Upton Sinclair Paper
.... people of America in times of poverty and despair. Yet thousands of Americans went home each day broken and famished only to pay taxes to a government unwilling to compete with big business. As these laborers flocked to the slaughterhouse every morning they were just as susceptible to harm as the pigs themselves. They were used for the sole reason to generate immense profits with little or no care for their suffering, much like the squealing hogs thrown down the conveyor belts to be "capitalized" upon. Fe .....
Us Presidents 30-42
.... the government's deficiencies, while the President received credit for his equanimity and the economic upturn. But 1924 was a sad year for Coolidge, for in July his younger son, Calvin, Jr., died of blood poisoning.
Coolidge was fairly successful in getting what he wanted during his full term as president. Heading the list were paring the national debt and reducing income taxes, so that there would be more money for consumer spending. Other measures included orderly growth of civil and military a .....
Van Gogh
.... ask, how does a person learn about business? The first thing is to watch and observe how your boss deals with clients. Also ask questions such as, how much do you clear after selling a painting? How much do you have to pay for rent? By asking questions and observing one may learn very fast on how to run a business. Van Gogh showed much promise at the art gallery. "Everyone likes to deal with Vincent said his boss"(Wilkie Kenneth 32) On his spare time Van Gogh would leave early in the morning and "walk alon .....
The World View Of Bertrand Russell
.... In another debate with F. C. Copleston, Bertrand Russell is questioned on the subject of morals. Russell believes to understand if a man's morals are to be a sign of believing in God that must be proven (138). He believes that distinguishing between good and bad are like seeing the difference in blue and yellow. You distinguish by looking at colors but you distinguish good and bad by feelings (139). People can make mistakes in that as they can in other things. Moral obligation, from Russell's view .....
Willem De Kooning
.... taste, improvised circumstances and reinforced by confused feelings created after World War II. De Kooning was celebrated for his ferocious Women painting in 1950s. In 1956, he took a break form Women theme, and started to paint small, packed shapes with a feel for city. Woman merged into an urban landscape filled with small, interchangeable parts of the metropolitan environment. In 1963, he began a new series of Women. He painted women on tall door panels. De Kooning's art was of mutually exclusive co .....
William Bradford
.... them by the assistance of God's grace and Spirit.
Yet seeing themselves thus molested, and that there was no hope of their continuance there, by a joint consent they resolved to go into the Low Countries, where they heard was freedom of religion for all men; they resolved to get over into Holland as they could. (W. Brad Home Page).
Once in Holland, the Pilgrims discovered that religious persecution was being diffused. They picked up once again on another brave journey in search for a land that was .....
William Faulkner
.... by a young white boy named Charles Mallison. This boy had been bothered for years because he had eaten part of Lucas’s supper once. Charles tried to repay the Negro but Lucas wanted nothing in return. The boy thought he had finally repaid Lucas by proving his innocence until he learned that Lucas had given two dollars to the boy’s uncle for saving his life. Here Faulkner shows the humbleness of the black man in the old south. In this novel, Charles comes of age and realizes that the ̶ .....
William Lyon Mackenzie
.... his most famous newspaper, the Colonial Advocate. The first edition appeared on May 18, 1824. The sole purpose of this paper was to sway the opinions of the voters in the next election.
On June 8, 1826, a group of fifteen, young, well connected Tories disguised themselves as Indians, and broke into Mackenzie’s York office in broad daylight. They smashed his printing press, then threw it into the bay. The Tories did nothing to compensate him, so it was clear that they were involved. Macken .....
William Mackenzie King
.... government was shaken in 1926 by the Revelation that the Customs Department was tainted with corruption and incompetence. King William was also interested in labour coincided with an expansion in manufacturing and a concern elations. King also acted as a conciliator in a number of strikes, his major legislative Achievement being the industrial dispute investigation in the Act of 1907, which delayed Strikes, or lockouts in public utilities or mines until a conciliation board achieved a settlement or p .....
William Penn And The Quakers
.... William Markham deputy governor of the province and sent him to take control. In England, Penn drew up the First Frame of Government, his proposed constitution for Pennsylvania. Penn's preface to First Frame of Government has become famous as a summation of his governmental ideals. Later, in 0ctober 1682, the Proprietor arrived in Pennsylvania on the ship Welcome. He visited Philadelphia, just laid out as the capital city, created the three original counties, and summoned a General Assembly to Chester o .....
William Wells Brown
.... and the people for slavery. Clotel, or The President's Daughter is also used as a reference to what slave life really was. Brown described in vivid detail about how and what it felt like to go to the auction block. He discussed how his master would make him shave the older slaves' heads to make them look younger. Brown talked in length about how families are broken up on the auction block. Since Brown himself was separated from his mother, this may have been the hardest for him to accept. He als .....
Woodrow Wilson - Foreign Policy
.... the economy and to command the armed forces, never interfering with either. By September 1918 Germanys army was in retreat, its civilians hungry and exhausted.
Wilsons' real heart was in peace. He insisted on going to the Paris Peace conference himself, where he was greeted by European crowds cheering wildly. He and three other men, known as the Big Four, including Premier Vittorio Orlando of Italy, Prime Minister David Lloyd George of Britain, and Premier Georges Clemenceau of France drew up the .....
Woodrow Wilson
.... of the Atomic Energy Commission and Assistant Secretary of State, not the presidency of the university!). From the governorship, Wilson began his successful campaign for president of the United States. He won the Democratic nomination after a protracted contest, on the forty-sixth ballot.
During the campaign in 1912, Governor Wilson again suffered from mild and temporary neurological problems (now called Transient Ischemic Attacks, or TIAs, they are minor strokes without detectable lasti .....
Walt Whitman
.... rather a poem about life and its ultimate search for meaning.
Through cataloguing, Whitman is able to touch on a broad range of topics that he feels will capture realistically capture one's own life experiences. Catalogues of seemingly unrelated events makes for a diverse poem, touching on many aspects of everyday life and ultimately invoking various emotions and relationships in the reader. An important theme in the poem is that of memories. The idea of memories is alluded to through the 'Song .....
Walt Whitman 2
.... in his writings, such as in I Hear America Singing (Whitman, 3). For some reason, Whitman enjoyed many of the strong workers that did the manual labor for the steel mills, and many other strenuous jobs.
This time in American history was nowhere near the homosexual revolution, so by saying this, Walt was ahead of his time. Him being gay and all made him even more of activist, and more outspoken to the public.
After the war had occurred, the South began its reconstruction. Now this may sound .....