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Rosa Parks

.... protesting segregation in her own quiet way. She did this by resiliently walking up the stairs of a building rather than riding the elevator marked for "blacks only." She also often avoided many segregated activities such as traveling by bus, preferring to walk home from work when she was not too tired to do so. Busses were a constant irritation to all black passengers. Front rows of busses were reserved for whites only and off limits to blacks even if the bus was very crowed and there weren't enough whit .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 774 | Number of pages: 3

George Washington Carver

.... to exist. He supported himself by varied occupations that included general household worker, hotel cook, laundryman, farm laborer, and homesteader. In his late 20s he managed to obtain a high school education in Minneapolis, Kansas, while working as a farmhand. After a university in Kansas refused to admit him because he was black, Carver enrolled at Simpson College, Indianola, Iowa, where he studied piano and art, afterward transferring to Iowa State Agricultural College (Ames, Iowa), where he received a .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 1140 | Number of pages: 5

Marie Curie

.... at the top of her class. That s ame year, Manya left for the countryside in order to relax. A year later, Manya returned home ready to return to school. Since girls were not permitted to attend university in Russian Poland, Manya and her sister Bronya, decided to study at the Sorbonne University in Paris, France. However, they face one major p roblem, they had no money. In order to save money, the sisters decided to give private lessons, business was poor, so they made little money. Manya, wanting to kee .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 2635 | Number of pages: 10

Hank Williams

.... Alexandria, Louisiana(Scott 14). The name Hiriam was actually supposed to be Hiram, but it was misspelled. Hank lived a poor childhood as a result of his father’s going away. The family ended up moving to Georgina, Alabama. There, Hank was forced to shine shoes, sell peanuts, and peddle seed packets- anything that might earn him money. His mom eventually became financially stable, but Hank enjoyed his life on the streets (“Hank Goodness 50). At the age of twelve, Hank met Rufus Payne, a black street .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 1197 | Number of pages: 5


.... wrote anything down himself. After learning that some of the church’s beliefs were all wrong, he started to tell people this and they looked at him in a whole new manor. He went from seeming very dignified to just another poor commoner on the street. Once more and more people learned about him, they began to stay away from him, forbidding their kids to listen to a word that he said, for he was contridicting everything that Athens has stood for and known their whole life. He was put to trial and found .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 378 | Number of pages: 2

Al Gore For President

.... Many single parents are struggling to work and raise their children. Some parents can’t afford childcare and healthcare for their children. In order to reduce these problems, gore has decided that he wants to put care giving, support groups in many small communities. As well as after school childcare that is high quality and low cost. He also has some changes to make on our health insurance benefits. All children and parents will receive health insurance, small businesses will receive the same .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 566 | Number of pages: 3

The Life Of Author Harper Lee

.... the two white women, the jury found them all guilty. This case left a lasting impression on Lee. She used this case as a rough basis for some events that took place in To Kill a Mockingbird. Lee first attended college at Huntington College in Montgomery, Alabama from 1944-45. In 1945 Lee decided to pursue her law degree at the University of Alabama. She stayed at the University of Alabama until 1949. She also studied for a year at Oxford University in England. Lee never completed her work for her law .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 552 | Number of pages: 3

The Life And Times Of Peter Straub

.... the test. The car was going to hit me, and I was going to die.”2 Along with his year in a wheelchair, he developed certain emotional quirks. Because of the long hours sitting, Peter read even more so than ever. And once able to walk again, his misfortune did not leave him alone. Straub soon developed a severe stutter which accompanied his speech into his twenties, and even now, at 57, still puts in an appearance. Another very unfortunate incident occurred to Peter as a child, which he refrains from sp .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 1962 | Number of pages: 8

The Grotesque In Flannery O’Connor

.... the fundamental struggles of human beings. However, she did not limit herself to the simple questions of right and wrong, good vs. evil. O’Connor’s characters struggle in their daily lives to overcome their violent inner conflicts. In “Good Country People,” O’Connor begins with the grotesque description of Joy, also known as Hulga, and her missing leg. Her leg was shot off in an unfortunate hunting accident when she was only ten. For more than twenty years, she has been limping with one leg. Hulga h .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 922 | Number of pages: 4

The Life And Times Of Edgar ALlan Poe

.... Allan's business partner once said: "No boy ever had a greater influence over me than he had." At the age of fifteen he became a lieutenant in the Junior Morgan Riflemen. As second-in-command he was reviewed by the popular Marquis de Lafayette whom two weeks earlier had praised Edgar's grandfather, General David Poe, for his good work. Edgar was, when he returned to Richmond, known as Edgar Poe rather than Edgar Allan, to emphasize that he was not formally adopted by the Allans. Rosalie on the other h .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 12002 | Number of pages: 44

Alexander Hamilton

.... Her husband had made it public that Hamilton and his brother were illegitimate children. Alexs mother had now been declared a whore. After his mother’s died of yellow fever her husband sued for everything she had so that he could deprive the whore children of anything that could help them. Through all these tribulations Hamilton realized that nothing would be handed to him and he would have to work harder than anyone else to make a name for himself. With his new found know .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 2588 | Number of pages: 10

Malcolm X

.... over four hundred years. The X represented the African tribal name his ancestors had lost when they were brought in their millions as slaves from Africa to America. From his initial, radical stance as a "Black Nationalist" seeing evil in all whites, he came to think that blacks and whites could work together for international revolution, a belief that ultimately led to his murder in 1965 by rival Black Muslims. Though he came from the American ghetto, spoke for the American ghetto and directed his messa .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 2423 | Number of pages: 9

Charles Darwin

.... life form through a branching process called "specialization." (Which seems like a very shifty idea.) He set these his theories forth in his book called, "On the Origin of the Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favored Races in the Struggle for Life" or "The Origin of the Species" for short. After publication of Origin of Species, Darwin continued to write about botany, geology, biology and zoology until his death. Darwin's work had a tremendous impact on religious thought. Man .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 544 | Number of pages: 2

Interview With Karl Marx

.... the history of class conflict between competing economic groups in which one exploits the other. The result of that was capitalism, which only led to destruction. The increasing number of workers (thesis) were being exploited by the owners of the means of production (antithesis) who were only allowing the wealth to concentrate amongst few through competition. To increase their own profits, the wages were as low as possible. Economic crises would prevail until the workers would unite and overthrow the ce .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 611 | Number of pages: 3

William Shakespeare And His Life

.... would be studying his work. He wrote his play for entertainment and would be amazed at how much we learned from his work. Shakespeare also had a major impact on the English drama. He changed it from the stiff formalism of the Greco-Roman tradition to something more realistic. His plays are more dynamic than the medieval morality plays that he use to watch as a child. However, they are more sophisticated than the plays written by his contemporaries. His most popular plays were his first four history .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 483 | Number of pages: 2

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