Benito Mussolini
.... party, known as the Blackshirts, of whom he was the recognized leader. In the beginning it was composed mainly of ex-serviceman, the Fascists restored order in Italy by force, breaking up the Socialist and Communist organizations of the workers. Guided by Mussolini, they aimed to seize power and bring to an end to parliamentary democracy, which they most wanted to.
When the Fascists marched on Rome in 1922, King Victor Emmanuel III decided to hand over the government to them. Mussolini was selec .....
Benjamin H. Latrobe
.... every state in the nation. Many more houses were needed to accommodate the rising population, but public buildings were also needed as well, to serve the government. Through out the country buildings were rising and new architectural ground was being broken. Latrobe introduced the ancient Greek style during this time period of increased need for homes and public buildings. Because of Latrobes knowledge, experience, and creative imagination, he could play an important role in the progress of his new .....
Benjamin Harrison
.... from 1881 to 1887 and won the good will of veterans by supporting the many private pension bills that came to him.
Great was the confusion in the Republican nominating convention of 1888. Senator James G. Blaine, the leader of the party, had been defeated by Cleveland in 1884 and refused to run against him again. The field was therefore open. Harrison was finally nominated with Blaine\'s support. Levi P. Morton, a New York banker, was named for vice-president.
Harrison kept aloof from .....
Bill Clinton
.... foreign service program and it was located in the nations capital.
He earned is Bachelor of Science Degree in International Affairs and worked an intern in the office of Arkansas Senator J. William Fulbright. He then continued college in Oxford University in England and Yale University. At Yale, he maintained his interest in government by campaigning for a Senator candidate in Connecticut. He also met Hillary Rodham, whom he would later marry on October 11, 1975.
He graduated and returned to .....
Bill Clinton
.... sexual indiscretion deserve to get him removed from office? Other options such as censorship were debated, but whether or not other options could even be discussed brought disagreement. In the end, the Senate voted against removing Clinton from office, but whether that will be the last of this matter, only time will tell.
Fifty years from now, when our grandchildren are learning about our 46th President, what will the books say? Will they explain how his moral hypocracy divided a country? .....
Bill Cosby
.... shoemaker didn=t like it when he nailed the ladies heels onto the mens shoes!
Then Bill decided to join the Navy. There he found discipline and no room to joke around. He spent four long years in the Navy but he says that it made him more mature and able to control himself better. He was trained as a physical therapist. Helping men who lost their legs and arms, he finally realized how lucky he was. While in the Navy Cosby, enrolled in a correspondence course. By the time his four years in the Navy we .....
Bill Gates
.... Instruction Code) for the new Intel chip, but the chip did not contain enough transistors to handle it. Gates and Allen found a way to use the 8008 and \"started Traf-O-Data, a computer traffic analysis company\"(Clayton 452) It worked well however, marketing their new machine proved to be impossible. \"No one actually wanted to buy the machine, at least not from a couple teenagers\"(Gates 14). Gates and Allen had more less successful endeavors in starting a software company. In 1974 Intel announced th .....
Billie Holiday
.... older she became carefree and grew to have a strong temper. One musician remembers Billie as \"a child, 11 or 12 years old, shouting the worst words she knew in the street, anxious to be grown up\" (W 35). And on the numerous occasions when Billie\'s mother was out of town, she would be out having fun without any worries.
Billie grew accustomed to using men to get money. Billie would pick up guys, pretending to be a hooker, and then she and her friend would jump him and take his money (W 28). \"She be .....
Billy Graham
.... lost on what his future would have in store for him. During this time an evangelist named Mordecai Ham came to Charlotte, to have a three-month revival. He never took too much to the idea, because he did not want to be stuck in a long and boring job that would make him sorry he was ever born. When all of Graham\'s options for summer nights ran out, he decided to go to the revival, and to see what it was all about. All the time keeping in the back of his mind how he grew up in such a religious family, and h .....
Billy Sunday
.... for his own praise. He often confused the will of God with his own social and political agenda. He even sometimes compared the gospel of Jesus Christ with special interest and American foreign policy.
Nevertheless, Billy Sunday was a sincere man whose life was fundamentally changed by his response to an evangelist’s call to repent of his sins, to believe that Jesus Christ died in his place for those sins, and to follow Christ in thanksgiving by worshiping and obeying him. Following this spiritu .....
Billy The Kid
.... Tunstall was gunned down by a group of deputies who were under the authority of Sheriff William Brady who was a major Murphy and Dolan supporter. Billy the Kid swore revenge and said he would not rest until the Murphy and Dolan group was dead. Billy had ended up killing most of the group but was still looking for Sheriff Brady. On April 1, 1878 Billy got his wish. Billy and a group of five friends positioned themselves behind an adobe wall and waited for Brady and his posse to come into town. Whe .....
Blaise Pascal
.... after visiting the young Pascal. he believed \"…has too much vacuum in his head.\" In August of 1648 Pascal deduced that, because the atmospheric pressure decreases with height, there must be a vacuum that exists above the atmosphere. Descartes wrote to Carcavi in June 1647 about Pascal\'s experiment stating: \"It was I who two years ago advised him to do it, for although I have not performed it myself, I did not doubt of its success.\" In October of 1647 Pascal wrote New Experiments Concerning Vacuums .....
Bob Dylan
.... these three (blues, rock \'n\' roll, and folk) musical styles together. Dylan soon realized that if he wanted to make something of himself, he needed to get to New York City. This was something that he had been thinking about for a long time. So one morning with nothing but his guitar and suitcase in hand, he just left. Several months later he arrived in New York with a guy that knew the city. The two immediately took a subway to Greenwich Village, where Dylan once again fell in with the artistic com .....
Bonnie And Clyde
.... Clyde’s crime streak started with helping his brother steal a small flock of turkeys and transporting them to Dallas to sell for Christmas money. Dallas officers saw the back seat full of live fowl, and pulled them over arresting them both. His brother claimed full responsibility , and they lat Clyde go since he was so small and innocent looking. Clyde soon mat up with a man named Frank Clause. Clyde soon quit his job at Proctor and gamble and began burglarizing small businesses in Dallas, Lufkin, and .....
Booker T. Washington
.... in a job well done. He would use these principles for the rest of his life. \"The lessons I learned in the home of Mrs. Ruffner were as valuable to me as any education I have ever gotten anywhere since,\" he later commented. Booker heard of a big school for Negro\'s in Hampton, Virginia, and he decided to go there. In 1872, at the age of sixteen, he set out on the 400 mile journey to Hampton, traveling most of the way by foot. When he finally arrived, he was so ragged and dirty that he almost wasn\'t ad .....