Metadrama In Shakespeare
.... fits within this essay’s definitions of Shakespeare’s work reflecting art not life, but also if we are to think of life in terms of people playing roles within their lives where ‘All the world’s a stage’ , and perceiving reality in a myriad different ways then theatre reflects life reflecting art - a complication that students of Shakespeare would expect the Bard to enjoy. Feste in Twelfth Night exemplifies this notion,
“Nothing that is so is so”
(Act IV .....
Minutes Of Glory
.... shall live the lease of nature..." (IV, i, 95-9) it becomes obvious that he is thinking in a literal sense rather than the figurative which is being used by the witches. When the second apparition tells Macbeth that no one born of a woman is able to kill him, he begins to think he is invincible. In Macbeth's current state of mind, he is so willing to believe the witches that he is unable to recognize that he has lost control of his own destiny. The predicament is staged by the witches to create chaos .....
More Than Magic - The Sword In
.... stood on the edge of the bundle
of hay which he was trying to pick up, with the result that he worked twice as hard as the Wart for only half the result. But he hated to be beaten by anybody at anything and used to fight away with the wretched hay - which he loathed like poison - until he was sick.”(p.11)
However, the Wart only longed to be needed for other purposes than for slave duties around the household. He longed desperately to be “accepted” by Sir Ector like Kay was: .....
Movie Narrative Structure
.... use a variety of narrative techniques such as (1)- Arguments from the source- presenting a the film as a reliable source of information, (2)- Subject centered arguments- using evidence to support the argument, (3)- Viewer centered arguments- appeal to the emotions of the viewer.
The Thin Blue Line (Errol Morris) sets out to convince the audience of a man's innocence. By appealing to the viewers reason and emotion Morris uses the actual people involved to retell their stories so the director/intervie .....
My Lai Massacre
.... through the village pursues. The children swarm the GI’s yelling there are no VC present in the area. Calley now wonders how is he to know which children are VC and which are civilians. VC and be children as well as adults. After a while Calley builds up in his mind that everyone in these areas are VC. His GI’s are shot at everyday, and everyday he asks the children where are the VC and he knows they are there but the children answer no VC’s.
Medina gives the orders to Calley .....
My Last Duchess 4
.... uses the curtain as a method of controlling his wife, even after her death. Other men admiring her beauty was unacceptable, so by hiding the painting behind a curtain, he controls who is allowed to gaze upon her. “Sir, ‘twas not / her husband’s presence only, called that spot / of joy into the Duchess’ cheek” (13-15). The Duke mentions the blush on the cheek that the duchess has in the painting and assumes that Frà Pandolf, the painter, was attracted to the Duchess and possibl .....
Native Son 2
.... trial.
"Your honor, I have no desire to be disrespectful
to this court, but I must be honest. A man's life is
at stake. And not only this man a criminal, but he is
also a black criminal. And such he comes into this court
under a handicap, notwithstanding our pretensions that
all are equal before the law" (382).
Max is showing not only the court, but the nation as a whole, that there is no way that Bigger can receive a fair trial. Bigger and Max bo .....
Nature 2
.... the house as a living thing. "Now the house seemed to shudder around her like something alive." (Pg. 357) The house floats free struggles up from the clay, and swings out slowly with the pull of the river. The house protects her from the flood. To her, the house is the only "thing" that will stay with her and protect her.
For the first time since the rain begins, she feels hopeless. But the flood gives her a gift, which is a panther. Why do we call it a "gift"? The panther is totally a .....
New Hreligion And Medieval Lit
.... of contemporary men and women. The Wakefield Master, "probably a highly educated cleric stationed in the vicinity of Wakefield" (319), did this in his play The Second Shepherds' Play. "As the play opens, the shepherds complain about the cold, the taxes, and the high-handed treatment they get from the gentry--evils closer to shepherds on the Yorkshire moors than to those keeping their flocks near Bethlehem" (319), this convention would only help the lay people identify with the characters and make the re .....
Night 2
.... child. Wiesel wondered what that poor innocent boy had done to deserve to die in this manner. Wiesel watched the boy struggling between life and death. The death was a slow agony. At this point Wiesel lost all faith in the existence of God. "Where is God now? Where is He? Here is - He is hanging here on this gallows..."(62) After this incident Wiesel could no longer believe in God. He felt that no one could believe in God when one saw innocent children die such terrible deaths.
Night tells the story .....
Night Essay 2
.... first things he sees at the camp seems awfully horrific. He doesn't seem too bothered by it.. “Behind me, an old man fell to the ground. Near him was an SS man, putting his revolver back in it’s holster.” (page 27) This is all he says about the incident. He merely states the facts and seems to leave the human emotion part out of it. Although he has lost some emotion, he still is human, and he is still obviously in shock. “I pinched my face. Was I still alive?” (page 30 .....
No Exit 2
.... he is a living being with a biological and social past. He can
transcend beyond that to nothingness, the realm of the etre pour
soi (the “being-for-itself”). At this point he is, according to
Sartre, clearheaded and in good faith. Because he is acting in
good faith, he is not pursuing a fundamental project in an
attempt to circumvent the possibility of anguish. The outcome of
this path of good faith is that man manifests his freedom
authenticates and ultimately this freedom .....
.... two aunts, Obasan and Emily, through their differing forms of communication, lifestyle traits and Nisei and Sansei traditions, as a result she forms her own lifestyle path and discovers her complete identity.
The differing forms of communication by the two aunts play a role in Naomi's lifestyle choice: Obasan with her use of Japanese silence and Emily through her straight forwardness. Obasan lives her life through a shell that traps her thoughts and feelings inside. She expresses her feelings in h .....
Obsession And Deviance
.... shine the lantern light upon only that eye. By leaving the rest of the old man in the dark, he in a sense de-humanizes the victim. His obsession intensifies and takes full control of his actions. He eliminates the old man from the equation and is able to charge him and make the kill.
Montresor in "The Cask of Amontillado" is similar to the narrator in "The Tell-Tale Heart" in that his obsession with consuming the soul of Fortunato influences his every action. However, it is with Fortunato himself th .....
Odysseus,the Hero, Homer
.... anything.Ê Another example that
shows that he is brave that he went to the Hades, which was a feared by many.Ê By his eloquence and cleverness Odysseus could get Nausicaa to assist him, and his devotion to his wife makes him so honorable.Ê He showed sensitivity when he met his mother and when he heard the song of the Trojan War.
However, Odysseus* qualities are not considered heroic today are his impulsiveness, arrogance, and curiosity.Ê He struggle@with these points. Odysseus went to Cyclops* cave .....