Ivan Denisovich
.... really expects to get out of the camp, but yet he still maintains hope and keeps a very strong personality. He took pleasure in small things that would be irrelevant to us in our daily lives, such as eating a meal. One would have to be a strong person to get true happiness just by eating a meal. Shukhov didn’t daydream about getting out of the camp or about anything in the future. He lived for that particular day and moment. Shukhov stated, when eating a meal, “It was great! This was what a prisoner lived .....
.... in the poem, displays precise meaning of each sin by its nature. The second by its significance is hunger, which is represented by a she-wolf. This beast is the symbol of all the cravings such as sex, food and money. However, the first beast that Dante sees is a leopard. His spots on the body are very meaningful; they have ability to change if we look at baby deer, for example. Therefore, the leopard is the symbol of trickery, betrayal. The Inferno by Dante as a pure piece of art intensifies our experienc .....
Jane Eyre
.... controlling and vindictive behavior proves otherwise. Jane suffers an separation from her new-found cousin when she chooses to uphold her belief that marriages should be for love and not for convenience. Despite the pain her choice brings her, she manages to maintain her independence in the face of St. John's overwhelming power over her. Her resistance to sacrificing her own beliefs for his pays off in the end. She is able to marry for love once she reunites with Rochester.
Word Count: 254
Jailer Jailed
.... to this prestigious party but can't go because he works for the press. This shows real life without its pleasantries. Because the man couldn't get into the party because he was a reporter, his public power failed him. "A Nincompoop" also shows real life as Chekhov sees it, but this particular one depicts how exploitable people are by one another. This story begins with a women's payday. But, to her surprise her employer starts to deduct for things she has broken and for other dumb reasons. When he g .....
Jane Eyre
.... with no one who cared for her and no one she cared about. When she leaves Lowood ( the school she attended as a child and teenager ), I believe she is looking for happiness. Jane is extremely independent, for instance when she walked all the way to town to mail her letter. She is also very cynical like when Mr. Rochester asks if she expects a present from him and she replies that she has done nothing to deserve a present. Mr. Rochester is the other main character of this story. He also is wanting happi .....
Jurrasic Park
.... He does while the other visitors are touring the park, and everything goes wrong from there. As he is racing to get to the dock, where a boat is waiting to take the embryos, He realizes that he has gone the wrong way. He gets out of the car to try and figure out where he is and he's attacked and killed by one of the dinosaurs. Now the power is out and all the animals can get out of the no longer electrified fences. The others are stopped in front of the T-Rex holding area and he breaks through and atta .....
Kim Kim
.... not tell that he was of the Caucasian race. One day a Tibetan lama, in search of the Holy River of the Arrow that would wash away all sin, came to Lahore. Struck by all possibility for an exciting adventure, Kim attached himself to the lama as his chela. His adventures began almost at once. That night, at the edge of Lahore, Mahubub Ali, a horse trader, gave Kim a cryptic message to deliver to a British author in Umballa. What Kim did not know was that Mahbub was a member of the British Secret Service. He .....
King Arthur
.... court, is jealous at the Yankee's success. He vows revenge for being pushed into the background. Soon, Hank is familiarly called "the Boss" by everyone. He starts an extensive program of reorganization of King Arthur's kingdom. The Boss can dictate every group in England (including the knights), except to the priests of the established church. He steers clear of this opposition group. After causing Merlin's tower to crumble with a detonation of some secretly installed explosives, the Boss is hailed as the .....
King Lear
.... retire and divide his kingdom among his three daughters. Cordelia's husband will be chosen for her immediately after Lear executes this "living will." Before he allots the shares, Lear asks each daughter to make a profession of her love for him in order to receive her entitlement. Goneril and Regan waste no time professing love for their father, but Cordelia is speechless. She loves her father as any daughter should, no more and no less. Lear is outraged by what he sees as her lack of devotion. He cuts Cor .....
Kurt Vonnegut
.... in which more than 135,000 people died due to the resulting fires (Draper, 3785). This experience had a profound impact on Vonnegut. From it, he developed his existential personal philosophy and his ideas about the evils of technology. He states, "I am the enemy of all technological progress that threatens mankind" (Nuwer, 39). The influence of Dresden shows up in each of the novels. In Cat's Cradle, one element of his experience at Dresden that Vonnegut portrays is his fear of technology. Initially, th .....
.... also means "good sense, generally accepted belief, a wise attitude or course of action and the teachings of the ancient wise men". If that is true then what does one so keen, so aware of how living things must cease to live, have to fix? Dylan Thomas appears to be telling us that wise men fear that they have not given their wisdom to others appropriately. It seems that wise men worry that all the wisdom they have accumulated over the many years of their existence was of no matter. Thomas has an eloquent w .....
Lord Of The Flies
.... the children go to him. "By the time Ralph had finished blowing the conch the platform was crowded(#32)." Next, one of the bigger symbols is the fire. Enforcing the rules is one thing, but the children would rather play than keep the fire going. Ralph gives the idea for the fire, but can they keep it going? " There's another thing. We can help them to find us. If a ship comes near the island they might not notice us. We must make a fire(#38)." Jack has a great idea to use Piggy's glasses to light the f .....
Lord Of The Flies Character Sk
.... ready to turn, to anger." p. 20 Jack is described as some sort of evil thing that is looking for trouble. From the start of the novel he does not like following rules of any kind. He only wants to hunt and have a good time. Golding uses Jack and his tribe as examples of the Beast. In the beginning of the story Jack, still conditioned by the previous society he had been apart of, could not kill the pig that was caught in the brush. As the story goes on, he becomes less and less attached to any form of soc .....
.... her time on such things. Despite the verbal abuse from her parents, Matilda continues with her interests and does what she can to get back at her father for constantly denouncing her. For instance, she replaced his hair tonic with her mother’s hair dye, causing Mr. Wormwood’s hair to be turned a platinum blonde. On her first day of school, Matilda’s teacher Miss Honey becomes very interested in her abilities, wondering where the child picked up such an ability to solve complicated mathematical equat .....
Mice Of Men
.... for upsetting George than it is for actually killing the animal. Another way that death and loss is evidenced by this novel is when Lennie killed Curley’s wife. When Lennie is in the barn (after killing his new puppy) Curley’s wife came into the barn and came on to Lennie. Lennie not knowing what was happening let her lull him into touching her hair. To Lennie it was like petting any other animal. Curley’s wife became flustered when Lennie became scared and would not let go of her hair. She started to .....