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The Heart Of Darkness

.... there assures them everything is all right and reveals that he is the one who left the wood. The Russian claims Kurtz has enlarged his mind and cannot be subjected to the same moral judgments as normal people. Kurtz has established himself as a god with the natives and gone out on brutal raids in the surrounding territory in search of ivory. The pilgrims bring Kurtz out of the station house on a stretcher, and a large group of native warriors pours out of the forest and surrounds them. Kurtz speaks to the .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 652 | Number of pages: 3

The Hobbit By J.r.r. Tolken

.... everyone believed him dead. Finally, everything is straightened out and he is able to settle down again into his old, comfortable life. Although from then on, he is considered eccentric by his neighbors, he continues his friendship with elves and dwarves and the wizard, happily recounting his tales to any who will listen. Themes are quite evident throughout the story of The Hobbit and some of them were more significant than others. The question of determinism is only hinted at in the last chapter of The H .....

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The Huckleberry Finn Controver

.... feelings for the characters. Also it was necessary for them to find the dead man so that Huck didn’t have to worry about pap taking his money. In the scene where Jim finds pap we learn more about Jim and that he is a sensitive person and was cautious not to upset Huck by letting him see pap’s body. Many people could have been offended by the stereotypes in this book. For example, "I see it warn’t no use wasting words—you can’t learn a nigger to argue."(pg. 78) I .....

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The Imperial Aspect Of Heart O

.... they did not seem aware these things are wanted for the work of the world. To tear treasure out of the bowels of the land was their desire, with no more moral purpose at the back of it than there is in burglars breaking into a safe. Who paid the expenses of the noble enterprise I don’t know; but the uncle of our manager was the leader of that lot.” (1449) As Marlow’s journey begins from the Center Station and continues up the river towards toward Kurtz’s Inner Station, his fasci .....

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The Importance Of Dreams In Th

.... out by brains- than go back mornings. . . For sixty-five dollars a month I give up all that I dream of doing and being ever!” This statement itself proves that Tom believes all of his dreams are lost because of his situation. Tom wishes for nothing more than to quite his job, and live a life of adventure. “I go to the movies because I like adventure. Adventure is something I don’t have much of at work, so I go to the movies.” Tom does eventually leave home at the end of .....

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The Influence That Hsi Yu Chi

.... into a corner and introduces a new hero, a monkey named Sun Wu K'ung, who is a disciple of the Tang Monk. Hsuan Tsangs other disciples are Chu Wu Neng, who is pig-man and Sha Wu Ching who is a water demon. Most scholars agree that The Journey To The West can be divided into these four systematic parts. (In chronological order,) one, the birth of the Sun Wu K'ung, his attainment of magical abilities, his crimes in Heaven and his subdual by Tathagata Buddha. Two, Hsuan Tsang's family background, .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 1618 | Number of pages: 6

The Influences Of Tolkien In T

.... praised for is fantastic mastery of language. He created two languages for his imaginary race of elves, and they both came from one central language that was derived from the fake history of the story. This fact gives the languages an incredible sense of realism. Tolkien’s fantasy world was derived from his memory of his childhood, where he spent his time in delectation of the english countryside. The remembrance of his time spent at Sarehole instilled in Tolkien a great love of nature and si .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 503 | Number of pages: 2

The Island Of Dr. Moreau

.... light of his peers in the science world he would have been persecuted. Wells tried to let this doctor run free with his experiments but found out that sometimes the furtherment of science will come back to haunt you. This book served as a good warning for evolutionary science and that it has to be watched very closely. In this case of “ The Island of Dr. Moreau “ we saw that science got out of hand and that it was not watched closely at all. It serves as a good example to the wo .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 643 | Number of pages: 3

The Joy Luck Club By Amy Tan

.... in areas such as dance, academics, trivia quizzes, and piano. After failing the tasks, June begins to feel resentful towards her mother to becoming a child prodigy. She starts to see her mothers hopes as expectations, and if June did not live up to this, she would feel like a complete failure. In one incident, during a talent show, June performs a piano piece filled with mistakes. Ultimately being embarrassed, June believed that her mother was ashamed of her. "...my mother's expression was a quiet, bl .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 961 | Number of pages: 4

The Last Of The Mohicans

.... and satisfying.” (Pattee 212) Cooper, like most romantic writers, writes about an unspoiled America. (Magill 447) He writes about the comely Glenn Falls and the pure forest. He brings the reader into his unblemished world, where everything is pure. The setting in The Last of the Mohicans shows Cooper’s deepened appreciation of nature. Romanticism is also seen in the characters in the novel. The characters are manifestly impossible. (Pattee 212) Hawkeye is one of these impossible charact .....

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The Lord Of The Flies 2

.... The first two kids are considered leaders but only to the littluns who really do not matter in the big picture. To the bigguns, Simon is just a silent and, “batty” kid who is called odd the entire story. Until he thinks he sees the beast everyone ignored him and when this happens he’s running to tell all the boys that he had seen the beast and when they see him coming they mistake him for the beast and stab him repeatedly until he is dead. Simon is really just misunderstood be .....

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The Lottery 2

.... before to make the list for the following day. He has to mix the papers up with the one with the black dot on it in the box. The head of the household picks the paper from the box to seen if their family drew the dot or not. This event takes just a few hours to accomplish. The losing family then has to draw to decide who will lose in the household. The person who draws the dot will then get stoned to death. This is a ritual for the townspeople each year. There are people who agree and disagree wi .....

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The Magic Circle

.... one of her patients. The Ugly one cures him and they become friends. Peter teaches her all he knows about the devils. Peter is a normal young child who keeps his faith in The Ugly one till the end. Peter turns into a strong young man who is very knowledgeable about anatomy and demons due to his studies in books. Bala was the neighbor who convinced The Ugly One to heal people. The Ugly One was not sure if the Bala was good or evil because of her name. The letters in Bala’s name were so simil .....

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The Mayor Of Casterbridge

.... out about this, Henchard decides to imitate Farfrae by having his own which is much bigger and lavish than Farfrae’s. On the day of the festival, it rains heavily. Henchard’s carnival is canceled while Farfrae’s remains because of an elaborate tent structure he creates. People call Henchard, “A man must be a headstrong stunpoll” (177). A synonym for a stunpoll is a blockhead. Henchard hears comments such as these and feels belittled. Henchard’s pride can not handle such .....

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The Metamorphosis Essay

.... he hears her playing the violin to the guests. At that moment he realizes what he has been starving for as he plays out in his mind the fantasy of keeping her in his room, having her play to him, kissing her, and telling her his plans of sending her to a music school. This gaining of Grete’s love and appreciation is the reward Gregor feels he has earned through his suffering. When he hears his family’s decision that he is in no way a human being and must be gotten rid of, he realises that .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 578 | Number of pages: 3

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