of selfishness, which seemed to pull him deeper into self-indulgence. "the same sort of process has perhaps been undergo .....
Semiotics And Intertextuality
.... are found on both television and radio; the genre of the news report is found on TV, radio and in newspapers; the advertisement appears in all mass media forms. Texts sometimes allude directly to each other as in 'remakes' of films, and in many amusing contemporary TV ads. Texts in the genre of the trailer are directly tied to specific texts within or outside the same medium. The genre of the programme listing exists within the medium of print (listings magazines, newspapers) to support the media of .....
Sense And Sensibility
.... roads. A culture in which people are taught to be impersonal.
Late in the novel, a reflective Marianne tells Elinor that she had compared her behaviour "with what it ought to have been; I compare it with yours," and that she found her own behaviour lacking: "I saw ... nothing but a series of imprudence towards myself and want of kindness to others. I saw that my own feelings had prepared my sufferings." Acknowledging her errors, Marianne decides to imitate Elinor's reserve and self-discipline. Wher .....
Settings In Jane Eyre
.... and she threw violent temper tantrums. "God will punish her: He might strike her in the midst of her tantrums" (45). Jane's Aunt punished Jane for others wrong doing to her. Jane was constantly reminded that she does not do anything to earn her keep, "No; you are less than a servant for you do nothing for your keep" (44). In Gateshead Hall Jane knew that she was not very lovable, and that she could not find love there. She was an unwanted child, and she was an outsider in her own home, the only .....