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The Hobbit

.... up on the keyhole. The next morning the group heads toward the Misty Mountains. A storm has caused them to seek shelter in a cave. The cave however turns out to be an entrance to the goblin kingdom. Again the group is captured. Only Gandalf is free, and he slays the Goblin King, and once again frees the party from doom. During the escape Biblo is knocked unconscious and is left behind. He awakes to find a ring of power that belongs to Gollum, which makes its wearer invisible. Biblo slips the ring on h .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 1223 | Number of pages: 5

Red Badge Of Courage

.... they will be fighting soon. It had always been a dream of his to fight in a war, and become a hero, and now his dream was coming true. Henry begins to think about what life was like before he entered the army, and remembers the stories of war he has heard from old veterans. This flashback is very effective in showing how his previous experiences have affected his thoughts on war now. It is blatantly obvious that he is afraid that he will not be able to withstand the pressures of a battle. He keeps telli .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 1487 | Number of pages: 6

Where The Red Fern Grows

.... dogs out there. Billy knew that his dogs could catch him. The neighbor’s dog and Billy’s dogs got in a fight and when one of the neighbor kids tried to stop the fight with an ax but in the process of running with an ax he tripped and fell on the ax and died. After the big incident Billy’s grandfather thought that he needed to move on with life so he entered him in a dog hunting contest. They packed ( Billy, his grandfather, and father) and left the next morning. When they got there Little Anne won a Beau .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 890 | Number of pages: 4

Life Experiences In Farewell T

.... transition to womanhood, at a difficult time, at a difficult location. Two of the main life lessons that Jeannie learned during her stay at Manzanar dealt with the issues of her identity of an American against her Japanese heritage, and also with school. During her time at Manzanar, Jeannie was surrounded by almost exclusively Japanese people, and did not have much exposure to Caucasians, or people of other races. Therefore, she did not know what to truly expect when she went out into the “schoo .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 1190 | Number of pages: 5

Benvenuto Cellini

.... the collection of the museum at Vienna. Another of his patrons in the period was Cardinal Patriarch Marco Cornaro, of the powerful Cornaro della Regina family of Venice. By his own account Cellini played a role in the ultimately unsuccessful defense of Rome in 1527, slaying the Constable of Bourbon in one attack and later killing Philibert, Prince of Orange, as well. After a brief stay in Florence, where he concentrated on producing medals (including "Hercules and the Numean Lion" in gold repousse and "A .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 716 | Number of pages: 3

May Day And USA

.... same day and they felt they owed themselves a little rest and relaxation" (1521). This is typical of self-centered capitalists. Mary is the moral center of this story. She has the will to pick herself up and continue with the unselfish intentions of the socialist party. It is clear that Mary will struggle against the forces of a capitalistic society: corruption and the use of employment to keep the workforce under control. On the contrary, Fitzgerald draws more of a Venn diagram then a concise line .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 1532 | Number of pages: 6

Jurrasic Park

.... in order to steal the embryos the storm hits, and the park power goes out. As the power goes out the visitors to the island are stuck in the middle of nowhere, with an escaped T-Rex. Everyone flees and is scattered through the park. The animals begin attacking the control building, while they are search for food. Since all the power is out there is no way to stop them, or containing them. In the hysteria a scientist , Wu, discovers that the dinosaurs have been mating, which they thought wasn't possible, .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 532 | Number of pages: 2

Watership Down

.... stories which distracted and eased the rabbits from problems. Pipkin, a good friend of Fiver, was small like Fiver but acted as if he was as big as Bigwig. He always did what he was told and never complained. PLOT One day Fiver, sensing danger, convinced his brother Hazel that they must leave their warren. Hazel tried to warn the Chief Rabbit of the danger, but he did not listen. Hazel gathered a group and went along the brook until they reached another warren of rabbits. These rabbits were very st .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 663 | Number of pages: 3

The Story Of My Life By Helen

.... not only the sign and label of an object, but the many different concepts it included as well. These precious edifications about the differences in a “mug” and “water” were only some of what would be many opportunities for Helen to develop senses and feelings that I believe she portrays helped her to begin to live. These lessons were taught to Helen at every available opportunity. During walks in nature, in every story Ms. Sullivan lovingly spelled, every occasion to enrich Helens mind was seized. .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 654 | Number of pages: 3

Scales Of Justice

.... times it is shown that officers avoid crime because there is too much paperwork to go with it. While Webber and Borland were on duty, the saw a moving car collide with a parked car, and Webber was told to do a U-turn. This was because if they caught the guy that did it, they would have to do several hours of paperwork. There was also a scene in the show when Borland told Webber about a time he found a corpse in a river, and they dumped in back inside because it would be too much of a hassle dealing .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 402 | Number of pages: 2


.... is ablsolutely amazed with the amount of jewels and gold in Eldorado and thinks that the money is his answer to happiness and the key to his finding Cunegonde. After all, money was seen as power and freedom during that era of history. Candide soon finds out that the money he dreamed of having is not the answer to life's problems. This is apparent when the Dutch captain steals his quick fortune.(88) Now that Candide has experienced and lost fortune, he sees Eldorado to be the perfect place because .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 829 | Number of pages: 4

Lord Of The Flies Essay

.... this nightmare. Not only the thoughts that the boys think affect them, but the things they see cause them to have evil intentions. Golding used a pig’s head on a stick called “ the lord of the flys “ as another animation to substitute the thoughts of evil and fear within the boys. Seeing the head causes Simon to have hallucinations of this head talking to him. The Lord of the Flys says “ .” After hearing this, Simon returns t .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 414 | Number of pages: 2


.... my opinion, this is the best book I’ve ever read, and Stephen King has topped all of his previous novels with “BAG OF BONES.” It is mysterious, scary, mesmerizing, suspenseful, and contains a bit of a love story as well. Stephen King did a wonderful job with this book, it was as if everything finally found a place in the jigsaw puzzle in the end, and a deep understanding overcomes you. I thought most of the story could be related to a true-life experience, except for a supernatural twist (it’s Step .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 765 | Number of pages: 3

A Seperate Peace

.... and man against himself. Early in the story Gene believes that his problems lie within his best friend Phineas (Finny), but later he realizes that his conflict is internal. Misplaced jealousy, fear, love and hate fight for control of Gene's actions. When the dark side of him wins for a brief moment and he pushes Finny out of a tree it ends his man against man conflict and makes Gene realize that Finny's intention has never been to sabotage him. He had only wanted to have a close and meaningful relationsh .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 1118 | Number of pages: 5

The Time Machine - Analysis

.... for many of there resources. He mentioned that the Eloi had houses and clothing but he didn’t see any machinery or anything that could possibly produce these items. “There were no shops, no workshops, no sign of importations among them.” (65) This led him the believe that there had to be someone or something that was making these items for them. Since the Time Traveller had already know about the low intelligence of the Eloi, this didn’t come as surprize to him. He was able to come to the co .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 610 | Number of pages: 3

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