Pierre Auguste Renoir
.... in the porcelain craft shop of Levy Freres et Compagnie (www.augusterenoir.com). At age of sixteen, Renoir unveiled his first oil painting. This critical moment met with praise from his city and his parents. However, it would be some time before Renoir would consider himself an artist. He continued to paint porcelain until automation rendered hand decoration obsolete.
Since his fans required different subject matters and themes than the porcelain, Renoir renewed his visits to Louvre in search .....
Presidential Anomalies
.... At his second inaugural address, Lincoln said “with malice toward none; with charity for all; with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in; bind up the nations wounds.” Shortly after the war’s end, a fanatical Confederate sympathizer, John Wilkes Booth, assassinated him.
In 1880, Ohio Congressman James A. Garfield won the election despite a very slim lead in popular votes, however, won easily in electoral votes. He was in office le .....
.... Petition for the State of Deseret rejected by Congress, State boundaries were too large and most of that large area was unoccupied at that time. ("A Constitution for Utah", Stanley S. Ivins, Utah Historical Quarterly Volume 25 1957 p. 95.)
1850 Fall, A geographically smaller Territory of Utah was approved with Brigham Young as Territorial Governor. (Ivins, p. 95.)
1852 August 29, The revelation on celestial marriage was first made public. It was read in the conference held in Great Salt Lake Ci .....
Paul Ehrlich
.... an infectious disease transmitted by sexual contact or kissing. Ehrlich named the compound that cured syphilis “salvarsan”. This was a very effective way to cure syphilis.
II. Background
A. Family
Paul Ehrlich was born on March 14, 1854 in Strehlen, Silesia. Ehrlich was born in to a middle-class, Jewish family. He was the only son and fourth child of Ismar and Rosa Ehrlich. His father owned a small distillery. Ehrlich had an Orthodox Jewish upbringing in a time when being a Jew was cont .....
Plato And Justice
.... in all things and the Producers obey the Auxiliaries and Guardians in all things. A state may be said to be intemperate if any of the lower groups do not obey one of the higher groups. A state may be said to be just if the Auxiliaries do not simply obey the guardians, but enjoy doing so, that is, they don’t grumble about the authority being exercised over them; a state with “ordinary justice” would require that the Producers not only obey the Auxiliaries and Guardians, but that they do so willingly. .....
Pablo Friere
.... banking education maintains and even stimulates the contradiction through the following attitudes and practices, which mirror oppressive society as a whole:"(68). They are as follows:
"(a) the teacher teaches and the students are taught
(b) the teacher knows everything and the students know nothing
(c) the teacher thinks and the students are thought about
(d) the teacher talks and the students lis .....
Prophet Muhammad
.... promise and could not reach the place at the time agreed upon. When three days later the merchant passed from the place of their meeting he found the Prophet (s) standing there to fulfill his part of the promise.
When Muhammad (s) was twenty-five years old, a rich merchant widow asked him to take a caravan of merchandise for trade to Syria. Soon after this trip, she proposed to Muhammad (s) through a relative for marriage. Muhammad (s) accepted after he had thought about the situation.
Some west .....
Princess Diana
.... the fact that she is no different then you and I. This may seem like a feeble task, but to a princess, it is a task accomplished by few. Diana broke all traditions embellished into the minds of the modern day royals. She showed her two young sons love and compassion in public, never before done by a member of the royal family. Diana touched the publics heart by indulging in every day activities, in order to recognize with the public. In doing this, the public was able to relate to her. Society bega .....
A Dictionary Of Modern Revolut
.... along side with Fidel who became his closet advisor and friend.
Che was dropped from the Communist establishment in 1965 by Castro but nor officially. Che's whereabouts were not known for many months. In truth Che had been planning what would be his last revolutionary strike. This strike to be held in Bolivia to stop the suffering and dictatorship. Che was not used to having inferior army tactics that the Bolivian rebels used. This led to his unit being caught and imprisoned. Che was shot the next day .....
American Government
.... first appearance, it is questionable that an idea suppressed for centuries under the English monarchy would surface anywhere else. Moreover, it led the way for other settlements to adopt a similar code.
Another way the representative body shaped America was slavery. Most representatives approved slavery and practiced it. The early burgesses of the Virginian assembly received land as their pay wages (p.14). They needed people to work their newly acquired lands. Therefore, indentured servants were common .....
Communism Vs Democracy
.... As Winston Churchill once said, "The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries." Generally, Democracy’s seem be more successful economically.
In a democracy, money is the most dominant incentive. On the contrary, in a communist government, a person can work a million times harder than the person sitting next to him, and receive equal pay. This results in no incentive on the part of the worker whatsoever. When .....
Communism - From Marx To Zemin
.... what they want and would be lacking nothing. Marx then believed that the pleasure of seeing the fruits of labor would be enough to cause man to work (Communism, 56-62). Countries and people were soon to catch on to this ideology. The two most known of which are Russia and China.
Of the two, Russia was the first to adopt the communist beliefs. Russia already had a long history of peasant insurrection. Most of these uprisings though, were leaderless and highly unorganized. The motives of the rebels were .....
Constitutionalism: The Tyranny
.... conclusion, Tocqueville viewed the American democratic system as the archetype of success compared to the monarchical systems of Europe. Although, the US government proved to be a successful one, it still had its faults. Tocqueville believed that the majority would create a tyranny because there was no limit put on its power. Thus, alienating the minority.
Political Momentum
.... this evidence is merely a handful compared to the complete list of occurances. But let me move on to why we need a reform. in the previous point, I described the most recent development in the campaign finance debates. Despite the publicity they have acheived, and despite the public disgust of money and politics, none of it succeeded in mobilizing the public opinion for reform. The war is being waged in Washington. According to the Oct. 20th 1997 issure of U.S. News, the battle is almost strictly partis .....
Political Policies Between The
.... détente could be viewed, not as a method of preventing or deterring tension which might lead to war, but as a way of postponing their effect until the United States could more effectively deal with them. By 1976, détente was a controversial term with both left and right hands of the disagreement criticizing its development. With the Administration of Jimmy Carter, a campaign for restoring confidence in government institutions and reforming American foreign policy was implemented (Froman 1991:74). President .....