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A Seperate Peace

.... frustration, envy, jealousy, and guilt—while Phineas remained in constant control of himself. It is this unending flow that not only hints at his peace, but also proves he is the human manifestation of it. “Don’t be a sap...there isn’t any war.” After his return to Devon, Finny thinks up a conspiracy theory that denounces that there was a war going on. With this, John Knowles blatantly reveals his metaphor of a separate peace, because it is only Phineas .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 849 | Number of pages: 4

Analysis Of Maltese Falcon

.... Ford’s “You used me...” speech is strikingly similar to Brigid’s including the reaction from Mike/Spade. The two men both refused to show sympathy and they did both had sex with their respective victims ...er women except Mike ends up dead and Brigid ends up in jail. Ford and Mike and Spade and Brigid share many similarities from the two women being used and the men conning these women. We know what Mike did already and Spade used his devilish charm to get Brigid to solv .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 1141 | Number of pages: 5

Black Like Me

.... American friends. “Please… Don’t mention those names on the air. I’d be afraid their lives would be endangered, and they were my friends” (Griffin 149). In addition, he was a man who never gave up. He insisted on remaining among the black people despite how he was looked down upon by the whites. Griffin was very civilized. He would not use violence to solve the problem, even if he were treated badly by the whites. He gained success after conquering over .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 918 | Number of pages: 4


.... always been identical. With the coming into being of written word, these stories could now be put down for people to read and serve as a reminder of their folklore. Not only to them, but to future people who come to read these documents. We have been lucky in the fact that over the last few hundred years, we have recovered many works from all over the world, dating back through years that had been long forgotten to many of us. In a great many of these works we have come into contact with many tales of hero .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 1847 | Number of pages: 7

Billy Budd 2

.... Billy’s image of a good-natured sailor is replaced by the image of a manslayer. It is that unexpected transformation in Billy’s nature, which puts his life on trial. Unlike Claggart and Billy, Captain Vere’s role fluctuates throughout the chapter- from a fatherly role to a military disciplinarian role. Captain Vere like Claggart also sees the charming spirit within Billy Budd. However, unlike Claggart, Vere admires Billy’s such spirit without having hatred toward him. Vere re .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 648 | Number of pages: 3

Book Report For The Odyssey

.... would make you forget everything except a desire to stay on the island. Some men had to be dragged back to the ship to overcome their desires. Next they went to the island of the Cyclops (huge, one-eyed giants). A cyclops by the name of Polyphemus spotted the sailors, captured them, and kept them in his cave so he could eat them later. Odysseus told the giant his name was "Nobody." Each morning the cyclops let his sheep out to graze, but never did he let a man escape. He ate all those who tried! Eventua .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 1293 | Number of pages: 5

Bram Stokers Dracula

.... his coffins with holy wafers and chase him out of England back to Castle Dracula. There they carry out an ultimate plan to destroy Dracula. The Author uses suspense as a storytelling device rather effectively throughout the story. There are a fair number of parts in which the reader is left suspended on the edge of seat, eager to find out what is to happen next. However, there were parts where suspense could be used in a manner that would enhance the gravity of the plot. Nonetheless .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 751 | Number of pages: 3

Bless Me, Ultima

.... what happened to Florence, he knew too much and was yet so young so he had no faith or could not believe in anything. Tony himself went through the process of growing up and losing his innocence as well throughout the novel. In the beginning of the whole story, Tony is concerned with nothing much but his own little world like every child ought to be. His worries and experiences are really nothing compared to what he had in store for him later on, but although his later experiences would be rather un .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 794 | Number of pages: 3

Candide 2

.... that a rational man would want to both propose this and partake in the eating of another human being. Therefore, before an analyzation can continue, one has to make the assumption that this is strictly a fictional work and Swift had no intention of pursuing his proposal any further. One of the other voices that is present throughout the entire story is that of sarcasm. In order to understand this further, a reader has to comprehend that Swift, becoming infamous after Gullivers Travels, was a member of th .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 1613 | Number of pages: 6

Canterbury Tales-a Personal Pe

.... money, rich food, and fine living. After his tale, he also tries to sell his relics and pardons to the other pilgrims for a price, as seen on page 257, “ One thing I should have mentioned in my tale, dear people. I’ve some relics in my bale and pardons too, as full and fine, I hope, as any in England, given me by the Pope.” This is evident proof that the clergy of the Medieval Christian Church in that era were quite corrupt in their search for financial support other than from th .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 704 | Number of pages: 3

Catcher In The Ryes Holden Cau

.... the catcher in the rye to society. This moral reconciliation, leading to a happy ending, allows Salinger to receive a lasting response from his readers; and his readers a lasting image from Holden. .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 441 | Number of pages: 2

Crime And Punishment--is Rasko

.... During Raskolnikov’s visit to the police station to retrieve his pledges, he and Porfiry become engaged in conversation involving the theory. Porfiry voiced concerns about ordinary people mistaking themselves as extra-ordinary. Raskolnikov responded with, “...[Ordinary people] might have a thrashing sometimes for letting their fancy run away with them and to teach them their place... (244)”. Raskolnikov endured a ‘thrashing’ of sorts (his illness), but he had been going thr .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 792 | Number of pages: 3

Critical Analysis Of Steinbeck

.... is present both times. A heron and a periscope-like snake are there in the beginning and the end. George speaks of his living off the fat of the land in both instances to pacify Lennie. The rabbit motif is seen in the beginning and the end, but its meaning has turned. In the opening Lennie wants to tend rabbits, and in the end the giant rabbit crushes his dreams by telling him that he is not good enough. The opening scene is an exact reflection of the closing scene, yet this time the dream has be .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 545 | Number of pages: 2

Critical Analysis Of The Jungl

.... He only knows basically nothing about either character’s personality. Another device Sinclair employs is leaving only one option, one alternative, to being held captive by capitalism. Throughout the entire novel, life goes downhill for Jurgis Rudkis. At the beginning, he and his family are relatively happy. They buy a house and all get jobs. But as the story progresses, their situation constantly gets worse. First, the growing payments on the house cause Ona, Jurgis’s lover, an .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 905 | Number of pages: 4

Critiscisms Of My Antonia

.... of spring, and concluding with the promise of a rich harvest in the intense heat of the prairie's summer. This is Jim Burden's remembered year, and it is his obsession with the cycle of time that has caused him to recall Antonia in a setting of the changing seasons." (Miller 55) Book one, "The Shimerda's", introduce the beginning of two cyclical themes. One of which is the cycle of the seasons of the year, which begins in the narrators'/Jims' mind in the autumn when the Shimerdas move to Nebraska, .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 1326 | Number of pages: 5

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